Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




Ali entered the palace that night lost in thoughts. He went directly to the stables to find Reeh, his faithful friend. When the horse saw Ali he neighed happily.

"How are you boy?" Ali said caressing Reeh's mane. "Oh, you are dying for a ride, aren't you? To tell you the truth, I am too."

Ali caressed Reeh's head, his mind totally lost in his thoughts.

"You know," He said after a while. "I really need to know… I've been waiting for this moment to come forever, Reeh… the time has come!"

Reeh made a noise and shook his head. Ali patted his forehead and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, pal… I'll be careful."

Ali left the stables and headed directly to Aladdin's studio. He knew his father would be working there, and he was right. From the hallway he could see the light in the studio. He approached slowly and stopped at the door. He peeked inside carefully and saw his father hunched on his desk, working on some papers. He leaned against the frame and for a few seconds he stared at Aladdin in silence. The Sultan of Agrabah had a very serious expression on his face.

"I want to find out who you really are…" Ali whispered for himself. "I need to know!"

He rubbed his forehead as if in pain and took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing!"

He stepped into the room trying to look as casual as possible.

"Hey dad!" He said cheerfully. "How are you?"

"Hello Ali." Aladdin smiled at him. "I'm working a little here… I'm just checking these documents…"

"Oh, do you want me to do that for you? You look tired."

"That's okay, I'm almost done here."

Aladdin signed a couple of papers with a security that Ali really admired in his father. The young prince smiled as he kept his eyes on Aladdin's face.

"That's it!" Aladdin smiled putting the documents aside and not noticing Ali's inquisitive look. "So, what's up son? You're home early tonight… where's Azul?"

"Oh… she… I-I just took her home… um… you know how Bassel insists on those family dinners once in a while…"

"Yeah… but I thought you'd have dinner with her."

"Well… I just figured she needed some time with her family… and I also could spend sometime with you… if you have the time."

"Ali," Aladdin laughed softly. "You know I always have time for you."

"I know, dad."

"So, are you feeling better? After that TERRIBLE accident you had today… poor thing!"

"Oh yeah…" Ali laughed softly. "Poor me… believe it or not dad, it was a real accident and it hurt… as a matter of fact my back hurts a little but… oh well… that was funny… you know what I loved? When we were there on the floor Cassim entered the library… the kid freaked out!" Ali laughed.

"Oh, I can imagine that." Aladdin laughed happily. "But you had your reward after saving the lady's life, didn't you? Oh Ali, that girl is spoiling you! She really over pampers you a lot!"

"C'mon dad, you know better than anyone there's no such thing as over-pampering."

"I know…" Aladdin laughed. "And I'm proud to see my son learned so well the advanced stuff."

"I have good teachers."

"Sure you do!"

"But… I think I need some explanations here."

"What kind of explanations, boy?"

"Well… something weird happened today… when I was in agony and Azul was pampering me we were reading this book… a chronicles book…"

"Well, you have those memorized, don't you Ali?"

"I know… but this one was stuck in the back of a book shelf in the library. I'd never seen that one book before."

"Anything interesting?"

"You could say that… dad, I must confess I'm shocked…" Ali said teasingly. "We were reading… and we came up with this chapter… a chapter that talks about the Witches of the Sand…" Ali stopped, a sly smile on his face and noticed how Aladdin was rubbing the back of his neck. "… a certain witch of the sand more precisely."

"Oh, I know…" Aladdin said sheepishly and Ali thought it was funny to see his dad blushing like that. "Now I know why Azul is not here… I think she has some questioning of her own to do in her home."

"You can say that."

"So…" Aladdin smiled shyly. "I guess the secret is out."

"Why didn't you ever tell me about that before?" Ali laughed softly. "Azul and I are shocked… really shocked!"

"Oh Ali," Aladdin was laughing softly. "You must understand how weird this is for me… I mean, me and the mother of my son's fiancée…"

"Talk about a real scandal!" Ali laughed.

"Oh well… what can I say? Weird things happen when you are young… I guess this was just one of them."

"Does Sadira really have magical powers? Can she control the sand?"

"Believe me son, she was never good at it… it's a good thing she quit magic for good… after she defeated the witches of the sand."

"She did it? Wow!" Ali interrupted him.

"Yes, she did… Sadira has always been a very dear friend of your mother and I… and what happened between us when we were young… well…" Aladdin laughed.

"Did you guys kiss?" Ali asked mischievously.

"Ali!" His father scolded him.

"Oh, I'm sorry dad… but this whole thing is just… hilarious!"

"Well, it wasn't hilarious for your mother!"

"So you DID kiss!"

"Only two or three times…"

"Two or three times?" Ali pretended to be shocked. "Father, that's scandalous!"

"Oh no!" Aladdin laughed. "I was under a spell the whole the time! I swear it!"

"Yeah, right…" Ali laughed. He really enjoyed teasing his father.

"Besides," Aladdin said slapping Ali's head playfully. "I'm not having this conversation with you, smart boy!"

"Geez, dad…" Ali was laughing. "I wish I could've seen mom then… oh, I'm sure those were very interesting episodes in your past!"

"Oh, I don't want to even think about that!" Aladdin was giggling.

They laughed for a minute, Aladdin remembering the old times and Ali trying to imagine those scenes. After a while Aladdin looked at his son and smiled.

"That's why we all were so… I don't know… happy and yet impressed when you and Azul… I mean, my son and Sadira's daughter… this is… just… oh, I don't know!"

"Well, I'm glad things turn on this way, dad… for you guys and for me and Azul."

"Yeah… I'm happy to see you so happy. And Azul is very dear to your mother and to me. She's the best woman you could find."

"Believe me dad, I know… I'm a lucky guy."

"You are, kid... and you really have to treasure and to value what you have… we still have a conversation to finish."

"I know… and you know I value and treasure what I have… you, mom… Azul… and you know what's funny?"


Ali stopped and decided it was his chance.

"Well… sometimes at night, when I'm in bed I think about my life… and I can't remember what my life was like before Azul…"

"Yeah…" Aladdin said getting serious. "I know the feeling…"

"So…" Ali said a little nervously. "How was it for you, dad?"


"Your life before mom…"

Aladdin looked at the documents on his desk and played nervously with the quill. Ali looked at him hoping in his heart his father would tell him what he needed to know.

"Before Jasmine," Aladdin said after a while. "Life wasn't life…"

"That's a very vague answer, dad."

"Believe me son, there's nothing more to say." Aladdin tried to smile.

Ali shook his head in a frustrated and annoyed gesture.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Whenever I ask you about your life before mom, you always say stuff like that… it doesn't tell me anything!"

Aladdin sat back and looked at Ali for a second. Suddenly the courage abandoned Ali under his father's look. That expression in Aladdin's face and the look in his eyes were something Ali had never seen before.

"I…" He stammered softly. "I'm sorry dad… maybe I shouldn't have said that… I know you don't like talking about it but…" Ali looked at his dad and felt his heart throbbing in his chest. "But I need to know, dad… for your past is part of my own past too… I have to know… I want to know!"

Aladdin looked at Ali's face. He could see that he really wanted to know and how serious Ali was.

"You really want to know, do you?" Aladdin asked softly. "You've been serious."

"I am… dad, I… I just don't know… I know so little about you… and I've spent years trying to solve the puzzle you are to me… and I want you to know that you are not alone. You have me… and I know I cannot do anything to change your past, but I'm here in your present… and I'll be there in your future… but look at me dad, I'm 21 years old now… in a few months I'll be a married man… and I need to know!"

"I know…" Aladdin said. "Maybe this is something I cannot keep to myself anymore… maybe I really need this… for my own good… there are things that not even your mother knows about… but then I look at you, Ali… at the man you are now. It's hard for me to accept you are not my little boy anymore… you are a man… and I think I can share these kind of things with you now."

"You know you can!"

"You are old enough to understand now."

"Understand what? I only want to know!"

"But in order to truly know, you have to understand… your mother knows the meaning of that…"

"… what do you mean, dad?"

"Your mother knows my heart and soul, son… and yet, there are things that are just to painful… to horrible…"

"Dad… I-" Ali knew his dad was opening his heart for him there and that touched him.

"I don't like to talk about this…" Aladdin said softly. "But I'm going to just for you… I don't think anyone else will ever get this out of me… this is only for you, Ali… my son… but I tell you about this on one condition…"


"You don't tell anyone about this… not to your siblings, not to Azul, not even to your mother… this is hard for me, Ali… and I want to keep this just between you and me…"

"You know you can count on me, dad."

"I know… I really know that… Ali, listen to me, I never wanted any of my loved ones to have to go through what I did. I want to protect you all so much… even from my own past… that's why I don't talk about it at all… because it still hurts sometimes… but now I look at you… and it makes me happy to see you grow up as a happy and mature young man… someone who's not only my son, but my best friend."

"Aw, dad!"

"The single most important thing that made me the man I am today is your mother… but before your mother… son, before your mother life was hell…"

Aladdin and Ali.

Aladdin and Ali were locked in that studio for several hours. Aladdin opened his heart to his son as he had never done with anyone before. He told him everything about his past, his childhood, the things he had to live through when he was a poor orphan living in the streets of Agrabah. What was said that night in that room only Aladdin and Ali knew.

Jasmine was a little alarmed for she couldn't find Aladdin anywhere. She came to the studio and pushed the door slowly, not making a sound, for the rumor of soft voices could be heard inside. The scene she saw was one she'd never forget. A scene she'd always treasure in her heart. Aladdin and Ali were there. Aladdin was talking softly and Ali was right there, in front of him, listening closely to what his father was saying. She saw the expressions on the faces of the men she loved so much and she knew something important was happening there and she didn't want to interrupt it.

"Finally Aladdin…" She whispered softly. "Finally you are letting it out… you think I know nothing about it, but I've been listening to what you mutter when you are sleeping for 25 years now, my love… and I know how terrible it is and I know how it hurts you… I'm happy to know you finally decided to let it out… and I think Ali is the best man to listen to you… to listen to his father…"

She smiled softly and closed the door carefully behind her.

After a long heart-to-heart chat Aladdin sighed deeply and leaned back against the wall. Ali was just looking at the floor, a really preoccupied expression on his young face. He looked up at his father, his words still rolling in his head.

"Oh dad… I had no idea…" He whispered. "I never imagined…"

"Well… now you know… that's the story of my life."

Ali shook his head and said nothing. He only went closer to Aladdin and closed his arms around his father, embracing him tightly for a long while.

"I can't believe you'd be able to love after all that… how your heart couldn't have been hardened…" Ali whispered in Aladdin's ear.

"Your mother helped me to overcome all those hard years, son… her love healed all my old wounds… and then came you… and your siblings… you all are my life, Ali."

"Oh dad…"

"The day you were born, I vowed that I would NEVER allow anything like that happen to you… or to any of my children."

Ali was speechless. He only hugged Aladdin tighter and hid his face in Aladdin's neck.

"Thank you, dad…" He said after a while. "Thanks for the wonderful life you've given to me… thanks for your love… for your devotion to your family."

"Ali…" Aladdin said hugging him just as tight. "Thanks for helping me to let this out… this is something I was really needing… I feel better now… thank you, son… it really touches me to see the way you care for me."

"You are very important to me, dad… you know that."

"I know… and this was good for me… I feel relieved now."

"I love you dad…" Ali said after a while. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Ali… son."

Ali sighed deeply and he brushed Aladdin's cheek with his lips, kissing his father amorously. Aladdin smiled, tears in his eyes and when Ali pulled away, he patted Ali's cheek affectionately.

"It's late, son… go to get some rest… we both deserve it."

"Yeah…" Ali smiled.

He put his hand on Aladdin's shoulder, rubbing it friendly.

"Good night dad… have a good rest!"

"I know I will son… thank you."

Ali smiled and left the studio, walking slowly towards his room. Suddenly a voice stopped him.

"Ali, son… where's your father?"

"Mom!" He tried to smile and kissed Jasmine's cheek. "He's in his studio."

"I noticed you were busy there… are you done now?"

"We are… we just had a father and son talk…" He smiled. "A man-to-man conversation."

"Oh I see." Jasmine smiled and caressed Ali's face. "You look tired sweetheart… you should go to take your rest."

"Yeah… I'm tired…" Ali kissed Jasmine's cheek. "Good night mom… see you in the morning!"

"Sleep tight!"

Jasmine headed to Aladdin's studio when Ali's voice stopped her.


"Yes dear?"

"Love him mom… love him as much as you can… he deserves it!"

Jasmine smiled, tears in her eyes. Ali smiled back at her and without saying another word he headed to his room.

* * * * *

Jasmine entered the studio. She was expecting to find a very sad and depressed Aladdin, but instead she saw him still sitting on his pillows, staring at the window and a small smile on his lips. He looked so relaxed that Jasmine had to smile.

She came behind him slowly and suddenly Aladdin felt Jasmine's arms around his shoulders. She kissed his cheek fondly.

"I've been looking all over for you, Aladdin." She said softly. "Everything is fine?"

"Yeah…" He smiled at her. "Well, except that your son found out about me and Sadira." He laughed happily. "The kid was teasing me… that boy!"

Jasmine had to smile and hugged Aladdin tightly.

"So you and Ali had a good time together, I see."

"We did… we were just talking."

"You talked for hours… what was that conversation all about?"

"Guy stuff." Aladdin winked at her.

"Oh, I see… well, good for you you have someone to share your 'guy stuff', huh?"

"Yeah…" Aladdin said absently, smiling proudly. "It's good to talk with someone who really understands you… a guy… Ali has grown up into a wonderful man, don't you think? I'm so proud of that kid."

"Me too. He is a wonderful man and a wonderful son. But he's wonderful because he has a wonderful father."

"Aw, Jasmine." Aladdin smiled at her.

She smiled, still hugging him and kissed his cheek once again.

"Are you feeling alright, Aladdin?"

"Perfect… why?"

"I don't know… I just thought you'd be tired."

"I'm tired, but I'm feeling good as never before… I feel relaxed… happy…"

"That conversation with your son made you feel great, didn't it?"

"Absolutely… you know my love, it's great to know you can talk with someone who really cares for you… someone you can share everything with."

"The guy stuff?" Jasmine said playfully.

"Yeah, the guy stuff!"

"I'm glad to see you so happy, Aladdin… but you are tired… so, let's go, time to go to bed… you need your rest."

"Sure I do." Aladdin smiled standing up and closing his arms around Jasmine's waist, pulling her closer. "Thank you, Jasmine!"

"For what?"

"For all these blessed years… for all the happiness, all the love, all the patience and all the support and help… and thanks for the wonderful family you've given to me… thanks for making my life right."

"You are welcome." Jasmine smiled tenderly at him.

Aladdin smiled and leaned to kiss her lips. They kissed tenderly for a while, thinking how blessed those 25 years had been and knowing for sure that their future was bright for them. They pulled away slowly and Jasmine smiled ant took Aladdin's hand.

"Now let's go… time to go to bed!"

"You show me the way." Aladdin smiled mischievously. "I'm right behind you!"

Jasmine smiled back at him and they left the studio, closing the door behind them and going to their room.

* * * * *

But for the Prince of Agrabah things were different. As much as he wanted to sleep he just couldn't. He was rolling in his bed, not finding a comfortable position to fall asleep. He just couldn't get his talk with Aladdin out of his head.

"How could you keep all of this for yourself all these years?" He whispered. "What they did to you, dad? Why did things have to be that way for you? For you of all people! You are the greatest man I know… oh dad… I'm so sorry about the whole thing! I just wish there was a way for me to help you!"

Finally he just left his bed and even if it was past midnight he went to the stables. He entered Reeh's place and the horse neighed happily when he saw Ali.

"It's me old friend…" Ali smiled hugging the horse's head. "How are you? I know it's late but I really needed some company… remember when I was just a little boy and I often fell asleep in here? My dad had to come to pick me up ant take me to my room, remember?"

Reeh made a soft noise.

"Yeah, I know you remember… Reeh I just… I just don't know why things have to be this way… but you know? This night I've understood a part of my parent's life I'd never seen this way before… the way they support each other… and how they are each other's source of strength… I mean, I've seen that my whole life but tonight… tonight I've learned a lot about them… about myself… and I love them now more than ever, Reeh."

Ali looked at Reeh. The horse was staring at him with his big dark eyes. Ali smiled and sat on the floor.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a while?" He said. "I just… I don't want to be alone…"

The faithful horse made a soft noise and laid on the floor beside Ali. The prince smiled and rested his head on Reeh's neck, playing absently with Reeh's mane. A million thoughts were rolling through his mind.

"Don't worry, dad…" He muttered after a while. "Your secrets are safe with me… this is something between you and me… and what we talked tonight no one will never know about."

Ali yawned and closed his eyes falling asleep, his head resting on Reeh's back. The horse rubbed affectionately his nose against the face of the sleeping Ali and he closed his eyes, resting his head on the floor, preparing to get some sleep of his own.

* * * * *

When Azul entered the palace early the next day she was informed Ali was in the dinning room. She rushed to go there and when she entered the place she found Ali all alone in there. He had his elbow resting on the table and his cheek resting on his hand while he was absently moving the spoon inside his cup of coffee. His gaze was lost in space and by looking at his face Azul knew he was sleepy.

"Morning sweetie!" Azul greeted him. "Are you alright? You look so tired!"

"Uh?" Ali said coming back to reality. "Azul! Good morning blue eyes! I worked late last night and I'm really sleepy, that's all…"

"Aw, my poor Ali!" She said getting to his side and leaning over to kiss him.

She pressed her lips against Ali's and for once the young prince didn't respond to that kiss.

"Are you sure you are fine?" She asked concerned.

"I am." He tried to smile. "I'm just… so sleepy."

Azul sat beside him.

"Where's everybody?"

"Cassim must be attending his classes already and the kids just left… they are in their studio waiting for you… and my parents are oversleeping this morning."

"The Anniversary mood, isn't it?" Azul smiled.

"Maybe." Ali tried to smile.

"Well, time to go to work." Azul said standing up. "So, see you later?"

"Sure…" Ali smiled absently. "I'll be around, okay?"

"That's fine." She said a little concerned. She leaned and kissed his forehead lovingly. "See you later Ali."

"Azul!" He stopped her.


"I was just wondering… uh… did you have that conversation with your mother?"

"Well…" Azul shrugged. "More or less… we talked a little… not much though. She told me everything about her crush on your father and I was laughing… funny things happened back then… but that was it… why?"

"Just wondering." Ali said.

"Although I saw her talking to my dad a little later… I don't know, I guess I just removed the past a little… and I think it's good when they have that kind of conversation, don't you think?"

"It is very good."

"Oh well…" Azul smiled. "It's late… I better be going."

"Alright… Azul!"


"Uh… we… I really have to talk to you later."

"Are you alright Ali?"

"I am."

"But… what's wrong then?"

"I-I just… well, last night my dad and I… that… that conversation I was waiting finally happened…"

"Oh Ali!" She smiled. "That's good, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Ali tried to smile. "But I really need to talk… I promised my dad I'd keep his secrets and I will but… I need to talk… not about my father but about me."

"I understand… and you know I'm here to listen to you."



"I love you!"

"Love you too, Ali!"

* * * * *

Ali slowly opened the door of Aladdin's studio and he saw his father in there, working as always.

"Dad?" He entered the room. "How are you?"

"Ali!" Aladdin smiled at him. "Good morning son… come in…"

"I was just… I was wondering… are you alright?"

"I am… I'm perfect Ali… why?"

"I don't know… you never showed up for breakfast and I was kinda worried for you."

"Oh…" Aladdin smiled mischievously. "Your mother and I had breakfast in bed."

Ali smiled when he realized that Aladdin was in a good mood and that he had nothing to worry about.

"The anniversary mood, huh?" Ali laughed quoting Azul.

"You can say that." Aladdin giggled. "Did you have a good rest?"

"Oh… well…"

"You look terrible son… you look tired."

"I'm fine… I just… didn't sleep much last night… I was thinking about a lot of things and… well, I guess I just need to get a nap or something."

"I'm sorry to know you had a bad night, Ali." Aladdin said concerned.

"That's okay, dad… last night's chat made me think a lot… but I feel so much better now… and I just want to let you know that whenever you need someone to talk, well, here I am."

"I know that, son… and I appreciate it. I feel much better now… last night's chat was really relieving for me."

Ali smiled and put a bag on Aladdin's desk.

"Well… I just… I have something for you, dad… I wanted to wait to give you this until the anniversary but I feel like giving this to you now."

"And what is it, kid?"

Ali smiled and took two swords out of the bag. Aladdin smiled. Those were beautiful swords. Two identical swords.

"Well… what do you think?"

"They are beautiful Ali… where did you get them?"

"Azul and I found them in an antiques store near the market and she thought they would make a wonderful gift for you… I want to keep one of them and I want you to keep the other one… they are the best swords I've seen… not only beautiful but powerful swords… the man told us they belonged to a powerful magician."

"They are beautiful indeed…" Aladdin said examining them. "And the inscription… 'I will change your destiny'… that's an interesting inscription."

"It is… but the best part is this…" Ali said pointing at Aladdin's name engraved on the blade of the sword, next to the handle. "I had out names graved on them… this is your sword and this is mine."

"Oh Ali…" Aladdin laughed. "This is fantastic, son!"

Ali smiled and took a hammer and some nails from the bad. Aladdin looked at him questioningly but Ali only winked at him and nailed the nails in the wall right in front of Aladdin's desk. He took the swords and placed them on the wall.

"There…" Ali said stepping back to see the crossed swords on the wall. "I think they look great that way, don't you think, dad?"

"Yes." Aladdin smiled. "Thank you Ali… this is really a very nice gift."

"It's more than that, dad… look at those crossed swords… you and me, dad… we are here to protect each other and to protect the ones we love, don't you think?"

Aladdin looked at Ali. The Sultan of Agrabah was all teary eyed. He just nodded at his son and placed his arm around Ali's shoulders. Ali smiled proudly at his father and they looked at the swords on the wall. Those swords were a real symbol of union and protection to them.

* * * * *

That evening Azul went to the menagerie. She was done with the tutoring for the day and she went to look for Ali there. She went to their favorite spot in the garden and found Ali there, sitting under a tree, his arms folded under his head, his head leaning back and his eyes closed. She smiled tenderly and went to Ali's side not making a sound. She leaned over and kissed Ali's lips.

The unexpected touch of Azul's lips took Ali by surprise. He opened his eyes wide and smiled when he noticed who was there. Azul giggled when she pulled away.

"Surprise, surprise!" She said mischievously sitting beside Ali.

"What a surprise!" Ali smiled. "I totally lost track of time… I was going to go to pick you up… what time is it?"

"It's almost six."

"It's late."

"How are you? I didn't see you in the palace the whole day."

"I was busy helping my dad in the throne room and then I went to the city to take care of some official stuff… I was really tired so I took a short nap… but I've been pretty busy today."

"You look so tired!" She said concerned.

"I am… I'm going to bed early tonight."

"You have to promise that to me… you've been working really hard lately, Ali… your royal responsibilities, your Grand Vizier job, your training with the army… the anniversary stuff… you really need to slow down sweetie."

"Maybe… but then again after the anniversary I'll have all the responsibility of Agrabah on my shoulders when my parents are on their trip."

"That is going to be quite a surprise to them… they are going to LOVE it."

"I know." Ali smiled. "And after that we'll be busy preparing our wedding… so, I don't think I'll have the chance to slow things down."

Azul smiled dreamily at Ali's words. Ali smiled back and took her hand. For a moment they said nothing. After a while Ali talked softly.

"But don't worry, blue eyes, after our wedding we'll have lots of time to relax on our honeymoon!"

"You really think so?" Azul smiled at him.

"Mischievous girl!" Ali laughed softly and leaned over to kiss her.

When they pulled away Azul rested her head on Ali's shoulder. He put his arm around Azul's shoulder and rested his head on her hair.

"Last night I had this… deep conversation with my dad… about his life… his past… that conversation I was waiting forever to come."

"And what happened?"

"He told me a lot of things about him… you know Azul, that man really surprises me every day more and more. I loved him and I admired him before but after last night… well, I love and admire him even more. And I'm so grateful to my mom for what she did for him… for what she does for him."

"Your heart is beating really fast, Ali… I can only imagine all the kind of emotions that conversation brought to you."

"Yeah… I know it did good to my dad… somehow it was good for me too. Now I feel more mature… more ready for life somehow. Now I understand my dad even better. You know Azul, he's the best friend I've ever had… I mean, YOU are my best friend ever but… well, my dad is something else."

"I know." She smiled. "And I understand… he has always been there for you from the first moment. And he loves you above anything else. It is amazing the way your dad loves your mother and his children!"

"He loves you too, Azul."

"I know." She smiled. "And I love him."

"I've been so blessed having them as my parents. I have everything I need. I've always had love, protection, support, food, clothes, education… I have everything Azul… just everything… and it's thanks to them… my dad had nothing… and I feel awful but then I think I can't change the past but I'm here with him now."

"And you will always be."

"Yes… always."

They were silent for several minutes, just thinking and meditating things. After a while Ali smiled happily and looked down at Azul.

"So… how did your conversation with your mom go? You said you were laughing."

"Oh yes." Azul laughed straightening up and looking at Ali. "She told me everything about her spells to win your father's heart… that was hilarious… do you really want to hear this?"

"Of course I want! Every word of it! I really need new material to tease dad!"

"Alright," Azul laughed. "My mom told me one day she was in the marketplace…"

Ali and Azul spent several hours talking and laughing and sharing a good time together. For Ali those had been important days. He needed to take his final steps before taking his place as a family man. And by knowing his father's past Ali knew for sure he had taken a big step. He knew in Aladdin's eyes he just had crossed the line that separated the boy from the man. And he promised himself that no matter what, he'd be by Aladdin's side forever.

*        *        *

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