Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




That night Ali was walking Azul home after a long day. They were so tired and it was obvious in their faces. They were walking slowly, hand in hand across the dark streets of Agrabah.

"Remind me never organize my parent's 25th anniversary again, Azul... this has been chaotic!"

"Frankly my dear, I don't think you could organize their 25th anniversary ever again."

"Yeah... well, that was dumb..." He said sheepishly. "I'm just so tired. Official stuff, the army, the anniversary... we don't even have time to spend together! We've been spending all of our time working non-stop..."

"Are you complaining?"

"Of course not... and you know that. I'm happy about this but I feel just tired. I wish I could sleep a whole day. Besides, you know what I miss?"


"Out rides to the oasis... I'd love to spend a lazy afternoon there with you. It's been years since the last time we were there together..."

"I know." She stopped at the door of her house. "But we'll have time for that later. Now we have to focus in the anniversary. In a couple of days your sister will be here and then the big day will arrive."

"Yeah..." Ali sat on the doorsteps. "Twenty five years... that's a lot of time."

"I know." She said sitting beside him. "But I'm sure those 25 years have been like a wink to your parents."

"I think so too." Ali smiled at her. "Time flies when you're with the right person... with the person you love."

Azul smiled at him caressing his hair lovingly.

"I just keep wondering what the future holds for us." She said. "We have many years to come and I wonder..."

"Blessed years." Ali said. "I've been thinking a lot about our married life, blue eyes..."

"Oh, really?" She smiled. "Do you see anything interesting in our future?"

"Well... I see us together... living a happy, blessed life... I cannot tell you what the future holds for us but I can tell you what I see in our future between us... I see you as the most wonderful wife anyone could ask for."

"Aw, Ali... I see you as a wonderful husband too."

Ali smiled at her, took her hand and rested his head on Azul's shoulder.

"We are going to have our own private wing in the palace. I've been talking about this to my father and he's making arrangements already. Our own private quarters. And I want you to approve the decoration... it's a very nice wing of the palace. We'll have a wonderful view of the menagerie and plenty of rooms... our own room, even a small dinning room... and enough space for a nursery and a couple of extra rooms... a private garden since I know how much you like gardening... as I said, the north wing is a big wing and it's all ours."

Azul looked at him, a tender and excited expression on her face.

"What?" He laughed softly.

"This time is for real, isn't it, Ali?"

"Of course it's for real." He straightened and looked into her eyes. "We've been engaged for two years now. We wanted to give us time, to get to know each other. After these two years I don't have any doubt, blue eyes. I know for sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I do too, Ali." She smiled warmly at him. "I have this... certainty... something that tells me inside that the time is right for us now... Ali, I want to be your wife."

Ali smiled. His heart was melting for her.

"And I want to be your husband, Azul... more than anything in this world... I want to have you with me day and night... I want to sleep with you, dream with you, wake up with you... I want to share my whole life with you... unconditionally."

"Ali..." She smiled blushing.

The prince of Agrabah smiled tenderly and caressed her cheek.

"Do you have any date in mind? When would you like our wedding to be?"

"I don't know... we just keep saying 'In four months... in two months...' but we never actually have thought about a specific date."

"I know... and I'll tell you what, right now we have so much in mind but in a week or so we'll sit down and talk seriously about this... and we'll set a date, okay?"

"Sounds good to me."

Ali smiled and kneeled, taking her hands in his.

Love's Proposal

"Azul, you've been here by my side for the last two years... you know me better than anyone else... you've been my inspiration, my fire, my light, my everything... you've been here in the good times and in the bad times... you've seen my craziness and my worst part... after knowing all you know about me... do you still want to marry me?"

She smiled tenderly at him.

"Ali, my love, because I know you so deeply... because I've known your best and your worst... because I know you are a crazy boy... because all of this I'm in love with you. In love like never before.... Ali, I WANT to marry you... I want to spend the rest of my life with you... in good times and in bad times... I really don't know what you did to me but I just couldn't live without you."

Ali said nothing. He just leaned over and embraced her tight as never before. He was crazy in love with that girl. He just didn't know what to do with himself. That feeling was stronger than him. Stronger than his will and stronger than his own life. After two years he knew that the world could collapse and be destroyed and yet his love for Azul would remain the same.

They pulled away slowly after several minutes. They looked deep into each other's eyes, smiling happily. Finally Ali just pressed his lips against hers tenderly. After that they stood up laughing softly.

"See you tomorrow sweetie!"

"Sweet dreams blue eyes."

They smiled at each other tenderly and Azul opened the door of her house. She winked at Ali and closed the door behind her. Ali sighed dreamily and turned to leave. He walked on air all his way back to the palace.

* * * * *

The next day Ali was in the throne room attending official affairs with his father and some of the advisors of the Court of Agrabah.

"... and we're setting those kinds of fees for the oncoming trade caravans Sultan. Last month we had 3 trade caravans, 2 of them from the Far East and according with the reports from the council of commerce of Agrabah just the taxes for those caravans exceeded in..."

Aladdin was hearing the advisors talking and he was trying to follow them but he was gazing at Ali every now and then. The young man was totally lost in his thoughts, his mind away and his gaze lost in space. Ali was just sitting there, his cheek resting on his palm and the elbow on the table. He had a contented smile on his face and Aladdin noticed that every now and then he was sighing deeply. As much as Aladdin was trying to ignore it he couldn't help but smile at his son who was the perfect image of a man in love and he couldn't stop thinking that 25 years ago he was doing the exact same thing.

"I really think it's a good proposal from the commerce council of Agrabah." Cassim's voice brought Aladdin back to reality. "We have all the facts in this report and they show this is working... what do you think, father?"

"Um..." Aladdin smiled. "Yeah, well... I really need to read those reports calmly and analyze them carefully. I don't want to make any decision this way. So, I'll let you know what I think about this after I've studied this, alright?" Aladdin said taking the bunch of papers and documents before him and handing them to Ali. "Here son... we'll review this later."

"Uh?" Ali said waking up from his daydream. "Oh yes... yes... I'll take this there..." He said not knowing what Aladdin was talking about. "I'll take care of this... um... thing..."

Aladdin giggled softly and Cassim shook his head slightly giving Ali a disapproving look. Ali was just rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the documents he had in his hands, not knowing what to do with them.

"Take them to my studio." Aladdin said amused. "I'll be there in a minute."

"Um... yes dad..."

Ali left the room and Cassim left right behind him.


"Oh Cassim, thank Allah it's you... tell me, what's this all about?"

"Ali, what's wrong with you? That was a very important meeting... in your hands you have very important documents and reports about the economical future of the city... I can't believe you were daydreaming while we..."

"I wasn't daydreaming!" Ali tried to defend himself. "I was just... uh... I was... um... okay, so maybe I was daydreaming but I have good excuses. First, that was a BORING meeting. I don't know what's wrong with these guys. Look at this Cassim, a whole bunch of papers and documents... this is a waste of time. If you really want to help Agrabah, roll up your sleeves and go outside to work hand in hand with the people... I believe in hard work, not in meetings and councils..."

"But this is something that has to be done!"

"When I'm Sultan I'll establish a policy of more sweat and less papers!"

"Ali, you know better than..."

"Besides," Ali interrupted Cassim. "I didn't sleep well last night... as a matter of fact I haven't slept well in the past couple of weeks and I'm tired... yesterday I took care of a bunch of official issues in town... and that guy at this meeting has the most boring voice I've heard... it was almost like a lullaby for me..." Ali laughed. "He was talking about economics and trade and stuff... what I was hearing was 'Sleep well little cute Ali, have a good rest...' " Ali said singing that little song.

Cassim shook his head helplessly and Ali laughed. They entered Aladdin's studio and sat in front of the desk. Ali took one of the documents and started to read.

"Well... this is better... I hate meetings. Now let's see here... oh geez Cassim, did you know that last month we had 3 trade caravans, 2 of them from the Far East?"

"Ali, when you were day dreaming in that meeting the man was saying that!"

"Wow!" Ali said placing the document aside and getting all dreamy eyed. "Far East... hmmm... I wonder if Azul would want to go there?"

"Ali!" Cassim said a little annoyed. "Could you please focus on this?"

"Sorry..." Ali smiled. "It's just that... oh, forget it..."

"I know, I know... but I'm really worried here, you know? You want mom and dad to go on that anniversary trip and I'm really concerned about them leaving all the responsibility of Agrabah in your hands! And I know they will!"

"Shhhhh!" Ali said going to the door. "Keep it low! They could hear you and that'd ruin the surprise!"

"But Ali I---"

"Oh, c'mon little brother, you'll be here to help me rule Agrabah in our parent's absence... what could go wrong?"

"Well... I---" Cassim stammered and Ali laughed.

"This is going to be a wonderful surprise!" Ali said rubbing his hands together.

"What surprise?" Jasmine's voice sounded behind.

"Ugh!" Ali said softly, closing his eyes and shrugging. "I just messed it up!" He whispered softly to Cassim, not facing Jasmine. In despite of it all a small, smug smile appeared on Cassim's face.

"Mom!" Ali said turning to Jasmine and bowing graciously. "You look beautiful this morning... beautiful as always!"

"Slow down, boy!" Aladdin's voice came to them and he appeared in there. "Stop flirting with my girl!"

Aladdin placed his arm around Jasmine's waist and pulled her to him. Jasmine laughed softly and Ali smiled at them.

"I'm sorry, Sultan... but I just had to say that. You have a beautiful wife... and if you behead me for my boldness, it'll be worth it after seeing such beauty."

Aladdin laughed and looked at Jasmine.

"The kid is good, isn't he?"

Ali smiled and kissed Jasmine's cheek.

"Good morning mom."

"Good morning Ali..." She smiled at him. "Good morning Cassim..." She said touching Cassim's shoulder.

"Good morning mother."

"So," Jasmine said. "What's that surprise you were talking about Ali?"

"I--- I just..."

"Surprise, huh?" Aladdin said. "Does it have something to do to the fact that you were lost in space during the meeting by any chance?"

"Uh..." Ali blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... maybe..."

"And what is it?"

"Well..." Ali decided to tell them about the other surprise. "I just... I was talking to Azul last night..."

"I knew it had something to do with Azul!" Aladdin said triumphantly.

"Yeah... well... I just... uh... mom, dad... Azul and I have decided to set a date for our wedding... I mean, we don't have the date yet but last night we talked about it and..."

"And...?" Jasmine said excitedly.

"I asked her to marry me... again... and she accepted... again..." Aladdin and Jasmine smiled. "We decided we'll talk about this seriously next week after things have slowed down a little... with the anniversary and stuff... but if you think this is convenient I'd like to set the date in 2 months."

"Two months!" Jasmine laughed happily. "Oh, what a blessed day! Ali, you know you have all our support and our blessing."

"Two months sounds great to me." Aladdin said. "Enough time to have things ready... and we have to start preparing things now!"

"I was telling her about the arrangements we're doing in the north wing... our future quarters." Ali smiled dreamily. "And she was so excited about it... I just want to have everything ready for her."

"We can have the ceremony in the same wedding pavilion we had ours." Jasmine said excitedly. "Would you like that Ali?"

"Oh, I would mom... I'd love it!"

"Well," Cassim said seriously. "In any case and despite of all this is a royal marriage. I suggest you start thinking about the royal invitations Agrabah will send to the other kingdoms... weddings are always a good way to keep alliances strong... even if only with an invitation."

Ali was so happy that he decided to overlook the insinuations Cassim was doing about Azul not being from royal blood.

"I tell you what, little brother..." Ali said happily. "Make the list of the invitations that have to be sent... I really can't think about that when my head is lost in the clouds... when I'm feeling so dizzy... so excited..."

Ali sighed and looked at the window. Suddenly his dreamy expression was replaced by a worried one.

"Oh my gosh!" He said. "It's almost 11:00... I have to be training with the army at 11:00 and then I have some stuff to supervise in the new hospital of Agrabah... I better be going!"

"Hurry up son!" Aladdin smiled.

Ali turned to his parents. He kissed Jasmine's cheek and patted Aladdin's back.

"See you later!" He said.

When he passed behind Cassim he messed the boy's hair. Cassim protested annoyed.

"Good luck with the invitations little bro! See you!"

Ali left the studio and Aladdin and Jasmine smiled at each other happily. Cassim was tying to fix his hair.

"Must he be this way?" He said.

"That's just the way your brother is." Jasmine said amorously.

"He's good." Cassim said. "But his attitudes..."

Aladdin laughed and sat down looking up at Jasmine.

"If they are getting married in two months I have to hurry up that project of that beach house in Alexandria."

"I know..." Jasmine said placing her hands on Aladdin's shoulders. "That's going to be the perfect wedding gift for them."

"And the perfect spot for their honeymoon."

"I know..." Jasmine leaned over to kiss Aladdin's cheek.

Cassim made a little face and stood up.

"If you excuse me, father... mother... I'll be in the library."

He bowed formally and left the room. Aladdin and Jasmine looked at him and smiled thinking how different their sons were.

"Well..." Jasmine said sitting beside Aladdin. "Let's start here... we have a wedding to plan!"

* * * * *

That night in Azul's house they were having dinner. Bassel always insisted on having his family together for dinner and usually Ali would join them but that night Ali wasn't there.

Sadira and Bassel noticed how absent minded Azul looked that night. She was chopping the food with her fork but she wasn't eating at all. Her gaze was lost in space and she had a small smile on her lips.

"Azul?" Sadira asked. "Aren't you going to eat at all?"

"Wha--?" She said coming back from her trance. "Oh... mom... I-I'm not really hungry... I just..."

"Are you feeling alright?" Bassel asked concerned.

"Oh, feeling great dad!"

"You've been acting strange the whole day." Sadira said. "Is everything okay with you? How things are going with the kids?"

"Things are going great... everything is just perfect..."

"Then it has to be Ali." Sadira smiled at Bassel.

"How's everything going with the boy?" Bassel asked.

Azul smiled at her parents and blushed a little. She looked at her food and spoke in a quiet voice.

"Perfect dad... just perfect... he... he just..."


"Last night... he asked me to marry him... he proposed again."

"He did?" Sadira smiled. "Isn't that just wonderful?"

"Well, I'm happy to know Ali is not taking things for granted with my daughter." Bassel smiled approvingly.

"Oh, he never would." Azul said. "He is so sweet... he was worried that after these two years I could've changed my mind... but the truth is I'm in love as never before."

"We know." Bassel said.

"So... what happened next?" Sadira smiled mischievously. "You hugged, you kissed, you mushed for a while... and then? Did you set a date already?"

"Mom!" Azul protested and blushed.

Bassel laughed and took Sadira's hand.

"Your mother and I were engaged for six months before our marriage." He said. "And those six months were eternal for us... we just think after two years you and Ali must be dying to get married."

Azul said nothing. She just smiled tenderly and kept her eyes low, a light blush on her cheeks.

"It's been a long wait." She said after a while. "But it's been worth it. We've grown up together in so many ways. I think we made the right decision waiting these two years... I don't know, but after the war Ali was so disturbed and so stressed. I don't think our marriage would've worked then. He needed to resolve his personal things... to overcome his fears... and I needed to get used to the idea of being with him... with a prince... I needed to overcome fears and insecurities of my own."

"But you've overcome all those fears and insecurities together." Sadira said.

"Yes, we have... he's always been there for me... I've always been there for him... after the war... in those dark moments... and in the good moments too... I love him... I love him so much."

"And he loves you too." Bassel said. "It's amazing what that boy is willing to do for you... and the way he looks at you... the way he smiles at you... he's so in love with you."

"He is..." Azul smiled shyly.

Bassel and Sadira exchanged looks and smiles. But then Azul was talking. It was a whisper.

"Mom... dad... we've decided we want to get married... Ali already talked to his parents today and... we don't have the exact date yet but... in two months... and... and the arrangements... two months..."

"Two months?" Sadira smiled. "Oh my gosh! This is just too wonderful! Oh Bassel, we'll have a wedding! Our daughter is getting married in two months!"

Azul smiled up at her parents. Sadira looked really happy. Bassel was smiling tenderly. He was teary eyed and Azul noticed it.


"It seems like only yesterday." He said. "When I put my little daughter to sleep every night... when I saw you running around the house, playing happily... when you were only 4 years old and I took you every afternoon to the beach in Alexandria to pick up shells and to build sand castles... and now look at you, Azul... you are a grown up woman... not my little girl anymore... and tonight... well, I've known this for 2 years now. I know you are in love and I couldn't be happier. I love Ali deeply and I know he's the right man for you... but I guess I never actually expected you to come in here to tell us that... that you are going to get married in just... two months..."

"Aw, daddy!" Azul said embracing Bassel. "I'll always be your little girl... always..."

Bassel smiled and hugged her back tightly.

"You will always be my little girl... my blue star."

Bassel pulled away and tenderly cupped Azul's face and brushed a rebel tear that was running down her cheek. He smiled and kissed lovingly Azul's forehead.

"He better make you happy!" He smiled.

"He will." She smiled back. "Otherwise he'll have to deal with my father."

They laughed and embraced once again. Sadira was smiling at them lovingly.

"Alright," She said when they pulled away. "Now let's focus here... we only have two months and a lot of things to prepare... first of all your wedding dress, Azul..."

"A crown of flowers would look great on you, daughter!"

Azul smiled. It thrilled her to see her parents so excited about the idea of her marriage.

"A crown of flowers would be great, dad."

"I'll get the best fabric for the dress..." Bassel was saying. "Tomorrow I'll visit the fabric market and I'll pick up the best fabric I can find... something from Damascus would be great... I'll talk to my friend Masour, he has this store that..."

Azul and her family stayed up late that night. And all they were talking about was Azul's wedding and how happy they were... and how happy Azul and Ali would be in their blessed marriage.

* * * * *

It was the first hours of the evening the next day when a couple was wandering around the menagerie of the palace. Prince Mahdi and Princess Yesenia of Astaseez had just arrived in Agrabah a few hours ago and after saluting Yesenia's parents and Cassim they went to take a walk in the menagerie. They were tired after the travel and they wanted to relax a little. And to meet Ali. But the young prince was taking care of some royal issues in town.

Yesny and Mahdi were walking near the royal stables when they heard the sounds of a horse approaching. The steps of the horse and then a neigh. Yesenia turned to her husband.

"It has to be Ali..." She said happily. "We haven't seen him in two years!"

Mahdi and Yesny turned and discovered Reeh approaching the stables slowly. Ali hadn't seen them yet. Yesny blinked a couple of times.

"Is THAT Ali?" She said to Mahdi.

"Well... he's mounting Reeh... he has to be Ali."

Despite his common clothes Ali looked so princely on Reeh. His mind was lost in his thoughts and he had a small contented smile on his face. Yesny and Mahdi noticed how different he looked. He looked like an adult now, more mature and somehow wiser. He was a little taller than the last time and more built up. Even his hair was a little longer.

"Ali!" She called her brother when he was close enough.

That voice brought Ali back to reality. He looked at the place the voice had come from and a broad ear to ear smile appeared on his face.

"Yesny!" He said jumping to the ground and running to his sister. "You are here!"

Yesny noticed that even his voice was a little deeper now. Ali embraced her tightly and Yesenia noticed how strong her brother was.

"Whoa!" She said. "Ali... what's happened to you?"

"Wha--?" He said releasing her. "Why?"

"You look so... different."

"Different?" Ali laughed. "Not at all... I'm the same old Ali... oh Yesny, I've missed you a LOT!"

"You've missed me so much that you haven't set foot in Astaseez for the past two years!"

"Well, you haven't come to visit either."

"I came once... and I was told you were in Alexandria."

"Oh..." Ali smiled at the memories. "Yeah, I remember that."

"Visiting your in-laws?"

"You can say that."

Ali turned to Mahdi and smiled.

"Mahdi! Brother! How are you?"

Ali went to embrace his brother in law and the Prince of Astaseez smiled.

"I'm fine Ali... but I must agree with Yesenia... you've changed... I expected to find the old Ali... but you are so manly now."

"Geez... thanks." Ali smiled.

"Azul has been good to you, hasn't she?" Yesny smiled.

"Well... she makes sure I eat my vegetables." He laughed. "And I'm still training with the army so... this is the result... I think."

"Where's Azul anyway?" Yesny said. "I really want to see her!"

"So you haven't seen her yet? When did you arrive?"

"A couple of hours ago... we were with my parents and we got to say hi to Cassim."

"Oh well... come with me, Azul is with the kids... oh, they all will be happy to see you guys! Follow me!"

"Alright..." Yesny said following Ali. "Now, what about this wonderful party you have prepared for our parents?"

"I'll tell you everything about it... now come."

* * * * *

Ali opened the door of the twins' studio and peeked inside. Azul and the kids were hunched on the table. Azul was telling them something and they were listening carefully as they were reading a book. Ali smiled proudly at his Azul.

"There she is..." He whispered to Yesny and Mahdi. "She's so good with the kids... look at her!"

Yesenia smiled and pushed the door loudly entering the room by surprise.

"Hey, kids!" She said happily.

"Yesny!" The twins cried happily and ran to climb on their sister.

Ali looked at Azul. She was approaching the scene, smiling happily.

"Hi there!" Ali said softly and kissed her lips lightly.

"I had no idea she was here already!"

"Well, the anniversary is tomorrow... I was hoping she would be here by now." Ali smiled.

"Azul!" Yesenia said when she could get free of her siblings. "How are you?"

"Yesny! It's so good to see you!"

Yesny and Azul embraced fondly and then Yesenia looked at her frowning.

"I was hoping you could come to visit us in Astaseez."

"Oh, we've been so busy here..." Azul smiled. "But believe me, we are always thinking about you."

"Geez... two years and look at you guys!" Yesny laughed. "I could barely recognize Ali and you Azul... you look great!"

"Thank you Yesny!" Azul smiled shyly. "You look wonderful too!"

"Azul..." Mahdi said taking Azul's hand and kissing it politely. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Oh, Mahdi... I'm so happy to see you."

"So," Yesny said. "Two years... any sight of wedding yet?"

Ali and Azul looked at each other and smiled.

"Well..." Ali said. "You can prepare another little trip to Agrabah in two months."

"Two months?" Yesny laughed. "Oh, that's wonderful! Another party!"

"Yeah..." Azul said. "Our wedding!"

"And you'd better make it exciting." Yesny winked at them "I won't come if it's just another boring palace banquet."

"Don't worry Yesny!" Ali smiled. "It's going to be a wedding to remember!"

"You know Azul, I'm surprised you still want to marry Ali after knowing him for two years!"

Azul looked up at Ali and laughed softly.

"Oh thanks!" Ali said sarcastically. "It's more amazing Mahdi is STILL married to you after knowing you for three years!"

"It's been an interesting three years." Mahdi laughed happily.

"Hey!" Yesny laughed.

"For me," Azul said grabbing Ali's arm. "It's been the most wonderful two years of my life."

Ali smiled warmly at her and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him. He leaned and kissed her lightly, big smiles on their faces. They pulled apart and grinned at each other. Ali rested his forehead against hers.

"Oh yeah, lovebirds... wedding mood is in the air." Yesny said bringing them back to reality.

Ali and Azul blushed and laughed happily but they stayed close to each other.

"Well," Najila said happily. "In two months we'll have another party... Azul and Ali are getting married and then they'll have babies!"

"And we'll play with them!" Nasir said excitedly.

"Why you don't have babies yet, Yesny?" Najila asked.

"Yeah! You've been married for a LONG time!" Nasir finished.

"Mahdi knows how to control himself." Yesny smiled at her husband. "As for Ali and Azul, knowing them and for what I've seen so far, that will happen real soon!"

Ali and Azul blushed deeply but smiled anyway. He pulled her closer to him.

"Well... are you tired? Want to do something?"

"We have so much catching up to do." Yesny smiled grabbing Mahdi's arm. "C'mon, let's go to have some coffee and pastries and gossip for a while."

"Can we go?" Najila asked.

"We'll be good!" Nasir replied.

"If we said no you'd still be spying us from under the table." Yesny said.

"Oh yeah." Ali laughed. "You and I know about that."

The siblings laughed happily.

"C'mon... let's have a family reunion now... a big happy family reunion."

All of them left the room talking friendly and preparing themselves for an evening of fun and craziness.

* * * * *

That night the Royal Family had a special dinner. A family dinner. Aladdin and Jasmine were proud and happy to see their whole family sitting around the table that night. All their kids were there: Ali, Yesenia, Cassim, Najila and Nasir and the new members of the family, Mahdi and Azul.

"This is a very special moment for us." Aladdin was saying. "For Jasmine and for me... because 25 years ago we were about to get married and now, after all those years is a real blessing to look around this table and find you all in here... our family... the people we love the most in this world... and now, 25 years after we can look behind us and see all what we've lived together... the good and the bad times... the good times always exceeding the bad times."

Aladdin took Jasmine's hand and kissed it.

"But very soon we'll be celebrating another wedding in Agrabah..." Jasmine smiled at Ali and Azul. "Who could've thought that 25 years later we'll be preparing the next Royal Wedding of Agrabah?" She laughed.

"I'm sure it's going to be huge." Yesenia smiled. "And we don't want to miss it."

"Oh well, we don't want a fancy party or a big thing." Ali smiled at Azul. "We just want to be together."

"But it's an important day for Agrabah." Aladdin said. "And a very important day for the family... so, I'll make sure this party is worthy of the heir of Agrabah... you really need to set a date kids."

Ali and Azul smiled tenderly at each other and held hands.

"Is there going be fireworks?" Najila asked.

"What about music?" Nasir completed.

"Fireworks, music, big celebrations, I'll order to illuminate the whole city... a lot of presents and many surprises." Aladdin smiled.

"Well, dad... mom... we have surprises of our own for you." Ali smiled proudly. "As you know, we've been preparing tomorrow's celebrations... we are going to have a big party and of course the ceremony you wanted... it's going to be great!"

"We know..." Jasmine took Aladdin's hand. "And we really appreciate it, kids."

"It's going to be the best celebration ever." Aladdin smiled.

"Well," Ali winked at them. "I'll make sure no ones appears in here to ruin your anniversary... don't worry about that."

"Frankly Ali, the only person that could ruin it would be yourself..." Yesny laughed. "You've grown up to be quite a character in this family."

Ali sent Yesny an evil and yet playful look.

"We only wanted it to be a familial thing." Jasmine said.

"And it is mom... only your family and Agrabah's people."


"But there's a special surprise for you... a very special surprise."

"And what is it, boy?"

Ali smiled at Azul and she handed him something. Ali walked to Aladdin and put that little something in his hand.

"What is this kid?" Aladdin opened his hand and looked at that thing. "A key?"

"Don't you recognize it?"

Aladdin and Jasmine stared at the key for a couple of seconds. Then a broad smile appeared on Jasmine's face.

"That's the key of the house in the mountains."

"Your honeymoon spot." Ali smiled.

"But..." Aladdin laughed. "What's this for?"

"Well, you have been working so hard... we just thought you deserved a break... so, what do you say? Everything is ready in here... tomorrow, after the anniversary party you two."

"But," Aladdin interrupted. "We can't do that son... I have a lot of things to do in here and... I'd love it but..."

"Oh, don't worry dad!" Ali punched playfully Aladdin's arm. "I'll cover for you."

"Now I am scared!" Yesenia laughed.

"Hey, I can be a very responsible person... and this only will be for a week or so. I've talked with the royal advisors and they all are willing to help me... also Cassim has volunteered to help me... and Azul volunteered to take care of the kids."

"Yay!" Najila and Nasir said excitedly.

"As you see dad, we have everything covered."

"Well..." Jasmine smiled. "In the Sultan's absence the Grand Vizier has to cover for him... I think this is good for Ali... and it is definitely good for us Aladdin."

"Yeah..." Aladdin smiled happily. "Only for a week... what can it hurt?"

"This is going to be the best anniversary ever!" Jasmine smiled.

* * * * *

That night after dinner Ali walked Azul home. It was a lovely night. A crescent moon in the sky and lots of stars in the desert canopy. Azul kept her eyes on the starts while walking, her hand in Ali's, allowing him to lead the way.

"They were really happy and surprised about the travel..." Ali was saying. "I knew they'd love it... it's been a while since the last time they had time for themselves and I just thought this was a perfect way to celebrate their anniversary... 25 years! Wow! That number seems so big to me!"

"They are happy... and I'm happy for them. But now while they are away we have to do our best here. We have to demonstrate to them that they can trust us."

"Yes..." Ali said thoughtfully. "Sometimes I have the feeling that no one trusts me... as a person who can take Agrabah's throne someday... I don't know, I just feel that way sometimes."

"Don't say that Ali... your parents trust you and the proof is that they never hesitated to accept this gift and leave Agrabah in your hands... and you know I trust you with my heart."

"I know... but the advisors..."

"Don't mind them! You are the Grand Vizier and the heir."

"Yeah... but I was talking to Cassim the other day and I was telling him how boring burocracy is... the official stuff makes me sick... I know it is necessary but then I look at my parents... my dad is always working in the city and my mom is so involved with her people and I think that's the way things are supposed to be... I'm out here... I know the people of Agrabah by name... you know whenever I'm required I'm the first one to roll up my sleeves and work... but when I'm in those meetings in the palace and I'm bored... well, everyone is looking at me with an accusing look... what do they know about the real world?"

"Don't torture yourself." Azul smiled at him. "Here's your chance to prove you are a fair ruler... I think this is an opportunity your parents wanted to give you long ago... now you'll show them who you are."

"Oh no..." He smiled. "We'll show them together blue eyes... you are going to be here by my side... you, the future princess of Agrabah."

"That sounds impressive." Azul said softly.

They stopped outside Azul's house.

"Well," Ali said placing his arms around her waist. "You are impressive, that's all I can say."

"Such a big statement coming from the boy who fought a war."

"And you think I'm impressive because I fought a war?" He laughed. "Oh, you have no idea of the kind of impressive things I'd be willing to do for you." He said playing absently with Azul's necklace.

"Would you fight for me?" She smiled playfully.

"I would DIE for you, Azul!" They looked deep into each other's eyes and kissed softly.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day, blue eyes... we should have some rest now."

"Yes... good night Ali..." She said kissing his cheek. "See you tomorrow."

"Sweet dreams angel!"

She opened the door and before she entered she turned to Ali and smiled lovingly at him.

"I love you!"

*        *         *

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