Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




When Ali returned to the palace he saw light in Aladdin's studio. He smiled and went there. When he entered the room Aladdin smiled at him.

"Ali! I knew you'd come here."

"How are you, dad?" Ali said sitting in front of Al.

"Oh, I'm just perfect... we had a great night. The whole family together. Isn't that amazing?"

"It is... I was really hoping for Yesny and Mahdi to make it in time for the party. I just knew how important it'd be for you and mom to have all their children here for the anniversary."

"Yeah... all my children... even thought Yesny will be leaving Agrabah the day after tomorrow."

"I know. Mahdi told me... well, he's Astaseez's heir, he's as busy with his royal responsibilities as I am with mine... it's tough."

"It is... that's why I want to thank you for this unexpected gift... this travel."

"Oh geez dad... you deserve it!"

"Well, it's going to be great to go back there... to our honeymoon spot... your mother and I have so many wonderful memories of that place... we came back to visit it when your mother was pregnant with you."

"That's so cute... I just want you guys to have fun, to have a good time away from all the worries and stress of Agrabah."

"Thank you son... but knowing that tomorrow it's going to be such a busy day I know we won't have time to talk so I wanted to talk to you tonight."

"Sure dad... what's up?"

"It's about the same thing... Ali, this is a very important moment for your mother and I. And a very important moment to you too. We are celebrating 25 years of life together... but at the same time we are seeing our oldest son become a man... right now you are taking all your final steps... we had that conversation days ago and believe me son, after that I could never see you as a kid anymore. As hard as it is, in my eyes you are a man now."

"Aw, dad...!"

"You are going to get married in a couple of months... and now you'll take full responsibility of Agrabah while I'm away... son, you have no idea how proud of you I am... when I look at you... so kind, so handsome... so brave... so smart."

"Oh dad, stop it!" Ali smiled shyly. "What you see here is the kid you raised, nothing more nothing less... a boy who knows the size of his father... who has always looked up to you!"

"No Ali... you are the man you decided to be... and I'm proud of you son."

"Thank you father!" Ali responded in a very serious tone.

"Now I just wanted to ask you to take good care of Agrabah while I'm away. It will only be a week but still... you know how important Agrabah is for me and for your mother."

"Don't worry father, I won't let you down. I'll do my best!"

"I know you will... and also take good care of the family... of your siblings."

"Oh, we have that covered." Ali smiled recovering his playful mood. "Cassim can take good care of himself, but don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him... as for the twins, well, Azul will cover for me there."

"I know..." Aladdin smiled. "And that's my third request... take care of Azul son... after 25 years of blessed marriage that's the best advice I can give you, love her, respect her, pamper her... and take good care of her."

Ali smiled. He was teary eyed.

"Don't worry dad... she's safe with me."

"I know... and I trust you Ali... as my son, as the General of the Royal Army, as the Grand Vizier... and as a man."

* * * * *

The next morning Ali was in the wedding pavilion. He was on a ladder fixing the last tapestries. Azul entered the place and smiled when she saw him there.

"Wow!" She said.

Ali looked down at her and smiled.

"Good morning my love!" He said happily. "Yeah... it looks great, doesn't it?"

"Well, it looks fantastic." She smiled. "But actually I was more impressed by the fact that you are awake this early... it's not even 10:00 am yet!"

"Geez!" Ali laughed still fixing the tapestries. "A guy oversleeps a couple of times and he's teased about it for the rest of his life!"

"A couple of times?!!" Azul laughed. "Oh Prince Ali, not even YOU believed that!"

"Well," He looked down at her. "At least I don't have that tendency to fall off ladders."

"It was an accident!" Azul laughed.

"Yeah, right! I can't blame you though... your hero was there to catch you... you know, now I'm having this urge to jump off this ladder."

"Don't even think about it, hero!" She laughed. "As much as I'd want to save your life I don't think I could... I'm not strong as you are!"

"Nah..." Ali said descending the ladder. "You don't have to be strong to save a life... not in the body at least... you only need a strong heart and I know you have it... I'm pretty sure you'd save my life without even thinking about it."

"You can be sure I would." Azul said kissing him when he was on the floor. "How are you today?"

"I was good... then you came in and now I'm perfect." He grinned. "So, what do you think? The pavilion is ready."

"And looking great!" She said looking around.

"Well... it's exactly the same as it was the day my parents got married... the same kind of flowers, the same tapestries, the candles... just everything!"

"Oh, this is so wonderful!" She said dreamily.

"Hey!" Ali said taking her hand. "Come here!"



Ali led Azul to the dome in the center of the pavilion. Ali took a flower from one of the vases and placed it in Azul's hair. Then they climbed the steps to the top of that place. Once they were there Ali took Azul's hands and smiled at her.

"Can you imagine it, blue eyes? In two months we'll be here... in our own wedding."

"Yeah..." She said softly, her voice reflecting her joy and excitement.

"The room is going to be filled with people..." Ali said gesturing at the hall, his voice echoing in the huge place. "And there will be a lot of noises... a lot of people... but you and me... we won't be hearing anything... I can only imagine the moment my dad says 'with the holy kiss you are wed.' And then... and then..."

Ali felt his body shivering with emotion just at the thought of it. He leaned softly and searched for Azul's lips with his. She was very excited too. She was trembling in Ali's embrace. They fused into a deep loving kiss. When they pulled away Ali smiled tenderly at her.

"And then you'll be my wife." He whispered.

"And you'll be my husband."

They stayed there, looking deep into each other's eyes and smiling tenderly. They were lost in the other... lost in their thoughts and in their dreams.

But soon the spell of the moment was broken by Yesny's voice.

"Ali? Are you in...?" She stopped when she saw her brother and Azul in there. "What are you guys doing up there?" She laughed. "Practicing for your wedding?"

"Well..." Ali took Azul's hand and they descended. "Kinda."

"Good morning Yesny!" Azul smiled at her.

"Hi Azul... you poor thing... Ali, give her a break!"

"Oh, that's okay." Azul laughed. "I'm not sure I want a break."

"Well, I was going to ask Ali where you were, Azul."


"Yeah well... I need some stuff for tonight and I guess I just need to go to the marketplace... and Mahdi is with dad... royal issues, you know... and I was wondering if you could go with me."

"Oh sure!" Azul smiled. "It'll be my pleasure!"

"Aw, can I go?" Ali said.

"Oh no!" Yesny replied. "Girls only! My sister in law and I have a lot of things to talk about... we don't want guys around, right Azul?"

Azul smiled at Ali and patted his cheek affectionately.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll go to that pastry shop and I'll get you a bag full of your favorite candies."

"Yay! Thanks blue eyes!" Ali smiled.

"You are spoiling him, Azul." Yesny laughed.

"At least someone loves me and cares for me!"

"Well, I'm sure she only wants to keep your mouth full with candies to stop you from kissing her the whole time."

Ali blushed and Azul laughed and gave him a small hug.

"I'll see you later Ali."

"Take care." Ali kissed her forehead softly. "And you Yesny, don't spoil her, okay? That's my job!"

Azul and Yesenia laughed and left the pavilion.

* * * * *

The marketplace was full of people at that time of the day. Everyone was getting ready for the celebrations of the anniversary. A big party was prepared in the streets of Agrabah and everyone wanted to be part of it and to celebrate the happiness of their beloved rulers.

Azul and Yesenia were on their way back to the palace after their shopping expedition. Yesny was carrying a big bag with all the stuff she had gotten for herself while Azul was only carrying a small bag with the candies for Ali.

"My brother has always had a sweet tooth." Yesenia was saying. "But I never thought he'd find someone who'd please his every wish... I've never seen him acting like this with anyone before, Azul... the way he acts with you."

"What do you mean?" Azul smiled. "The way he acts with me?"

"Well... you know, so mellow and... mushy... he used to be more serious in the past... now he's really playful."

"A lot of things have happened between us in these two years Yesny... I guess we've built some sort of wall of protection around us... I don't know... after the war... it was not easy for him to overcome that. So every time I see him acting silly or playful, well, I feel good."

Yesny looked at Azul and smiled.

"Yeah, I can imagine that. You guys have been together for two years... that's a lot of time to be engaged... I can understand by now you two share all your secrets."

"It's been a wonderful time... but you know, Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine always tell me how playful Ali has been his whole life."

"Well yeah... but before you came into his life he was... different... it was a phase I think. Before my wedding, just after he came back from Baghdad... I don't know... he changed somehow... he became so serious... I don't know what happened."

"Yeah... well, he must've had his reasons."

"And somehow I think you know those reasons."

Azul smiled.

"Well, when you married and went to live to Astaseez he was feeling lonely."

"He was... when he went to visit me to Astaseez, just before he met you he was so... I don't know... so serious... so concerned... then he met you."

"We lived rough times... but after the war everything has been good for us. We've had our troubles and we've had some hard situations every now and then but I can't complain... Ali really knows how to make me feel special."

"You guys look so happy together!"

"We are."

"You know? Ali always was a clumsy boy." Yesny laughed. "I'm pretty sure you have some interesting stories to tell about his silliness or his clumsiness, don't you?"

Azul laughed softly but shook her head.

"Well... no."

"Oh, c'mon Azul! I know you do!"

"I can tell you plenty of funny stories about him..." She smiled. "But I prefer to keep the other stories for myself."

"You don't want to embarrass him, huh? Azul, I'm telling you, YOU are spoiling that boy!"

"He deserves it." Azul smiled.

They entered the palace and they were crossing the menagerie when Ali came to them running and a big smile on his face.

"Girls! You're back!"

"Yes we are... and we had a very interesting chat." Yesny said mischievously.

Ali smiled a boyish smile and turned to Azul.

"So... did you get those candies for me?"

Azul smiled and pinched his cheek.

"Of course I did... here they are..." When Ali was going to take the bag, Azul pulled it away. "Uh-oh... first you must promise me you'll have your meal... real food... and THEN you'll eat this."

"I promise it!" Ali laughed softly.

Yesny shook her head and smiled. It amused her to see Ali and Azul together.

"You can check on him personally." She said. "It's lunch time."

"Lunch time?" Azul said alarmed. "Oh my gosh! I promised my parents I'd be there by lunchtime... I have to help mom to prepare lunch! Oh I have to go!"

"Hey!" Ali stopped her. "Do you want me to take you home?"

"No... that's okay sweetie." Azul smiled. "I'll run all the way to my home... and you have to stay for lunch with your family and you still have a lot of things to do... I'll be just fine."

"See you tonight then." Ali said cupping her cheek.

"I'll be here." She smiled taking Ali's hand and kissing his palm. "See you later Yesny!"

"See you, Azul... and thanks for going with me to the market... see you tonight!"

"Bye!" Azul whispered to Ali and she left the palace.

Ali followed her with his gaze until she disappeared. And still then Ali was looking at the entrance of the palace with a dreamy expression on his face. Yesny laughed. It was funny to see Ali like that. A grown up man staring at the palace gates that way and holding a bag of candies in his hands.

"Oh Ali, Ali..." Yesny said. "I don't know where did you find that girl but you are a lucky guy."

"She's amazing." He smiled.

Yesenia took Ali's arm and dragged him along.

"C'mon Ali... we're late for lunch... and remember, no candies until you've eaten all your veggies."

* * * * *

That evening Azul was in front of her mirror in her room. She was finishing her hairdo and humming happily. She looked at her reflection and nodded, then she took her necklace and stared at it for a second, smiling softly. It was a beautiful tear-shaped blue diamond. She sighed dreamily and put the necklace around her neck. Then she took a small bottle of perfume and smelled it, smiling from ear to ear. It was the scent of flowers of azhar, lemon blossoms. Ali's favorite scent.

She was perfuming herself when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in!" She almost sang those words.

Bassel entered the room and smiled when he saw her. She looked at her father and spun around.

"Well, what do you think dad?"

"Beautiful!" Bassel said sincerely. "Beautiful as always... I came to ask you if you were ready or not, but I can see you are."

"I just don't want to be late... Ali asked me to find him before the ceremony. You know how he always has troubles trying to fix his royal clothes." Azul giggled.

"Yeah, well, I'm ready as well... I guess we only have to wait for your mother then."

"You know, dad..." Azul said sitting on her divan. "I was thinking... this is funny..."

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Well, tonight we're celebrating Ali's parents anniversary... but 25 years ago you came to Agrabah to bring supplies for the wedding..."

"And met your mother..."

"Yeah... I was thinking... we'll be celebrating your own 25th anniversary in only six months."

"Yes." Bassel smiled tenderly. "And I'm already trying to figure out what your mother would like as an anniversary gift."

"You should take her on a travel." Azul said coming to her father who was sitting on the bed and placing her arm around his shoulders. "I'm sure mom will love it... you two could take a long trip around the world."

"But what about you?" Bassel said innocently. "Where would you stay then?"

"Dad..." Azul kissed Bassel's cheek. "In six months I'll be a married woman already!"

Bassel smiled sheepishly at her.

"Oh, you will..." He laughed. "I keep forgetting that!"

Azul smiled at her father and then she hugged him fondly. Sadira entered the room and smiled when she saw them there.

"I'm ready..." She said. "So, what are you plotting in here?"

"Nothing." Bassel and Azul said at the same time and smiled.

"Alright..." Sadira smiled suspiciously. "I hope so... for your own sake."

"Well mom, if we're plotting something I assure you you'll love it."

"I hope so..." Sadira laughed. "For your own sake."

Azul laughed and kissed Sadira's cheek fondly.

"You look great mom!"

"So you do Azul... a real princess!"

"Now let's go." Bassel took Sadira's hand. "We don't want to be late."

* * * * *

Ali was in his room fighting with his robes when Azul's voice was heard outside the door.

"Ali? Are you ready?"

"Oh Azul!" Ali said. "Thank goodness it's you! Come in!"

When Azul entered the room Ali's eyes widened and he stopped what he was doing. He just stared at her in wonder, his mouth open. Azul smiled shyly and blushed under that look. Ali shook his head slapping himself back to reality.

"Good Allah!" Ali said walking towards her. "You look wonderful my love!"

"Thank you Ali."

He kissed her cheek and he smelled the azhar perfume on her. He smiled contentedly and looked at her face.

"Oh, I wish I could have time to contemplate you! But alas, the ceremony is about to start and here I am fighting with these robes..."

"Oh, that's fine." Azul said fixing Ali's clothes. "You'll be ready in a second."

"Thank you Azul... I don't know what I'd do without you."

"There!" Azul said triumphantly stepping back to see him. "You look so handsome in those robes... ponytail and all..."

"Oh well... I'd rather be wearing my normal clothes... even my uniform... but I guess this is the way I'm supposed to dress for this event."

"Don't complain Ali... you look so dashing!"

"Handsome and dashing, huh?" He smiled. "That's better than the perpetual 'cute' you keep calling me."

"But you are SO cute when you look handsome and dashing." Azul said teasingly.

"Aw!" Ali groaned softly.

Azul was laughing when a voice called for Ali.

"Prince Ali?"

"Yeah?" Ali turned to the door. "Oh, advisor Taamir, come in... what is it? Everything is ready?"

"Everything is ready, sir." Taamir said formally and handed some stuff to Ali. "I just wanted to give you this before the ceremony."

"What is this?"

"The Holy Qu'ran... your parent's wedding rings... their old marriage contract..."

"What's this for?" Azul said looking over Ali's shoulder.

"For the ceremony... the renewal of their vows." Taamir said.

"And... Why do I have this stuff in my hands?" Ali asked suspiciously.

"Well... you are the Grand Vizier, Prince Ali... you are supposed to lead this ceremony."

"I'm supposed to... what?" Ali almost jumped back.

"The Sultan is renewing his vows... he can't do that and lead the ceremony at the same time, can he? So, you are supposed to do that."

"Oh Allah..." Ali said nervously. "I never thought about that before."

"It makes sense, Ali." Azul said. "You are the Grand Vizier after all."

"I know, I know but... this feels weird... I mean ME renewing my own parent's vows... geez, this is..."

"Fantastic!" Azul said.

"What I'm supposed to do, Taamir?"

"Not much... only give them a small speech or something, then make them re-sign their marriage contract... we need witnesses for that... four witnesses minimum..."

"A speech?" Ali said absently. "Oh Allah! I'm nervous... and witnesses?"

"You can be the witnesses, Ali." Azul said excitedly. "I mean, your siblings and you... just imagine, your parents' children witnessing this renewal... this is just so wonderful!"

Ali looked at Azul and smiled nodding.

"Oh yes... my parent's family... but you and Mahdi are part of the family... I want you two to sign this document as well, as witnesses."

Azul smiled proudly.

"So," Ali turned to Taamir. "Is this the way this ceremony is supposed to be?"

"To tell you the truth Prince, I have no idea... this is the first time this kind of ceremony is going to take place in Agrabah."

"Alright... this is going to be interesting... and after the papers are signed and they had renewed their vows and exchanged their rings... do I have to say that 'with the holy kiss' thing?"

"I guess so..."

"Oh man," Ali turned to Azul. "THIS is going to be weird!"

* * * * *

Ali was standing in the middle of that huge wedding pavilion. His father was beside him and Ali couldn't stop thinking that in a few weeks they'd be there once again... but in different places.

Aladdin looked at Ali and smiled happily. Ali returned the smile and noticed Aladdin was teary eyed.

"His own son doing this..." Ali thought. "How weird is that?"

Ali looked at Aladdin. He was staring at the door where Jasmine would enter any minute. The young prince thought that after 25 years Aladdin still looked so young. His parents never aged. He also smiled at Aladdin's wedding outfit.

"I'd never wear a turban... not even for my wedding... feathers always tickle me and I'd hate if I were sneezing in the middle of... oh Allah!" He tried to keep himself in focus. "I'm here about to renew my parents vows and I can't stop thinking about my wedding... focus Ali, focus!"

Suddenly the sound of music flooded the place announcing that Queen Jasmine was about to make her entrance. All the people in the room turned to the door and Ali smiled when he noticed Aladdin's excitement. He looked at Azul who was standing there in the front row with the rest of the family. Azul smiled and winked at him letting him know she knew he'd do it just fine. Ali returned the smile and looked at the door. His mother was entering the wedding pavilion.

She looked beautiful wearing her wedding clothes. Ali smiled thinking how many times he had seen those paintings of his parents in their wedding clothes. But this time it was the real thing. For a moment Ali almost felt as if he had returned in time to that night 25 years ago... the night his parents got married.

Aladdin rushed to Jasmine's side and he offered his arm to her. They walked together the last feet to the base of the dome, where Ali was standing. When they were there in front of him Ali gulped. Aladdin and Jasmine stared at him and smiled the most wonderful smiles Ali had ever seen on his parents' faces. His heart was throbbing in his chest and he felt his legs weak. For a moment he thought he couldn't do it. But then he looked at Azul. With a movement of her head she encouraged him to go on.

Ali looked at his parents, a formal and serious look on his face. He cleared his throat and started.

"Sultan Aladdin, Queen Jasmine of Agrabah... twenty five years ago you came here to let the world know how deep and how true your love was. Twenty five years ago you decided you wanted to live your lives together. To take the total commitment of marriage. Twenty five years ago you realized that life was not life if you were not together. Marriage was not the end of your romance but the beginning of a life of love and devotion..."

Ali felt his voice trembling in his throat. Suddenly he lost his formal tone.

"Mom... dad... twenty five years ago you made a decision that affected for good many lives... I'm here talking for Agrabah, to thank you for all your love and devotion to the city and its people... but most of all I'm here in name of all of us..." He gestured to the rest of the family. "You gave life to each and everyone of us... look at where we are now and that's all thanks to you... in the decision you made to love each other you gave all of us the oportunity of live."

Ali stopped for a couple of seconds. He felt he was about to cry. He looked at Aladdin and Jasmine. They were looking lovingly at him, tears of their own shining in their eyes. Ali took a deep breath and tried to recover his formal tone.

"Twenty five years ago you made a promise of love... a promise you've kept until this day. And now, tonight you are here to renew that promise of love, commitment, faith, trust and devotion... in front of Allah and having us as your witnesses... this..." Ali said his voice shaking again. "This is only an external sign... for the real promise is new and strong in your hearts... just as it was the first day."

Ali stopped, not knowing what else to say. He looked at his father and nodded. Aladdin smiled proudly at him and then he looked at Jasmine, taking her hands in his.

"Jasmine... my wife... twenty five years ago I promised I'd be there for you in good and in bad times... Allah knows the good times have exceeded the bad times. I want to thank you for this blessed twenty five years... for all your love and devotion. For your tears and your smiles... for the wonderful family you've given to me. But most of all, thank you for that opportunity you gave me to prove myself... to be the man I wanted to be... thank you for your faith and your support through all these years... tonight I want to say that the promise I made 25 years ago is a promise I am going to keep all my life... and beyond. I promise I'll be there for you even when this world doesn't exist anymore."

Ali smiled. He was teary eyed. But he realized that his parents were all teary eyed themselves. Jasmine held Aladdin's hands tighter.

"Aladdin... my love... my beloved husband... I've spent twenty five blessed years by your side... having you as my partner in this journey... and those are only the first twenty five years of the rest of our eternity. Thanks for just being you and for being here for me all the time... thank you for being the best husband and the best father... twenty five years ago I promised to you I'd love you forever. Now I know the rest of eternity is not enough to give you all the love my heart has for you... I love you!"

Jasmine's voice trailed off and Aladdin smiled at her lovingly. Ali had a big smile on his face when he presented the wedding rings to his parents. Aladdin took Jasmine's and then took his wife's hand.

"With this ring I renew the promise of love I made to you twenty five years ago..." He said putting the ring in Jasmine's finger.

She smiled lovingly at him and took the other ring. She took Aladdin's hand and looked deep into his eyes.

"This ring is the symbol of the deep and true love that burns in my heart for you... we'll be together forever, Aladdin... I told you that twenty five years ago and I renew that promise now... together forever." Jasmine put the ring in Aladdin's finger.

They were lost in each other's eyes, holding hands and smiling tenderly at the other. Ali smiled not wanting to interrupt the moment, but he knew they still had to re-sign their wedding contract.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat to get their attention and then he spoke softly, so only his parents could hear him. "I'm supposed to read the whole contract but hey, we all know what this is all about, so let's skip that part and go directly to the signing, okay?"

"Okay." Aladdin and Jasmine said laughing softly.

Ali smiled and looked at the rest of the family, nodding to them and motioning them to come closer. Aladdin and Jasmine smiled when they were surrounded by their kids.

"This is the family you've raised." Ali said. "Twenty five years ago you signed this document, this marriage contract having witnesses... now you are going to sign it again... having your own family as your witnesses this time."

Aladdin took a look at the old parchment Ali was presenting him and smiled at the memories. He took the quill and with a secure movement he signed his name on it. Ali smiled and presented the document to Jasmine. She took the quill, smiled at Aladdin and with an elegant movement she signed the contract again.

Ali turned to the rest of the family.

"Yesenia, Cassim, Najila, Nasir... Mahdi... Azul..." His voice softened a little at the mention of that name. "You've witnessed the promise of our parents... the promise of being together in good and in bad times... forever..."

They all smiled and Aladdin and Jasmine looked lovingly at them.

"I certify, as the Grand Vizier of Agrabah the faithfulness of this document." Ali said solemnly and just when he was about to sign it, he stopped and grinned at his parents. "And as your son I certify the faithfulness of your love."

Aladdin and Jasmine smiled. They were holding hands and looking proudly at their family. Ali signed the document and smiled happily. One by one, he approached the rest of the members of the family and they all signed the paper. The last one to sign it was Azul. When she did that she looked at Ali and they smiled tenderly, sharing their thoughts without words.

"It's done!" Ali said handing the document to advisor Taamir who was there.

Ali went to his place in front of Aladdin and Jasmine and smiled at them tenderly and lovingly. They returned the smile.

"You are going to love this!" Ali whispered softly to them. Then he spoke with his normal voice. "Now, with the Holy Kiss this promise of love will be renewed before Allah and before the world."

Ali stepped aside and gestured to the top of the dome. Aladdin smiled and bowed before Jasmine. She took the hand he was offering to her and they climbed the steps to the dome.

Ali stepped back, going to the rest of the family. He went to Azul's side and they held hands.

"You were GREAT!" She whispered to him. "It was so emotional!"

"Oh, I was so nervous!" He whispered back.

Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other. The candles were illuminating their faces, making them glow. They smiled gorgeous smiles. "Well," Aladdin whispered. "After twenty five years we're still here... together forever."

"Was there ever a doubt?" Jasmine said getting closer to him.

Aladdin embraced her and tentatively kissed her lips softly. Jasmine smiled and threw her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her and they kissed passionately, a long happy kiss.

Ali smiled lovingly at them and turned to Azul. They chuckled.

"Well," He whispered. "They STILL love each other..."

"A LOT!" Azul completed.

They laughed softly and Ali put his arm around Azul's shoulders pulling her to him.

The first fireworks exploded in the sky when Aladdin and Jasmine pulled away. All the people in the room were cheering and applauding. Ali just kept his eyes on his parents who were still on top of the dome, hugging and kissing softly. They looked so happy together. He smiled down at Azul and they both snuggled to each other and Ali kissed her temple softly.

* * * * *

The celebrations lasted for several hours. The party was great and they all had so much fun. There was delicious food and beautiful music. They danced and had a good time until it was really late.

25 Years Passed

Finally Aladdin and Jasmine said their good byes to the family. They'd be back in a week. They all wished them a happy anniversary and a wonderful trip. Finally Ali and Azul walked them to the menagerie, where Carpet was waiting for them.

"This was wonderful son..." Aladdin was saying. "The best anniversary ever!"

"And the best part is yet to come!" Ali winked at his parents.

Aladdin blushed a little but Jasmine laughed and hugged him. Ali kept Azul's hand in his. It was nice to see the two couples in there. Aladdin and Jasmine were the mature love. The love that has been tested by time. Ali and Azul were the young love, the love full of dreams and hopes for the future.

"Well son," Aladdin said. "Everything is in your hands now... I trust you and I know you'll do a great job."

"I'll do my best dad... I'll keep things right, I promise it."

"Take care of him, Azul." Aladdin laughed. "And pull his ears if he's not doing things right."

"Don't worry Sultan..." She said snuggling to Ali's chest. "I'll keep him in line."

"Be good kids." Jasmine said embracing and kissing the two of them.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Ali said. "You guys enjoy your travel and don't worry about a thing... Azul, Cassim and myself can take good care of everything, you'll see!"

Aladdin embraced Ali tightly, patting his back. Then he turned to Azul and kissed her forehead softly.

"May Allah bless you." Aladdin said.

"Have a good time!" Ali responded as his parents climbed on Carpet and flew away.

Ali and Azul stayed there in the garden, looking at the sky for a long time, even after Aladdin and Jasmine had disappeared completely.

Ali turned to Azul and smiled.

"Well, the palace is all ours now!" He said happily.

"Yeah..." She laughed and sat on a bench. "All ours... and tomorrow we'll have to clean it and to keep things right in your parents' absence."

"Geez, blue eyes!" He protested sitting by her side. "Must you always kill the mood this way?"

"Well," She smiled at him. "You father told me to pull your ears if you were misbehaving, didn't he?"

"Oh..." Ali said sweetly embracing her. "But you are not going to do that, are you?"

Ali kissed her face softly and Azul giggled.

"That's up to you... be a good boy and we won't have any problems."

Ali just smiled and rested his head on Azul's shoulder. He was very tired. Azul started to run her fingers through his hair and Ali closed his eyes smiling happily. He liked it.

"It's funny how everything fell into place after twenty five years, don't you think?"

"What do you mean, blue eyes?" He muttered drowsily not opening his eyes.

"Well, twenty five years ago your parents married... and my parents met... all in the same day... and now here we are... you and me... just think, my dad came to Agrabah because of your parents' wedding... and then he met mom... it's funny... it's like... I don't know... it's like a big puzzle... and little by little we are placing the pieces together... I don't know Ali... this was meant to be... we were meant to be!"

"Yeah..." Ali said and snuggled to Azul. "We were meant to be..."

Azul smiled at him. She loved it when he was sleepy like that. She looked at the sky. It looked great, all covered by stars. Absently she started to undo Ali's ponytail, playing with his hair. She noticed again the alignment of the stars in the sky and smiled when she realized they'd have full moon in only a few days. She looked down at Ali and she wondered whether he was sleeping or not.

"Ali?" She shook him gently.

"Wha--?" He opened his eyes. "Oh yes... yes... we were meant to be..."

"Ali..." She chuckled. "You are so tired... go to take your rest."

"I'm so sleepy!" He said rubbing his eyes. "What about you? I'll take you home..."

"Don't worry, my parents are waiting for me... you go to sleep."

"Alright." He said going to his feet. "See you tomorrow then?"

"Of course." She stood up. "I'll be here early in the morning."

"But not THAT early, okay?" Ali smiled at her.

"Okay." She smiled back.

"Thanks for everything Azul... everything went great... thank you."

Azul didn't respond. She just stepped forward, grabbed his face and kissed his lips tenderly.

"Go to sleep." She whispered softly to him.

He smiled drowsily and nodded. He turned to leave, walked a few yards and turned to her.



"We were meant to be!"

Ali smiled and winked at her and then he blew her a kiss. Azul smiled happily and stayed there until Ali entered the palace. She sighed deeply and looked at the sky once again. It had been a wonderful night and in her heart she thanked Allah for the blessed marriage of Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine, for they had given to her the most important and sacred thing she had in her life, her beloved Ali.


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