Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




That evening when Azul finished her tutoring for the day she went to find Ali but he was no where to be found. She looked for him in the throne room, in his bedroom, in Aladdin's studio but Ali was gone. Finally Azul decided to wait for him in the menagerie.

"Where he could be?" She said sitting on the edge of the fountain. "I told him I'd be done in a couple of hours� he's not the kind who disappears like this without a reason� either he had something important and unexpected to take care of or he's plotting something."

She was playing absently with the water of the fountain. The menagerie was lonely and dark and she was all alone out there. Suddenly she felt shivers running down her spine. She looked around nervously and she thought she had seen a shadow somewhere behind her.

"Ali?" She called softly but no one responded.

She shrugged and continued playing with the water. But all of a sudden she was feeling nervous.

"It's all so quiet�" She thought. "Why am I feeling nervous? Oh well, maybe I'm just tired. I had a long day."

But again she felt as if someone were looking at her. Her gaze searched all around her but everything seemed so peaceful. She shook her head trying not to think about it but her heart was beating fast and she was feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"What's wrong with me?" She thought.

And then suddenly a shadow approached her carefully from behind. That man was moving slowly, not wanting her to discover him. When he was just behind Azul he covered her eyes.

Azul was taken by surprise and she gasped and jumped, but she was immediately comforted by a familiar voice in her ear.

"Guess who?"

"Ali!" She said a little annoyed taking his hands off her eyes. "Don't do that!"

"Oh�" He said stepping back, a worried expression on his face. "I'm sorry Azul� I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh no�" She shook her head. "I'm sorry� I'm so sorry� that's okay� I'm just a little nervous."

Ali frowned and sat beside her, looking at her face.

"You don't look good� you are pale� are you feeling alright blue eyes? I'm so sorry I scared you."

"I'm fine Ali�" She smiled. "You did scare me but that's fine� as I said I'm just a little nervous tonight."


"I don't know� I thought I saw a shadow a couple of minutes ago� but I guess I'm only tired."

"A shadow? Oh well, you look tired." He said. "You have been working so hard� you know my love, you really need a rest."

"I'm fine." She smiled. "So� where were you? I was looking all over for you."

"Oh," Ali smiled mischievously. "I had some stuff to take care of."

"Official stuff?"

"Well� yeah, official stuff too� but mostly personal stuff."

"And what was that?" She smiled.

"Well� I just thought you'd be so tired and so nervous tonight that I wanted you to relax."

"Aha�" She smiled suspiciously. "So you KNEW I was going to be tired and nervous tonight?"

"I know all about you." He winked.

"Oh you do, Ali� you really do." She laughed.

"Anyway, I just have something for you."

"And what is that?"

"Well�" Ali said standing up. "Shall we?"

When Azul stood up Ali smiled mischievously and without any warning he picked her up in his arms.

"Ali!" She laughed. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want you to walk, blue eyes� you are tired so, let me take you there."

Azul just laughed and put her arms around Ali's neck. He smiled at her and he went to the farthest part of the menagerie carrying her in his arms.

"Close your eyes!" He said. "We're almost there."

Azul did as he said and smiled tenderly. Ali always managed to surprise her with romantic dates out of the blue.

"Alright�" He said softly. "You can open your eyes now."

When she opened her eyes she gasped. Ali put her down carefully and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Well� what do you think Azul?"

There in the menagerie, in a far and private spot he had set the scenario for a dinner for two. There was a tablecloth on the grass and a basket with food. The place was illuminated by several lanterns hanging from the surrounding trees and a lot of aromatic candles were burning here and there.

"This is� beautiful." Azul said under her breath.

"I just thought you'd like it�" He whispered tenderly. "We have a beautiful night� a full moon� and here we are, you and me� I also brought real food�" He laughed. "But I also got candies."

"I knew you would." She smiled up at him. "Oh Ali, this is just so� wonderful� I never expected this."

"I only wanted to spend a quiet evening with you." He said helping her sit on the ground on the tablecloth. "This is not a big deal� not a fancy dinner but I just thought it'd be nice to have a private time for us�" He sat in front of her. "You know how busy we've been lately� a lot of work, a lot of responsibilities� my siblings�"

"Yeah." She laughed remembering the incident with her shirt that afternoon. "But I won't complain� I really like your shirt, Ali� it is so comfy."

"You can keep it for as long as you want." He said casually. "As I said, it looks better on you than it does on me."

Ali opened the basket and took out the food. It was a light dinner. Nothing complicated, but the atmosphere of the night and the conversation between them, and the simple fact of them being together was enough to make that a night to remember.

They stayed there for hours just talking and laughing, having a good time together. After dinner they just leaned against a tree and Ali played the flute for her for a long time, soft sweet songs that made Azul dream. She stayed in there, her eyes closed, just listening to Ali's music and thinking how happy and how wonderful her life with Ali was and how the best was yet to come.

"Well," He said after the last song. "This has been a wonderful night."

"It has." She smiled. "It's amazing Ali� you never stop surprising me. I never know what to expect from you."

"You deserve the best I can give to you. I love surprising you."

"My dad told me the other day something that made me think� and that made me realize how wonderful you are."

"And what was that?"

"He said he's happy to know you never take me for granted."

"Oh, I'd never do that� I have this idea� I don't know, but since the very first moment I told myself I'd do whatever it takes to make you fall in love with me day after day. I think love is not a thing we can take for granted. We have to nurture love minute after minute."

"I couldn't agree more. And I think that's the reason why this love has grown so strong, don't you think?"

"Absolutely." He turned to face her and smiled tenderly.

"What?" She smiled back.

"You know blue eyes, YOU are the most important thing that has ever happened to me."

Azul smiled at him and softly kissed her first two fingers and wiped them across Ali's lips. He smiled tenderly at her.

"You are my whole life, Ali� that's all I can say."

"You know, my parents are going to be back in only a couple of days and I'm pretty sure they are going to be so proud of us. I think we've managed this whole thing wonderfully, each of us� Cassim, the kids� you and me� we all have been cooperating and things are going great. My parents are going to be so proud of their children� but I really want to thank you, Azul, for all of these� since my parents went on their trip you've been here in the palace helping us, supporting us� taking full responsibility for my siblings� and when I see you working so hard I always wonder what I did to deserve you� you are always here for us. Not only for me but for the whole family."

"You know I love your family deeply� you know how fond of the kids I am and most of all Ali, your family is my family too."

"I know� but I wonder how many women would be willing to help me and to support me the way you do."

"Other women?" Azul smiled mischievously at him.

"Oh, it was a hypothetical thing." Ali laughed. "You know you are the only one for me and you know I could never�"

"Shhh!" Azul smiled and put a finger on his lips.

Ali closed his mouth and stared at her with a puzzled look in his eyes. She laughed softly and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Ali just closed his eyes. That kiss made him feel tingly inside.

"I know what we have between us." She said softly pulling away. "I know this love between us is more powerful than everything."

"Can you feel this force, this energy between us every time we are together?" Ali asked her softly.

"I can� I can feel the warmth of our love� the power of our love even when we are apart."

"Azul�" He looked into her eyes. "I know this is silly but� every night when I tell you good night� well, something hurts inside me."

"I know�" Azul responded in a serious tone. "I feel the same way."

"Sometimes at night when I turn to leave after our good night kiss I� I wonder if you'll be there the next morning."

"Ali!" She said softly. "You know I'll be always there for you� I won't leave you� ever."

"I know� I know� but I guess I only need to reassure myself somehow. And those hours we spend away from each other at night are becoming longer and longer by the day. I just� I wish I could have you by my side day and night� knowing that you are fine� that you are with me� don't get me wrong, I must sound so silly to you, I mean, you are in your parent's house, what could go wrong? But� I guess I'm just a little crazy here."

"But you are cute when you are crazy." Azul whispered softly.

Azul looked into his eyes, inches away from him. He smiled softly at her and made the move to kiss her. But just when his lips touched Azul's she pulled away. Ali opened his eyes and sent her a evil little look. She smiled mischievously. He moved closer to her and tried to kiss her again, but as soon as his lips touched hers she pushed back gently, chuckling softly.

"So�" Ali whispered. "Playing hard to get, are you?"

He grabbed her face and kissed her lips playfully. They both were giggling softly, but almost immediately Azul put her arms around Ali's neck and they abandoned themselves into that kiss. Azul pulled away a little and Ali opened his eyes looking at her with a questioning look. She locked eyes with him and gave him the most loving look and the most beautiful smile.

"I love you." She whispered against his lips and she continued giving him the most sweetest, softest, slowest kisses.

After a while they both sighed satisfied and leaned against the tree.

"What do you wish?" Ali asked.

"What?" She laughed.

"Well� just tell me� what's in your heart? What do you want? What would you wish for?"

"Well� my only wish is very simple� I only want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"You are so sweet blue eyes� but I'm determined to fulfill your every wish. So, if we are going to spend the rest of our lives together at least give me some clues." He laughed.

"Oh well� I really don't know� it's funny because you surprise me with stuff that I don't even know I wanted� for example, this dinner tonight. Now I think it's the most wonderful thing� but I didn't wish for it� it just came� as a wonderful surprise."

"I manage." Ali laughed. "But I've been thinking about all the possibilities we have� about the most little and simple things� it's nice to think about those you know."


"I don't know� the silliest things like� say, the color of our bed covers� or the kind of flowers we'll have in our garden� how we are going to organize our studio� that kind of stuff."

"Yeah�" She said dreamily. "A lot of things are going to change then, don't you think? We'll have a whole new life."

"A wonderful life."

Azul rested her head on Ali's shoulder and he closed his eyes. They stayed there in silence for a long while, just dreaming about their future.

Suddenly Azul opened her eyes and looked around.

"What?" Ali said.

"Oh�" Azul said sheepishly. "I just thought I heard a noise."

"I didn't hear anything." Ali said concerned. "Are you sure are you feeling fine, Azul?"

"I am�" She tried to smile. "I'm just� tired, I guess."

"I bet you are� you've been spending your days with my siblings and those kids can wear out anyone� and it's getting late. Do you want me to take you home?"

"I think so�" She said rubbing her temples. "I guess I just need some sleep."

Ali stood up and offered his hand to her.

"Let's go."

"Yeah� I only want to say good night to your siblings."

"They must be sleeping by now."

"Yeah� well� let me check on them, okay?"

"Alright� let's go."

Azul entered the room where the kids were peacefully sleeping. She smiled tenderly and fixed their blankets. She leaned over and kissed their foreheads lovingly. She turned to Ali and nodded. They left the room.

"They are wonderful kids." She said.

"They are."

"Well� let's go."

As Ali and Azul were walking to her home their mood started to change. Azul was still nervous even if she was trying not to show it and Ali started to sense something about that night. Some heavy atmosphere around then. But he knew Azul wasn't feeling so well and he didn't want to disturb her, so he said nothing. They were silent most of the way to Azul's home, just holding hands and lost in their thoughts.

When they finally arrived at her home Ali tried to smile at her.

"So, blue eyes� I'll see you tomorrow."


Ali looked at her eyes. There was something in there that he had never seen before. Or maybe he had seen that before there� a long time ago� that was the same look she had that morning two years ago when he was about to leave for war. Ali frowned. She looked scared.

"You know Azul," He said touching her cheeks and her forehead. "You don't look very good� you ARE sick� I think you have a little fever."

"Maybe�" She said softly. "But I'll be fine in the morning."

"I'm worried about you� maybe I should get the royal doctor and�"

"Ali!" She interrupted him amorously. "I really appreciate your concern but I'm fine. I'm just tired."

"Alright." He said not very convinced.

"You know," She tried to sound happy. "After the wonderful dinner we had tonight I guess I need to repay you somehow."

"Do you have anything in mind?" He said trying to lift his mood.

"Well, I was thinking� would you like to join us for breakfast tomorrow morning?"

"Breakfast?" Ali laughed. "You want to kill me, don't you? You know I hate to get up early� but then again, I'd never miss the chance to have breakfast with you."

"So� is it a date?"

"Of course� after breakfast we can go together to the palace� I have a lot of stuff to take care of but I'll be fine."

"At least I'll make sure you have a good breakfast."

"Right." He smiled.

"So, 9:00 am, how does it sound to you? It's not that early for you, is it?"

"Well�" Ali laughed. "I'll be here� 9:00 am, it's a date!"


"Well�" Ali said not very convinced. "Good night Azul."

"Have sweet dreams Ali."

Ali kissed her softly and caressed her face, smiling tenderly at her. He turned to leave. He walked a few steps when Azul's voice stopped him.

"It's getting cloudy." Azul said.

"It is." Ali looked up at the sky.

"And cold." She looked at Ali. "Cover yourself tonight Ali."

"I will." He smiled. "Good night blue eyes."

"Sleep well."

Ali walked a few steps more and stopped and turned to Azul.

"Don't you want me to bring anything for breakfast?"

"Oh� no, I don't think so�" She smiled. "I think I have that covered."

"Oh well� I was just wondering." He walked a few steps more and turned to her once again. "It's getting chilly indeed."

"A little." She said rubbing her arms.

"Aw, blue eyes!" He came back to her side and embraced her. "You are shivering� you know, I think you should take tomorrow off."

"I'm fine." She said snuggling up to Ali's chest. "I'll be fine."

She closed her eyes and hid her face in Ali's chest. He looked at her.

"Are you fine my love?"

"I am� just� just hold me tight."

Ali didn't know why, but something felt wrong that night. As he was holding Azul his heart was aching and he didn't know why.

"That's okay�" He said after a while looking at her face. "Now go to your bed, cover yourself and get some rest� I'll be here early in the morning, alright?"

"Okay." She said softly.

Ali nodded, a preoccupied expression in his face. He kissed her forehead softly and turned to leave. But he had only walked a couple of steps when Azul's voice stopped him again.

"I just don't know� it looks kinda scary."

"What?" He turned to her.

"The sky� I mean, the full moon� the clouds� and this soft and yet chilly wind� it kinda gives me the creeps."

Ali looked at her and the wind made some noises in the alley. Ali shook his head and stretched his arms for her. She sighed deeply and Ali thought she was trying to hold back tears for some reason. She stepped forward and embraced Ali once again.

"I love you." She muttered against his neck. "I love you so much."

"I know that." Ali said holding her. "And you know I love you too."

"Ali�" Her voice was barely a whisper.


"Please�" She said in the same tone, hiding her face in Ali's neck. "Please don't go�"

Ali gulped and tried hard to hold back his tears. He was thinking how hard it was for them to say good night that night.

"Do you want me to stay here with you for a while?" He asked softly against her hair.

"� yes."

Ali kissed her forehead and he led her to the steps of her house. They sat in there, Ali embracing her tightly and she totally snuggled against him.

"Everything is fine�" Ali was trying to reassure the both of them. "Soon we won't have to say good bye every night� we'll be together day and night� the day is getting closer my love."

He was holding her and kissing her forehead and her hair tenderly. She just closed her eyes and said nothing. They stayed in there for almost an hour, just embracing. They didn't even say a word during the whole time.

Finally Azul looked up at him.

"I'm sorry about this, Ali� I'm being silly� I should be sleeping and I shouldn't be keeping you here� it's so late and you..."

"It's not that late." He interrupted her. "And you know you're always my priority number one."

"Thank you, my prince."

They stood up and as soon as they did that Azul threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. The unexpected kiss took Ali by surprise but he smiled and returned that kiss.

"You'll be alright." He reassured her, caressing her hair. "Have sweet dreams� and I'll be here as soon as I can in the morning."

"I love you!" She smiled at him.

Ali thought it was a wonderful smile. Suddenly all the fear had disappeared from her eyes and that spark he loved was shinning in her blue jewels again.

"I love you too� blue eyes� Azul, my angel!"

He leaned over and started to kiss her almost desperately. He was kissing her face, her neck, her chin. She was giggling happily. Suddenly Ali stopped and looked deep into her eyes. She noticed he was teary eyed.

"What's wrong Ali?" She said preoccupied.

"Nothing is wrong�" He smiled. "It's just that� I love you so much that� that sometimes I don't know what to do with myself."

"Oh Ali!" She smiled.

Ali smiled back and cupped her face, pulling her closer to a kiss. It was a very deep and passionate kiss. And a very long kiss besides. None of them wanted to pull away or end the kiss. They were practically devouring the other. And yet it was a real tender and sweet kiss.

When they pulled away they stayed close to each other, Ali's forehead resting against hers and they both kept their eyes closed, still lost in the feeling of that kiss. When Ali finally opened his eyes he discovered Azul smiling tenderly at him. He kissed her forehead softly and Azul stepped back slowly, her eyes locked with Ali's.

She opened the door of her house and stepped in, Ali's hand still in hers.

"Good night Ali." She said softly.

"Good night� Azul."

Ali kissed her hand before he let go. Azul smiled tenderly and looked at his face.

"May Allah be with you, my love." She said caressing his face.

Ali pressed her hand to his cheek and looked at her.

"And with you." He said kissing her palm.

They looked deep into each other's eyes for the last time and finally Azul smiled at him and closed the door.

Ali sighed deeply and rested his forehead against the door.

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you more than my life� never forget that."

He ran his hand across the door almost caressing it and he turned to leave. He walked slowly across the square and he stopped suddenly looking back at Azul's house. He looked up at her window and noticed the room was dark. Azul was obviously with her parents then.

He walked a few feet more and stopped. A worried expression appeared in his face. Suddenly he felt the urge to go back. Suddenly his heart was beating faster and faster. He felt something wrong, almost like a premonition. He walked in the house direction once again but then he stopped. He looked up at Azul's window for a couple of seconds, struggling with the fear that was taking over his heart.

"This is crazy." He said out loud. "She needs to have a good rest� everything will be fine in the morning."

He blew a kiss to Azul's balcony and smiled.

"Good night and sweet dreams� my blue eyed princess."

He sighed deeply and he turned to leave. The night was cold and he was tired. He only wanted to go back to the palace and find his beloved Azul in his dreams.

* * * * *

Azul entered her house and sighed deeply. She has a tingling feeling inside her. A mixture of love, happiness and excitement. All her previous nervousness was gone. She wondered how Ali had the power to always make things right for her.

"How I wish we didn't have to say good bye tonight." She whispered dreamily and she noticed her parents there in the living room smiling mischievously at her.

"What are you muttering about?" Sadira smiled.

"Oh nothing� nothing." Azul blushed and went to kiss her parents. "I'm sorry I'm late� but there's so much to take care of at the palace."

"Well, you've been in the square for like an hour." Sadira said. "It seems to me Ali and you didn't want to say good bye, huh?"

Azul smiled shyly and looked down. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks. Sadira smiled and Bassel rubbed Azul's back.

"That's fine my dear." He said tenderly. "It's only natural."

"Uh� and what happened to your shirt?" Sadira asked.

"Oh�" Azul blushed even more. "Nasir spilled some paint on mine� Ali let me borrow this from him."

"You look cute wearing that." Bassel smiled.

"Thanks� and� I only wanted to tell you that Ali is coming over for breakfast tomorrow� so I have to wake up real early to have everything prepared."

"That's nice." Bassel said. "It's always nice to spend time with that boy."

"I'll help you prepare it." Sadira said. "When is he coming?"

"At 9:00� I'm going to wake up early and I'll go to the market to get fresh fruits and bread� I want this breakfast to be special for him. You know how hard he works, he needs to eat very well�" Azul was excited. "Besides he prepared the most romantic dinner for me tonight!"

"Now we know why you are late!" Sadira teased but Azul didn't hear her.

"It was a picnic� he had all those little lanterns and also aromatic candles and� and he was playing his flute for me� and� and� oh mom� dad� I'm SO happy!" She said dancing around the room.

Bassel and Sadira looked at each other and smiled. Azul sat on some cushions. Her mind was totally lost.

"I was feeling a little sick� and he was so worried."

"Sick?" Bassel said alarmed. "Sick how?"

"Oh, nothing serious dad� I'm probably just tired� or maybe I caught a cold or something� Ali said a had little fever but� I'm much better now."

"Well," Sadira said. "It's no wonder you have a cold� look at the weather� it's getting cold tonight."

"Yeah�" Azul said a little worried. "Cold and windy� and cloudy."

"You should go to have some rest." Bassel interrupted Azul. "You have to be cured by morning."

"Oh, don't worry dad� just the thought of having Ali here that early makes me feel great� but I am tired� I'll go to get a bath and I'm going to bed�" Azul kissed her mother and then her father. "Good night."

"Sweet dreams my dear."

"Have a good rest."

Azul started to climb the stairs but she stopped in the middle of it. She looked down at her parents and smiled tenderly.

"Mom� dad� I love you!" She said.

"We love you too." Bassel responded.

Azul nodded and smiled happily and went to her room.

* * * * *

When Ali entered the palace he was walking on air. He was smiling and his mind was lost. He had been thinking of nothing but Azul the whole way back to the palace. He entered directly to Aladdin's studio and sat on the pillows in front of the desk.

"Okay�" He said out loud opening a scroll. "Let's check tomorrow's schedules�"

Ali was really absorbed in what he was doing when Cassim entered the room and nodded approvingly at Ali.

"Ali?" He said. "Do you have a minute?"

"Cassim!" Ali said happily. "Come in� I wanted to talk to you but I thought you'd be sleeping by now."

"I should� but I was waiting for you."

"Oh� I'm sorry� I was busy." Ali smiled.

"I can imagine that� anyway I wanted to inform you that tonight we received some reports from the desert patrol."

"What happened?" Ali said in a serious tone.

"They are not very sure� but they said that since two nights ago they have been experiencing some strange things in the desert� it seems some tribes in the desert are having some troubles and� and the patrol thinks those troubles involve some sort of� 'magic'." Cassim said as if he didn't wanted to pronounce the word.

"Magic?" Ali smiled. "Magic how?"

"I don't know� you should talk to Captain Ahmed, I told him to come to see you tomorrow."

"That's good Cassim. I'll talk to him tomorrow and we'll set things right with this� magic."

"Alright." Cassim said ending the subject. "So, why did you want to see me for?"

"Oh yeah�" Ali said. "I only wanted to inform you that I won't be here tomorrow morning. I'll be back in the palace at 11:00 am so please, if someone asks for me before that tell them to come back at 11:00� I'll take care of all the official stuff then. Specially Ahmed, tell him I want to see him at that hour."

"Don't worry, I will� so where are you going?"

Ali smiled at Cassim and the boy shook his head.

"Sorry, stupid question." Cassim said. "I only wanted to make sure� you know, it's always a good thing to know where I can find you. Just in case."

"Of course." Ali smiled.

"And� how's everything going with the royal wedding?"

"Going great." Ali said going back to his work. "Going really great."

"I just want to have a date for the announcements and the invitations. You asked me to take care of that and I have it almost ready, except of course for the date and�"

"Tomorrow." Ali said looking at him.

"What?" Cassim said alarmed. "You are getting married tomorrow?"

"Wha--? No!" Ali laughed. "Hey Cassim, I know I'm crazy but this is something I wouldn't do."

"Well, to tell you the truth Ali, I can expect anything from you."

"Oh no� no." Ali was laughing but then he recovered his serious expression. "Tomorrow Azul and I will set the date."


"Yeah�" Ali said getting all dreamy. "Tonight it was so hard for us to say good bye� I came back to her like 3 times and I had this urge to stay there� to not let her go� this feeling inside me, something that was telling me 'don't leave her!' and I think that's the final call for our marriage� you know�"

Ali stopped short when he noticed that he was talking to Cassim.

"Oh, I'm sorry� I didn't want to bore you with this� but when I was coming home I decided tomorrow is the day� tomorrow we'll set the date."

"That's good." Cassim said.

"Well�" Ali said signing a couple of documents. "I'm done for today� I better be going� I have a long day tomorrow and I have to wake up really early."

"Don't worry Ali. Tomorrow is going to be a very quiet day� save for those magical reports from the desert."

"That's good." Ali smiled. "And Cassim, I really appreciate all of this� you're helping me a lot with this. The way you talked today in the meeting we had� you really impressed me, brother. Nice work."

"Well, thank you Ali. And thanks for giving me the chance to attend that meeting. I think these are the kind of opportunities I need to practice what I've learned in the books."

"You're welcome Cassim."

"And Ali� I also want to tell you that I think you're doing a fine job here in our parents' absence."

"Why thank you!" Ali smiled proudly. Coming from Cassim that meant a lot to him.

"And when are our parents coming back?"

"In two or three days."

"That's good� I'm sure they are going to be very satisfied to see how things are going. We've managed Agrabah well."

"Yes, we have."

"Well Ali, have a good night."

"Sleep well Cassim� sweet dreams."

Cassim nodded at Ali and left the room. Ali smiled dreamily again and he took his quill. He wrote a couple of A's on a paper and drew a heart around them.

"Tomorrow's the day blue eyes� I cannot wait for it!"

He kissed the tips of his lips and placed them on the heart he had drawn. He smiled tenderly and yawned.

"Well� time to go to bed� and to find you in my dreams."

* * * * *

Azul entered her room after taking a relaxing bath. She was drying her hair with a towel and humming Ali's song over and over, her thoughts lost in her memories of the night.

"Oh Ali!" She whispered. "How I wish you could be here with me!"

She looked at the bed and noticed Ali's shirt in there. She took it and hugged it against her chest smelling it. That shirt was so Ali. She smiled softly.

"It's so comfy� I bet it'd make a great pajamas." Azul said putting the shirt on.

She embraced herself and smiled happily. She went to her night table and took the diamond necklace from there. She kissed it amorously and put it around her neck. Then she took Ali's portrait and put it on her vanity so she could see it while combing her hair. She was just staring at him, a loving expression on her face and combing her hair absently while humming that song. She was all dreamy again.

"It's going to be great�" She said softly. "When we're married� you and me� I'm going to feel so safe and so protected having you by my side day and night my love. And so loved besides� you make me feel so good� so special. You know Ali, no one really cared for me before you� of course I have my family and they love me and I love them deeply but sometimes I needed to feel something else� the love of a friend� but I was always alone, always on my own� until you came in� I don't know what would I do without you� my silly boy."

She stopped and took the portrait in her hands caressing it lovingly. She smiled playfully and outlined Ali's features.

"I have to get up real early," She said. "I need to go to the market to get fresh stuff for you� I'm going to prepare a wonderful breakfast for you� you're going to love it, sweetie� oh Allah, how I love you!"

Suddenly a soft noise out in her balcony startled her. She turned at it and she thought she had seen a shadow again. She looked suspiciously at the balcony door, her heart beating real fast in her chest. Then a loud noise made her jump.

"Ali?" She called softly approaching the door, knowing that her fianc� loved to climb on her balcony at midnight. "Ali is that you?"

But the only response she got was silence. She frowned and before she could say anything else she saw a shadow moving out there and soft noises came to her ears.

"Ali!" She was scared. "Stop it! This isn't funny!"

Everything was peaceful after that. Azul opened the door of her balcony slowly but she didn't see anything unusual. She peeked outside carefully. The night was cold and the wind was chilly. Azul looked up at the full moon and the cloudy sky. Then her gaze searched the empty square below her.

"I think I'm still nervous�" She told to herself. "I'm imagining things."

She was closing the doors of the balcony when she saw something inside her room. She turned to take a look and she gasped and her eyes widened. Three men in dark robes were standing in there. She backed to her vanity as the men were approaching her.

Abductors' Arrival

"What do you want?" She whispered scared. "Stay away from me!"

The men surrounded her and she tried to run in the door direction. Accidentally she knocked Ali's portrait to the floor. One of the men grabbed her and nodded to his companions.

"Azrak's blood." The man hissed.

Azul wanted to scream but she was so scared she couldn't. She only saw a bright light that blinded her and heard a strong noise, like a thunderbolt.

"Ali�.!" She screamed.

The bright light flooded the room and as fast as it had started everything went back to normal in Azul's bedroom. It all had happened in only a few seconds. When the light dissolved the dark room was empty.

The bed was ready for her but she wouldn't sleep in it that night. Ali's portrait was on the floor and the door of the balcony was open, the curtains stirring in the night breeze. And Azul was gone�

* * * * *

The prince of Agrabah had a very restless sleep. He was just rolling in his bed and he was obviously stressed. The night had been long and he was tired but he just couldn't have a good rest.

His breathing was heavy and he was really agitated moving from one side of the bed to the other. Suddenly he woke up in a jolt.

"AZUL!" He screamed sitting straight up in bed.

He looked around trying to calm himself. He was all sweaty even though it was a cold night. He rubbed his face and he felt his heart beating really fast. His breathing was heavy and really agitated.

"It was a dream�" He muttered after several seconds. "It was only a dream."

He rubbed his temple and tried to relax himself. He thought his heart was about to explode and he could hardly breath.

"Azul�" He whispered. "My blue eyed girl� you have to be fine."

He took Azul's portrait from his night table and stared at her. He shook his head and a stressed expression appeared on his face.

"Maybe I should go to check on her� just in case."

He was about to leave his bed when he stopped himself.

"This is ridiculous," He scolded himself. "It was nothing but a nightmare� I can't go to her house in the middle of the night just because I had a nightmare."

Ali stared at her portrait for a couple of minutes smiling softly and outlining her features lovingly.

"You are so beautiful, my girl� and as soon as it's down I'll go to your house and we'll set a date for our wedding� I can't wait for the sun to rise up� I can't wait to see you again, to have you in my arms� I love you Azul� I adore you my little princess! Without you I'd go crazy� sweet dreams my angel!"

Ali kissed the portrait and placed it on his night table again. He laid on bed, a big smile on his lips and muttered a soft "Good night my beloved Azul", before he fell asleep.

*��������*������� �*

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