Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




It was high noon in the golden deserts. It was a particularly hot day and there weren't any clouds in the blue sky. The peace and solitude of the sands were only perturbed by a galloping golden horse who was crossing the dunes like the wind.

Ali's cape was floating at the wind behind Ali and he kept his eyes in the horizon, a thoughtful expression in his face. He was thinking about nothing but his beloved Azul.

He was remembering everything about those two years they had spent together. His mind was totally lost in the memories of the good and the bad times together. They sure had gone through a lot but they had learned that there was nothing they couldn't take if they were together.

"From the very first moment," Ali was thinking. "I felt something between us... something like a spark. I can't say it was love at the first sight because at the time love was not part of my plans... or part of hers. But I felt comfortable with her, from the very first moment. Something in my heart recognized her. Love would blossom slowly between us but the bond was in there from the first time we locked our eyes. It was amazing for me the kind of trust and fondness that were between us from that very first moment... she allowed me to be myself in front of her... in every moment."

Ali scanned the horizon with his gaze. Some rocks could be seen from there and he smiled thinking that maybe they were close to the village of Hessa then. They had been traveling for the whole night and the whole day and he was hoping to arrive in Hessa by dawn. But the village was further than he thought it would be.

"According to the map the village of Hessa is near a canyon..." He said to Reeh. "Maybe we're close Reeh... I'm pretty sure we're almost there."

The faithful horse neighed in understanding of Ali's words and continued racing to the rocks in the horizon. Ali smiled and patted Reeh's neck. But immediately his thoughts went back to Azul.

"It was funny when I started realizing things... when I realized how much I was thinking about her every day... when I caught myself just laying on bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about her at night... that warm fuzzy feeling inside me... or even worst, the first time I woke up with a big smile on my face... and I realized she had been in my dreams... boy, those were hard times for me... I didn't know what was happening to me... but I noticed I was looking for every possible excuse just to be beside her... just to touch her hand... or see her smile..."

Ali smiled warmly at the memories and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, letting that warm fuzzy feeling take over his heart once again.

"And that night... the anniversary night... that dance beside the fountain... the first time I held her in my arms like that... when I was praying to Allah for that moment to never end... oh Azul..." he felt his heart racing again just at the memory of that moment. "And then... when I took you home... when I brushed your face with my lips for the first time... and you returned it... Allah, that feeling was... overwhelming to me... I realized things... I realized I loved you... but I was so scared, so confused... that feeling was melting my heart but yet... it was so unexpected, so sudden... and I was so afraid I could ruin our friendship if I let you know my feelings... and the whole war thing... and Princess Salma... and Cassim... they were not helping..."

Ali opened his eyes and noticed the canyon was closer now. He sighed, a stressed expression on his face. He shook his head and touched the A+A pin he had over his heart.

"But this is the real thing Azul... that night... that night when I just couldn't hold it anymore... when I had to let you know about my feelings... when I wanted so badly to kiss you... when you told me you loved me..."

He closed his eyes and smiled tenderly at the memories of their first kiss. How he had been so scared... all the courage he needed to reveal her his feelings... the way he had brushed her lips with his for the first time... his heart was racing... he was feeling so dizzy. His legs felt so weak and he felt thousand of butterflies in his stomach. She hadn't been any better. He could remember the way she was trembling under his touch. But that soft touch, that first touch was enough for them to know they were meant to each other. When he heard those words coming out of her lips... when she told him she loved him back, those were the most important words he had ever listened in his life. His heart soared with joy and in that moment he knew there was nothing in this world he couldn't do for her.

The kiss that came afterwards was a kiss of total surrender. Of total devotion. Of total love. Ali sighed deeply and his fingers touched his own lips trying to remember the soft touch of Azul's lips on them.

"I love you, Azul... my blue eyed angel... you are my whole life..." He said out loud.

Reeh slowed his pace and Ali opened his eyes. They were entering the canyon. Ali sighed deeply and he couldn't help the small smile on his face. For a moment he stayed lost in the feelings and the memories of that first kiss, but he knew he had to focus on his path then. He pressed the A+A pin against his heart once again and then he recovered his serious expression.

"Well..." He said taking the map out of his satchel. "I think this is it, Reeh... the village of Hessa has to be around here... just across the canyon... I know we are close..."

The high walls of the canyon were a protection against the rays of the sun. Ali really appreciated the shadows in the canyon. He wanted to stop for a while, to take a rest and drink some water. He was so thirsty but he also wanted to arrive in Hessa as soon as possible so he decided their rest would have to wait for a while.

"I wonder what we'll find in Hessa..." Ali said to Reeh. "I have no idea... this is still a blind quest but at least I have a starting point now... and I'm going to follow this path, as far as it takes me... until the end..."

Reeh neighed and shook his head. Ali smiled and messed the silver mane of the horse.

"I know Reeh, you'll be there for me... I know that..." Ali laughed softly and continued talking. "This is so weird... this whole thing is weird but... but the Oracle... wow... you know, Reeh, I never even imagined I'd see the staff some day... and not even in my wildest dreams I thought I'd have the chance to use it... that was unbelievable... it was shaking in my hands... a strange kind of energy... and then... and then... wow... it was amazing Reeh... simply amazing... I was so scared." Ali laughed. "I bet my parents thought I was such a baby... they are used to that kind of magical stuff... but me... for a moment I felt like hiding behind them..."

Ali was giggling when all the sudden Reeh stopped. The sudden stop made Ali jolt.

"Hey Reeh.. what's---?"

Ali stopped when he noticed the horse was nervous. His eyes were moving from one side to another and his ears were moving, trying to locate a sound. Reeh lifted his head and sniffed the air making soft nervous noises.

"What is it, pal?" Ali whispered placing his hand on the handle of his sword. "Did you hear anything?"

Reeh shook his head and hit the ground softly with his hoof a couple of times. Ali looked around him trying to find what was making Reeh nervous but it all was so quiet and so silent.

"C'mon Reeh," He said softly. "Take us out of here..."

Reeh continued his way but he was pacing slowly, nervously. Ali kept himself in alert, his hand on the handle of his sword and looking around carefully not wanting to be taken by surprise. He knew Reeh was a good horse, a very experienced horse, his most royal companion in his adventures and in war so he trusted his horse with his life and he knew if Reeh was nervous he had a cause.

"Easy boy!" Ali was whispering softly to the horse. "Everything is fine..."

They left the canyon and as soon as they were out in the daylight again Ali thought he heard a noise behind them. He stopped Reeh and looked over his shoulder.

"Did you hear it?" Ali whispered and Reeh almost nodded.

Ali looked around. He was an expert in that kind of things. He had fought a war and he knew everything about surprise attacks and ambushes. His expert eyes scanned the place and his ears were trying to hear something. But only the hot wind of the desert in the canyon could be heard. He felt as if something was watching them... maybe even hunting them.

"Let's go Reeh," He said after a while. "Let's get out of here..."

Reeh walked only a few steps when the same noise came to them. Reeh stopped again in alarm trying to locate the source of the noise with his ears and eyes. This time Ali grabbed the handle of this sword getting ready for a fight.

But before any of them could react a loud roar resounded in the desert echoing in the canyon. The only thing Ali could see was a enormous shadow falling on them. Before he could realize what was going on Reeh was on the run already. Ali grabbed the reins to keep himself steady on Reeh's back and looked over his shoulder. He was wondering what was that.

What he saw was a big lion chasing them. A big, beautiful lion. A lion of the colors of the fire.

"Oh Allah!" Ali whispered in surprise.

But the lion was much faster than Reeh was. It didn't take long for the lion to catch up with the horse and close Reeh's way. The horse stopped short and neighed wildly rearing up in his back legs. Ali had to grab Reeh's neck to keep himself from falling.

Ali was totally taken by surprise, and the next thing he saw was that big lion jumping on him. His eyes widened with surprise and terror and he tried to avoid the attack of the lion, but it was so sudden and unexpected that Ali fell off Reeh to the ground hitting it hard.

It took a couple of seconds to Ali to recover himself from that fall but when he did he saw the lion walking slowly around him, almost teasing him, just waiting for the right time to attack him. It was a beautiful, magnificent animal, but Ali didn't had the chance to admire it. His heart was racing and as much as he was trying to react he just couldn't. He froze under the lion gaze.

Suddenly the lion jumped on him, determinate to kill him right there. Ali just covered his face with his arm but at the same moment he saw Reeh to get between the lion and himself. His royal horse was protecting him.

"Reeh! NO!" Ali screamed realizing the lion could easily kill his horse.

At that moment Ali felt a strange kind of energy flooding his whole body. With an incredible fast movement he went to his feet and almost jumped on the lion just in time to prevent him from attacking Reeh. Ali put his arms around the lion's neck and tighten his grip. The lion started to shake his head furiously trying to get rid of Ali who was trying to strangle him.

It was not easy for Ali to keep his arms around the lion's neck since the lion was trying desperately to release himself from his grip but Ali tried to concentrate all his strength in his arms knowing that as soon as the lion was free from his grip he'd attack him. The young man and the lion fought for several minutes until Ali couldn't keep his grip anymore. His arms were not responding to him anymore and with a movement of this head the lion sent Ali to the ground.

Ali was gasping for air, his eyes on the lion, not wanting to be taken by surprise. The lion walked around him, obviously trying to catch his own breath. Ali grabbed the handle of his sword and as soon as he saw the lion charging against him he pulled out his sword in front of him and with a steady hit of his sword he rejected the lion's attack.

The Lion of the Desert

But the beast was really mad by then. He roared loudly and Ali could say the lion was really aggravated and thus wanting to kill him right there. The lion tried to attack Ali several times, but the Prince of Agrabah rejected him over and over with his sword. It all was happening so fast that Ali didn't have time to think about it. It was almost a reflex the way he was rejecting the lion. And his arms were aching as a response to the effort he had made to strangle the lion.

Suddenly the lion took Ali by surprise hitting the blade of his sword with his paw. Ali lost his sword and was defenseless before the lion. The creature roared again and charged against Ali. The prince reacted really fast taking his dagger out of his belt with a fast movement and wounding the lion's face with it. It took the lion by surprise and Ali threw himself to the floor trying to reach his sword. As soon as he grabbed his sword he could see the big lion jumping on him in rage.

Ali's eyes widened with fear and surprise. He just put his sword in front of him as the lion was about to fall on him and Ali could feel how the blade of the sword sunk in the lion's chest.

The way the lion groaned then was something Ali would never forget in his life. It was the voice of dead. He moved away as fast as he could to avoid the lion falling on him. He rolled over on the sand and the body of the lion landed by his side, hitting the ground heavily.

Ali propped himself on his elbow just to see the lion shivering. The beautiful creature groaned softly for the last time and with a last shake the lion died. Ali looked at the motionless body beside him for a long time gasping for air and unable to move. The lion still had his sword in his chest.

After a while Ali brushed his hair off his face and he discovered he was covered in sweat. His heart was throbbing and he was breathing real fast.

"Oh Allah!" He muttered. "I've killed the lion of the desert!"

Reeh went to Ali's side slowly and hit his back softly with his head. Ali looked up at his horse, a terrified expression on his face.

"Reeh..." He said getting to his feet supporting himself on the horse. "What have I done? I killed the lion of the desert!"

The horse neighed softly and rubbed his head against Ali's face as if he was thanking Ali for saving his life.

"But it was him or us..." He said still in shock. "Oh my gosh... I killed a lion!"

It was so hard to believe for him that it was amazing. He had fought against a lion with his bare hands and he had killed the lion. He was still gasping for air but suddenly he was feeling so powerful, so invincible.

He looked down at the magnificent animal. It was the most beautiful lion he had ever seen. He felt sorry for the lion but he understood it was his life or the lion's.

But something unexpected happened then. Suddenly from behind of all the rocks in that place a lot of people started to appear cheering and applauding at Ali. He looked around, surprise showed on his face.

Ali stepped back against Reeh not knowing what was going on in there. But before he could ask anything an old man placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him friendly.

"We saw it all." The man said.

"The fight?" Ali muttered still surprised.

"That lion of fire had been tormenting our village for centuries..."

"Wait-wait a minute!" Ali shook his head. "Centuries?"

"It was a magical being." The man explained.

"He sure felt very real." Ali said staring at the lion. "Not magical at all."

"There's this prophecy..." The man was saying. "Someday a young man will come to Hessa... and he'll kill the lion of fire..." The old man took the sword out of the lion. "With Azrak's sword..."

"Azrak?" Ali asked as hope flooded his chest. "So you know about Azrak... you can help me! Please I need..."

"And when this happens..." The man continued talking ignoring Ali's words. "This young man will become the Lion of the Desert!"

Every one in there starting cheering and applauding there. Ali's eyes were wide open with surprise. The man cleaned Ali's sword and handed it to him. Ali took it and his eyes locked with the man's.

"Lion of the Desert?" He asked softly. "So... that would be...?"

"You." The man said.

"ME?! The Lion of the Desert?!!" Ali was alarmed. "Oh, but that cannot be... only the Lion of the Desert can lead me to Karak and now... me?! I have no idea where Karak could be and I---"

"The prophecy has been fulfilled today." The old man interrupted him. "And I have something for you... something my people has been guarding for centuries... and it is supposed to be delivered in the hands of the Lion of the Desert."

"And what is that?" Ali asked interested.

"I'll tell you in time... now you need a good meal and a good rest... and I want to offer you the hospitality of the Village of Hessa for the night... I'm Habid, chief of the village..."

"I-" Ali stammered not very sure. "I can't stay... I have to..."

"You'll sleep in my house..." The man said taking Ali's arm and leading him to the village. "I know you're in a journey but you have to rest, young one... you have to eat..."

"Well..." Ali thought about it. "Maybe I could take a rest for a couple of hours... I'm exhausted and I'm only beginning... maybe a nap and then..." He stopped himself. "But what's that you have to give to me?"

"I'll tell you later." Habid said. "Now, you have to sleep, young Lion of the Desert..."

"Ali..." He smiled. "My name is Ali..."

"Ali, the Lion of the Desert."

* * * * *

The sounds of the footsteps resounded all over the place as the voices echoed in the huge halls of the dark palace of Karak.

Aswad and Azul were walking down the hall followed by Majid the guard. Aswad was in a particular good mood that day. As for Azul she seemed interested in what he was saying, but yet worried.

"... the first time I entered this palace," Aswad was saying. "I was impressed by its magnificence and elegancy... I never saw anything like this before anywhere... but then again I was not used to visit palaces or to have friends among royalty... unlike you, Azul..." He said placing his hand on Azul's shoulder.

Azul shrugged and moved away slowly.

"It's a very dark place." She replied. "It's depressing."

"You'll get used to the colors of Karak in time, young Azul."

As Aswad continued talking about the magnificent and glory of Karak, Azul was lost in her thoughts, not listening to him anymore. She had spent the whole day visiting the palace, having Aswad as her guide and one thing was sure for her then, it was going to be almost impossible to escape from that place. That was not a palace, it was more like a fortress and she was losing hope of escape.

"Must you always have to be this sad?" Aswad's voice brought her back to reality. The man put his finger under Azul's chin and lifted her face. Azul tried to step back but he grabbed her chin in his hand forcing her to stay in there. "You are so perfect... you are all I always dreamed... but your attitude is not helping, Azul... I know you are interested in what I have to say... I know you want to accept my proposal... but there's something inside you that still refuses... what is it?"

"I---" Azul tried to find a good argument but she couldn't.

"I told you what's happening," Aswad said still holding her face. "It's the memory of your prince, isn't it? Everything I'm offering to you is so good and you want it... but it's the memory of him that keeps you from accept."

"I love him." Azul said without even think about it and Aswad thought it was the most sincere thing he had hear from her.

"Love is not a real thing." He said placing his arm around Azul's shoulders and pulling her to him. Azul tried to resist but he forced her to stay in there. "Love is just like the smoke of a burning flame... it may come from the fire but it vanishes into the air... it's not real... as bright as that flame could burn, a simple blow can extinguish it forever... and I can be that blow, Azul... that blow you need so desperately to kill that love you think it's eternal... and once that flame is gone you'll see everything I'm offering to you is much more worth that this... love."

Azul looked up at him. She wanted to say a lot of things but she decided Aswad would never understand. In her heart she promised himself that no matter what, she'd keep the flame alive... as much as Aswad was blowing at the flame, she promised herself the fire of her love for Ali would resist Aswad's charges.

Her hand went automatically to her neck and she touched the little blue diamond she had in there but she didn't have time to think much, for Aswad had already his hand on her shoulder and he was leading her away. She freed herself from his touch but she followed him anyway. She wanted to know everything he had to say about the palace and about Karak.

After visiting many places of the palace they arrived in a large and impressive corridor. At the end of it Azul could see an equally large and impressive door and she smiled walking towards it. But she only could take a couple of steps before Aswad stopped her. She looked at him, a questioning look on her face. Aswad frowned at her and shook his head.

"You're not allowed to go there."

"What is it?" She asked interested.

"It's the temple... an no one is allowed to go there... is that clear?"

Azul looked at the door at the end of the hall and realized it was the center of the palace, the very heart of that place.

"What's in there?" She asked.

"It's not your concern." Aswad said grabbing her arm and dragging her away. "I think you've seen enough for today..."

Azul thought for a couple of seconds and nodded politely at him.

"I have and I appreciate this... your palace sure is an impressive place."

"It is." Aswad said proudly. "And I'm happy to know you're interested in all of this... I hope you're thinking seriously about my proposal."

"I have no way out, have I?" She asked helplessly.

"No." He said and nodded to Majid. "Escort her to her room..." He turned to Azul. "Consider this... I'm waiting for your answer... Azrak's blood."

Aswad turned to leave and Azul bit her lower lip. She was nervous but she was trying to be as strong as possible before Aswad. She headed to her room followed by Majid.

As soon as Azul entered her room and closed the door making sure she was all alone she took a quill and a sheet of paper and traced a quick map of the palace before she'd forget it.

"This will be helpful for my plans..." She said while drawing the map. "I cannot get lost when it's time..." She looked at his map and marked with a x the spot where Aswad had forbidden her to get close. "This has to be something important... and I need to know why."

Azul folded the map carefully and hid it in her clothes. She went to her window and stared at the now familiar scenery of Karak. She sighed deeply. It was almost sunset. In a couple of hour Aswad would send for her to join him for dinner. Azul made a face at the thought of it. It repulsed her the way he looked at her, the way he touched. She was always so defenseless before him and yet she was trying to be strong. She was trying to earn his trust.

"Oh Ali..." She said, her gaze lost in the desert. "Where are you, my prince?

She closed her eyes and smiled warmly at the memories of Ali she was evoking in her head. Her hand went to the blue diamond and pressed it against her heart.

"Your eyes..." She whispered. "So mischievous and sparkly... your warm and sincere smile... your messy hair... the way you embrace me... the way you kiss me..." She sighed. "Oh Ali I miss you! I love you my silly boy... I love you... and no matter what Aswad says or does, this love will continue burning in my heart forever... you are my strength, Ali... I don't know where or how but I know you're looking for me... it's only matter of time my love... you will come..."

She opened her eyes, a preoccupied expression on her face. For a moment she was lost in her thoughts.

"But I have to find more answers... I have so many questions and so few answers... I know there must be a way to destroy this spell... to vanish this city... just like Azrak did centuries ago... and I'm going to find the way, Ali... I swear I'm going to find something... I know there must be something in Aswad's library and I've been searching... alas, no luck... yet."

She looked at the sky and held her diamond in her hand tightly. A determinate look appeared in her eyes.

"But I'm going to fight... until the end... I'm going to find something that can help us, Ali... I swear I'll find a way to destroy Karak once and for all..." She kissed her diamond. "I love you Ali... and I promise to you I won't give up... ever!"

She closed her eyes and prayed for Ali, for her courageous prince that somewhere out there in the deserts was fighting his own battles... for her.

* * * * *

A soft wind entered the window of the little room Ali was staying in. The young prince of Agrabah was peacefully sleeping on bed. It was a small and humble room. On a little table beside the bed there was a jar with fresh water and some fruits. In a corner of the room, on a chair there were Ali's cape, his satchel and his other personal stuff.

He was sleeping peacefully for the first time in days. He was resting on his stomach until the soft wind caressed her face and he opened his eyes slowly. He blinked a couple of times trying to keep his eyes open but they closed again. Ali groaned softly and turned on his back. He looked around trying to put his ideas in order.

"I'm in Hessa..." He whispered in a hoarse voice. "I killed the lion..."

Ali folded his arms under his head and closed his eyes again. For a moment it almost seemed as if he had fell asleep again... until he muttered a name.

"Azul..." He said opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling.

It was dark already and Ali wondered what time it was. He smiled when he realized he was feeling way much better. He felt more rested and more relaxed. Something inside him told him that he was in the right way now.

"I'm going to find you soon, blue eyes." He whispered. "You just hang on... I'll be there soon."

He closed his eyes and smiled dreamily sighing deeply.

"And when I'm there I'm going to cover you with kisses... from head to toe... I'm going to hug you... to hold you close to me... so tight... I won't release you, Azul... never again."

Ali kept a big smile on his face and let his mind get lost in the memories of her beloved blue eyed girl.

"I can always count on you, Azul..." He was thinking. "For important affairs or just when I feel like playing... you are always there supporting me and helping me... loving me no matter what... no matter how silly or stubborn or stupid I act, you always love me... you always get the best from me... and whenever I make a mistake you correct me... but always in a loving way... my love... how I miss you!"

He sighed dreamily and tried to find in his mind the image of his Azul.

"Those gorgeous blue eyes of yours... I've always wondered how did you manage to get all those stars shinning in there... and your smile... that sincere smile that can make my whole world shine around me... and your hair... the way it cascade over your shoulders whenever I undo your hairdo..." He giggled. "I love to see you like that, with your hair waving free at the wind... I love the way you feel in my embrace... so small in there... it makes me want to protect you... to love you tenderly... ah, my beloved princess... my blue eyed angel... where are you, my beautiful girl?"

He opened his eyes.

"Wherever you are Azul, I'm going to find you... I won't let you down... it's a promise... my love."

The door of the room opened slowly and Ali propped himself on his elbow to see who was entering the place. Habid, the chief of the village entered tentatively and Ali smiled at him.

"Habid! Come in..."

"So you are awake, Ali... you slept for many hours."

"I was tired... I guess I was needing this... and I want to thank you and your people for your hospitality and for your food. Really, I feel much better now."

"I'm happy to hear that, Ali. My people is happy to have you here. I'm happy to have you here. You've killed the lion... a prophecy has been fulfilled today... and you're the one who..."

"You know, Habid..." Ali interrupted him. "I really want to know more about that prophecy... about the Lion of the Desert... about Azrak..."

"Alas young one, there's not much I can tell you about it. We've had that legend for generations... one day a man would come to Hessa and he would kill the lion... with Azrak's sword... that man would become the Lion of the Desert and..."

"But you know about Azrak!" Ali interrupted him again. "What do you know about him? Please, tell me... I really need to know..."

"He was a great man who lived many centuries ago... Azrak, the blue eyed one... he had great powers and we know he did many great things... but little we know about him. Only that he spent the last years of his life in this village... he was loved by the people of Hessa, for he was wise and always helped the ones who needed him... he stayed in Hessa until he died."

"So he lived in here... there must be something about him somewhere, like the house where he lived or his grave... whatever..."

"I don't think so... it's been centuries ever since then... we have nothing."

"Oh..." Ali said disappointed. "This is going just great... I've come all this way to find the Lion of the Desert... just to find that I AM the Lion of the Desert... and now I have no idea what to do... I feel so stupid!"

"Ali, listen to me... there's one thing left I have to tell you..."

"And what is it?"

"When Azrak died he told the people of Hessa that prophecy about the Lion of the Desert... the man who would kill the lion with Azrak's sword... that'd be you."

"I know but..."

"He also said," Habid interrupted him. "That when that man came to Hessa we should give him this..."

Ali looked at Habid's hands. He was handing a little bundle to him. It was something wrapped in goatskin.

"What is that?" Ali said not taking the bundle.

"I don't know... my family has kept it for generations waiting for this day to come... waiting for you to come... it's never been opened. It is just the way Azrak left it."

"Oh gosh..." Ali said taking it in his hands. "What could this be?"

"I know you're on a journey, Ali... and I think this could help you... in any case today I've fulfilled the promise my ancestors made to Azrak... I've put this bundle in the hands of its rightful owner... today has been a blessed day."

Ali smiled weakly at him. His mind was wondering what that bundle could have inside. Habid bowed respectfully and went to the door.

"If you need me, I'll be here."

"Thanks Habid." Ali said sincerely.

When Ali was all alone he inspected the bundle carefully not wanting to open it. It looked so old. The goatskin was so wore out and yet Ali could say it had never been opened, just as Habid had said.

"So you closed this centuries ago, Azrak..." Ali said out loud. "And you knew I was going to open it tonight, didn't you? You knew this would happen... I don't know what this could be, Azrak... but for Azul's sake I hope this is something that can help me in my quest."

Ali took his dagger and cut the strings that kept the bundle closed. When he opened it, slowly, almost afraid of what he could find inside, a book appeared in there. Ali's eyebrows raised and he cocked his head.

"Hmmm... a book." He said. "Interesting..."

Ali passed his hand over the old book. He traced with his finger a symbol that was on the cover of the book. It was a blue and golden symbol. It had a crescent moon and a star in it. The book was beautiful.

He took the book in his hands very carefully. He was afraid it could break in his hands of something, being such an old book. But it was in perfect conditions as Ali could see. He looked carefully at his cover and then he took a deep breath.

"Alright... let's see what's inside this ancient book of yours, Azrak."

When Ali opened the book he realized the first pages were in blank. He frowned and started paging the book... and much for his despair he noticed the whole book was nothing but a bunch of blank pages. Nothing was written in it.

"Oh no..." He was saying desperately while paging the book. "No... no, this cannot be possible... this must be some sort of joke or... this book has nothing in it... this book is..."

Ali groaned and shut the book closed. He hunched, he book still in his hands and he moaned softly.

"What am I supposed to do now? I'm clueless... I thought I'd have something by now... but I have nothing... nothing but a blank book... a book that was kept for centuries for me... and it is a blank book!"

He looked at the book in his hands and frowned. He was going to throw it away when Ali sensed some sort of warmth going through his hand... as if the book was warming up... and not only that, but the book was definitely shaking a little in his hand. Ali blinked a couple of times not knowing what to do. But suddenly the inside of the book started to glow with a soft blue light.

"What in the name of Allah..."

Ali opened the book and the blue light illuminated the dark room. Ali had to blink at it, but it was so soft that it was not uncomfortable to look at. Ali's face was illuminated with that light and a soft wind was coming out of the book. He was staring curiously at the first page of the book. Suddenly his big sparkly eyes widened in amazement... as letters started to appear on the first pages of the book. A very elegant handwriting was appearing in there before his eyes.

Slowly the blue light dissolved and the room was dark again. Ali's stayed for a while just staring at the book, his eyes wide open.

"Oh All Mighty Allah!" He whispered after a while. "That was amazing..."

He paged the book once again and noticed that only the first few pages had Azrak's handwriting on them. The rest of the book was still blank.

"Well..." He said. "It's a start..."

He went to the very first page and he was pleasantly surprised when he saw the book was written in common language, not magical or mystical or ancient language, but the every day language. He smiled and started to read.

"I am Azrak Eyoun Zaraa, called the blue eyed one. For many years I searched for all the magical knowledge I could find on Earth and became a powerful magician. I never misused my powers and I always used them for good.

When my apprentice Aswad joined the forces of evil in the City of Karak I tried to stop him. I vanished Karak from Earth using a powerful spell but I know the spell had failures and I know some time in the future the City of Karak will reappear again in the deserts to spread fear and evil.

When that happens I know Aswad will look for someone from my blood to help him keep Karak alive. And I know someone, the Lion of the Desert, will do anything to restore the peace and the balance of the deserts... for the love he'll have for my blood."

Ali stopped reading. His heart was beating so fast in his chest that he thought it was going to explode. It was Azrak writing that book for him and only for him. Ali gulped.

"Of course I'll do anything for Azul... I'm willing to pay with my life the price of her security."

"I want to guide you, Lion of the Desert, through your journey. You must know things are not going to be easy. Nor for you or for her. But you have to keep your faith. No matter how dark the path may seem, no matter how hopeless this quest could seem, you must believe.

The first thing you'll need to get is my amulet, the source of all my powers. All the magic I learned in my life is concentrated in that amulet and it is required to vanish Karak once and for all from Earth. You will need this amulet to enter the Dark City because you are not a magician and you are not my blood. Without the amulet you cannot enter Karak."

"An amulet!" Ali smiled. "That's good... I can do that... where can I find that amulet? I need to know! I'll start my quest for the amulet now... that cannot be that hard... but where should I look for it?"

"The Amulet is in a temple at the end of the Golden Road. It's the place known as the Land of Light."

"The golden road? The Land of Light?" Ali thought. "Those must be places... like a caravan route called the Golden Road and a city or a zone or whatever called the Land of Light... although I don't think I've heard about them before..."

"If you want to arrive in the Land of Light you must fight bravely on Earth. You must prove yourself worthy in Courage, Purity and Wisdom. You must travel across the Four Roads of the Universe."

"The Four Roads of the Universe? Courage, Purity and Wisdom? That's just what the Oracle told me... she told me before I could find Karak I have to travel across the Four Roads of the Universe to..." Ali stopped and gulped. "To find the Lion of the Desert..." He was silent for a while. "Oh Allah! Now I get it... I--- I need to find myself before I can find Karak and Azul but... how?"

"Life on Earth is always threatened with pain and death but you must find what is the real purpose of your life in this land. Only then you'll be prepared to enter the Land of Light and get the Amulet that will help you vanish Karak and recover the one who gives life to your heart."

"The one who gives life to my heart... Azul..." Ali smiled.

"You must fight, you must learn, you must be generous, you must be wise, you must be pure at heart. You must find the real fire. The fire that makes your heart burn... only burning hearts can be brave."

"I have no problem with it." Ali said dreamily. "I know what my real fire is... my only fire... Azul."

"You, Lion of the Desert, you will be proved in courage, purity and wisdom across the Roads of the Universe before you are ready to go to the Land of Light. Before you can get the Amulet you must prove yourself worthy. You must travel the first three roads of the universe and get three precious jewels in order to get the Amulet. You will travel to the west, the Red Road, the Road of Courage... fire is its element. Then you will go south, the White Road, the Road of Purity... water is its element. And finally you will go North, the Blue Road, the Road of Wisdom... wind is its element. Only when you have the three Crystals of Infinite, only then you will be ready to go to the Land of Light... and to Karak. Not before."

"No!" Ali almost cried. "No, I cannot do that... I can't wander around the deserts when Azul needs me in Karak... I have no time, for Allah's sake! I don't care about the crystals or about the amulet... I have to find Karak... I have to find Azul! Please! Just tell me where Karak is! PLEASE!"

"Your quest starts west... follow the Red Road, the Road of Courage and find the Red Crystal in fire."

That was all that was written in the book. Ali paged the book back and forth trying to find more letters, more clues, anything but it was all.

"No... no, Azrak, please!" He was desperate. "You cannot do that to me... Azul needs me... I can't afford losing any more time... PLEASE Azrak... please..."

But as much as Ali pleaded no more letters appeared in the book. Ali threw the book aside and groaned. He hid his head in his hands.

"This cannot be happening... Azul... what should I do? I have no clues... my only choice is follow the way this book is pointing... but what if this is the wrong way? Do I have any other chance?"

He stayed in silence for a long moment, his eyes closed and rubbing his temples. The desperation and the pain clearly reflected on his face.

"I've been asking for clues and directions all this time." He said finally. "I've been walking in the dark... this was a blind quest until now... and when I finally have something more real... in a sense anyway, I refuse it... I'm acting stupid again, Azul... what would you say if you were here? You'd tell me to follow the way... the only way I have."

He stretched his arm and took Azul's portrait out of his satchel. He stared at her image for a long moment. Every time he looked at her tenderness appeared in his eyes.

"If this is the only way... I'll do it for you, blue eyes... you just hang on... I'll do whatever it takes for you... no one told me this was going to be an easy journey... but I'm willing to take all that comes... for you my love."

Ali put Azul's portrait on the table and took the book in his hands and he was going to put the book inside his satchel when he decided to take another look at it. And much for his surprise he noticed a couple of lines that hadn't been there before.

"The Road of Courage is your course now. Go to the West. This is your first act of bravery. You are risking everything in what seems a hopeless cause... just for love."

"Not just for any love..." Ali smiled grabbing Azul's portrait. "But for Azul's love."

* * * * *

It was still dark when Ali left Habid's house. Several of the villagers were there to wish him luck in his journey and to see the Lion of the Desert for the last time. Ali stood beside Reeh and checked on Reeh's saddles. Then he made sure he had everything with him: his dagger, his sword, his map but most of all, Azrak's book in his satchel. When he made sure everything was fine he touched the A+A pin over his heart and then he turned to the chief of the village of Hessa.

"I want to thank you, Habid. Thanks for everything. Thank you and your people. I assure you, you will have your reward. When I'm back home with my father I'll personally see that the village of Hessa..."

"That's fine." Habid interrupted him. "We are fine. You've fulfilled a prophecy, we've fulfilled a promise. Now everything is fine."

Ali smiled and nodded. He put his hand on Habid's shoulder.

"I guess you are right." He said smiling at the man. "Now it's time for me to go."

"May Allah be with you, young Ali... Lion of the Desert."

Ali nodded and patted Reeh's head. With an agile movement he mounted on Reeh and put his hood on.

"And may Allah be with you, good people of Hessa."

Ali sighed and looked at the dark desert before him.

"Your journey will not be easy, young Ali." Habid was saying. "The desert of the west is the most desolate and cursed of all of Allah's deserts."

"The journey can be hard." Ali said. "But it has to be done."

Ali looked down at Habid and tried to smile. Habid only nodded to him and Ali understood he should be going then.

"C'mon Reeh." He said softly and patted the horse's neck. "To the west."

The good horse neighed loudly and they started the journey. The travel that would lead them to the first crystal. The Red Road of the Universe, the path of courage.

* * * * *

Azul was all alone in the huge library of the dark palace of Karak. She had been in there for hours every day just trying to find something that could help her in any way. She was sure she'd find a copy of the spell Azrak had used to vanish Karak in that library. By then she knew Aswad's liking for magical books and most of all, she knew the admiration that man felt for Azrak so she knew Aswad had to keep a copy of the spell somewhere.

"I'm just glad Aswad thinks I'm not able to read these books." She was thinking. "And the guys in Alexandria laughed at me when I decided to study ancient languages. I'm so happy I decided to do that! I really don't know what I'd do without those annoying ancient languages now..."

Azul put aside a bunch of books she was reading and took some parchments. She opened them, one after another as her eyes moved from one side to another reading those documents.

"This is useless." She was saying. "Spells, counter spells, potions, essays about magic and mysticism... this is not what I want. This is not what I need!"

She put everything aside and sighed frustrated, hiding her face in her hands.

"Now what? What am I supposed to do now? I can't stay in here, for as long as I'm in here this city will exist. And yet I cannot escape because I have no way out. The only chance I have is find the way to vanish Karak again, like Azrak did. But how?"

She rested her cheek on her hand and her gaze was lost in the huge book shelves before her. She was fiddling absently with her diamond and her mind automatically flew off to Ali.

"Oh Ali, you must be so confused with this whole thing. Not even knowing what's going on. I'm here in Karak and I still think this is only a nightmare. And Allah, I'd give anything to wake up from this nightmare... to open my eyes and discover I'm with you in Agrabah, Ali. How I miss you! You are the only thing that keeps me from going crazy in this site. Because I know you're trying to find a way out. I don't know where you are or what are you doing... but I do know that you're not in Agrabah, that you're not just sitting in there waiting for a miracle to happen. And I'm so worried for you Ali. When I try to imagine what are you up to... Allah, that single thought scares me because I know you'll be putting yourself in danger and I don't want that Ali. But I trust you... Oh how I love you Prince Ali!"

Suddenly something woke her up from her day dreaming. She blinked a couple of times trying to focus her eyes on the book that was in the book shelf right in front of her. She shook her head and slowly walked to the shelf.

"How come I never saw this one before?" She said running her finger down the back of the book. "Azrak." She read the word written there.

She took the book and went to the table. Her heart was beating faster now. When she opened the book she smiled widely, for it was some sort of collection of Azrak's spells and incantations.

"I'm sure Aswad collected them when he was Azrak's pupil." She said paging through the book. "This has to have something."

She went to the last pages of the book and she almost squealed when she read the title of the last spell. The spell to vanish the city of Karak.

"Oh Allah! This is it! I found it! I finally found it! Oh, thank you All Merciful Allah! Thank you!"

Her eyes scanned the page and she read the words in that ancient language. The actual spell.

"And how am I supposed to do this?" She wondered. "Are this words all I have to say and the city will vanish? Is there some sort of ritual or something?"

She went to the next page and read what was written there. Slowly her face drained and a sad and stressed look appeared on it.

"The Three Crystals of Infinite?" She said frustrated. "To cast the spell I must have the three crystals, they symbolize courage, purity and wisdom and they have to be earned passing through the different tests in the Roads of the Universe."

She sighed and shook her head.

"I can't do that. I cannot leave the city... how am I supposed to--?"

She stopped and read the next part.

"Along with the three crystals the amulet of Azrak is needed to perform the ritual... the amulet only can be found at the end of the Golden Road, in the Land of Light and only after you've proven yourself worthy in courage, purity and wisdom."

Azul sighed helplessly and rubbed her face desperately.

"It's no use." She said. "This cannot be done. Three mystical crystals, an amulet... the roads of the universe... the golden road. I cannot do that. I-I can't destroy Karak as I though I would. What am I going to do now?"

She hid her face in her hands taking deep breaths, trying to avoid her tears.

"I'm trapped in here. Forever... there's no way out. There's nothing I can do about this. I'm cursed. My blood is giving life to evil and I want to do something about this but I'm just too weak... and so useless. Oh All Mighty Allah... I have no ideas left now. I don't know what to do now. I-I'm all alone in here... all on my own. Oh Allah, I'm so scared... I'm so, so scared..."

She finally gave it up. She folded her arms on the table and hid her face in there and for the first time since she had been taken to Karak she cried. She just couldn't take it anymore, she had to let it out.

"I can't go on." She was whispering in her crying. "I'm so scared... I'm so alone... I just want to be back home with the people I love... with my parents... with Ali... oh please, let this whole thing be only a nightmare... please Allah, allow me to wake up from this... tell me this isn't true... please, let me go home... just... let me go home..."

She lifted her tear streaked face and grabbed her diamond. She stared at it for a moment.

"What's the point?" She whispered. I really don't know what I'm doing and I'm scared, Ali. I'm scared to death. Every time Aswad comes close to me, every time he touches me, every time he looks at me I feel myself shaking. I'm trying to be strong and I'm trying to show no fear... but I'm dying inside. And what pains me the most is the fact that I cannot do anything to make things better... anything Ali, anything. This is all my fault... if it wasn't for me Karak would've never reappeared again... what should I do?"

Suddenly the sound of steps outside in the hall were heard. Azul practically jumped to her feet and brushed the tears off her face with the cuff of her dress. She hurried to put the books back in their shelves when the door opened and Majid entered.

"Azul." He said respectfully. "You have to get ready for dinner now."

"I know, I know..." She said fixing the books, not wanting to face the guard. "I'll be done in a second."

"I'll finish for you in here." The guard said.

Azul just nodded and left the library, not wanting Majid to discover the signs of her crying on her face.

When she entered her room she closed the doors behind her and let out a trembling breath, leaning against the doors.

"Where are you my love?" She said out loud. "I miss you, Ali. I wish I could be with you now. I need to feel myself safe and protected in your loving embrace, my prince." She embraced herself and slid down the door, sitting on the floor. "I'm breaking, Ali... I feel I'm breaking... please don't let me down. Please... don't abandon me. You have all my faith, you are my only hope."

She looked up at the window and tried to calm herself. She was going to go to have dinner with Aswad as usual and she would be strong. She'd show no fear to him even if inside her she felt as if she were falling apart. But before she did that she stayed in there for a while and prayed. She prayed to Allah to send strength to her, but most of all she prayed to Allah to protect her prince, whatever his quest was.

*        *         *

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