Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




Ali and Reeh had been traveling the whole day to the west. Reeh was pacing slowly. The horse was tired after a whole day of galloping. Ali was lost in his own thoughts, his gaze set on some part of the back of Reeh's neck. The movement of Reeh made Ali rock back and forth softly. Suddenly he lifted his face and looked at the endless sea of sand before them.

"How long have we been traveling today, Reeh?"

The horse made a soft noise not losing his rhythm of pacing. Ali nodded and pulled the reins softly. Reeh stopped.

"I think we deserve a rest, pal." Ali said. "Let's stay in here. We could take a nap or something. I'm so tired."

The horse neighed happy to have the chance to have some rest. Ali led him to some rocks and he dismounted there. A little later Ali had set a fire already. He was just staring at the fire but he didn't prepare anything for him to eat. He just laid there, his back against a rock. He was playing absently with his A+A pin in his hands, his gaze totally lost in the fire.

After a while Reeh came to him and hit his arm softly with his big head. Ali looked at his friend and smiled caressing Reeh's head.

"I'm fine Reeh. Don't worry about me. Just try to have some rest, ok? We'll continue our travel in a few hours."

Reeh snorted and looked at Ali with worried eyes.

"Everything is fine. I just have a headache but it must be the sun and the heat. We traveled the whole day. I'm just glad it's night already. I think I'm a little dehydrated. The people of Hessa were right, this is a terrible desert to cross. I didn't see any palm tree or well or anything during the whole day, did you Reeh?"

The horse neighed softly and laid by Ali's side. Ali smiled and rested his head on Reeh's side. He took his satchel and took Azrak's book out of it. Ali sighed and opened the book, reading carefully all the words all over again. He had those words almost memorized. Reeh was only looking down at Ali and the book.

"It was amazing." Ali said looking up at his horse. "You should have see that... there was this glow, like a blue light coming from inside the book and when I opened it there was this soft wind and then... and then the light illuminated the whole place. It was a very glowing and yet soft light and then... and then these letters started to appear right there, before my eyes... it was great Reeh."

The horse snorted and neighed and Ali patted his head and smiled at him.

"Don't worry pal. I'm sure it will happen again. And then you'll have the chance to look at it." Reeh rested his head on the ground and closed his eyes. Ali smiled and patted the horse's neck. "Sleep well..."

But he couldn't sleep. He put the open book on his chest and his eyes went to the star covered canopy over them. It was a dark night and many stars were shinning up there. Ali sighed deeply.

"The Red Road." He whispered. "What's courage? What's REAL courage? I fought a war and yet I don't feel I was brave then. I was scared. I was so unsure of myself and of what I was doing. But I went there and fought for Agrabah, for my father and most of all, for the things I believe in. Is that courage? Can you be brave even when you are scared?"

He stayed for a long while just staring at the nigh sky, his mind lost in his thoughts. Little by little he felt how his eyelids became heavier and heavier. He was blinking trying not to fall asleep, but finally he just gave up. He fell asleep.

And in his dreams he found her.

She couldn't see him but he could see her. She seemed so lonely, so scared so helpless and Ali's heart went to her. He wanted to protect her so much. He wanted to be there for her... there with her. And yet he couldn't reach her. She was just a blurred image in his mind.

And she was crying. Ali's heart was aching. He hated to see her cry. He was willing to do anything for her to stop her crying. But he just couldn't get closer to her as much as he was trying to. He didn't know what was happening to her but he knew she was losing her spirit. She was breaking.

"You have to be strong, blue eyes." He said and his voice echoed. "I'm going to be brave and strong for you. You have to be brave and strong for me. Don't give up. I'm on my way... I won't abandon you... it's a promise... I won't abandon you."

"... I won't abandon you... I-"

Ali opened his eyes slowly. He heard himself pronouncing those words. He yawned and blinked a couple of times. He straightened himself and realized the fire had died in the campfire. He saw a weak light in the east. Reeh lifted his head when he felt Ali moving.

"It's almost dawn." Ali muttered in a throaty voice. "We slept for hours Reeh..."

He looked around and saw the book on the sand. He put it inside his satchel and then he took in his hand the A+A pin that was there on the sand as well. He stared at it for a second.

"Azul!" He said remembering his dream. "Oh Allah, she's so scared... she's so alone and so down... she was crying Reeh. She was..." He stopped and held the pin in his hand tightly. "I promised you I am going to be strong, Azul. I'm going to find this red crystal and the rest of them for you. I won't let you down. But you must be strong for me, blue eyes. Don't give up and I won't do it either... just hang on. I'm on my way." Ali kissed the pin. "And I won't abandon you ever."

He fixed his cape and put the pin on his heart. Reeh stood up and shook his head. Ali put the saddles on Reeh and patted his friend's head.

"Are you ready, Reeh?" The horse neighed. "Alright. We have to use these hours of the morning to travel. Hopefully we'll find an oasis or something today. But in any case we won't give up."

Ali mounted Reeh and looked at the horizon. He closed his eyes and said a prayer and then took a deep breath.

"Let's go Reeh!" He said. "To wherever this path may take us... go!"

The faithful horse neighed loudly and galloped following the course of the west. The red road of the universe.

* * * * *

It was high noon when Ali looked at the horizon and he thought he saw something on the horizon. Something like the silhouette of an oasis of some sort. He couldn't hide his smile. He really needed water and he knew Reeh needed a rest and he thought it'd be nice to have a cool place for a change. Somewhere they could rest for a couple of hours under the trees.

"It's an oasis, Reeh." He said happily. "Take us there... see? I told you we'd find an oasis soon. Let's go!"

Reeh ran faster. The good horse wanted water and a cool rest, it was obvious. Ali thought that even though it was wonderful to find an oasis they couldn't stay much in there for they had still a long way to go.

"If I only knew where this road is taking us." Ali thought.

As they were approaching the oasis Ali noticed some constructions around. It was a village right there in the oasis. That was good for them, for they could get information from the people of the village.

"Good." He muttered. "People. Let's get closer Reeh."

They went to a group of men who were busy picking dates and watering some plants around the oasis pool. Ali stopped Reeh and the men looked at him cautiously.

"Salaam good people." Ali said taking his hood off. "May Allah be with you."

"And with you, traveler."

"Could you inform me please where I am?"

"The oasis of Habaan."

"I see." Ali said consulting his map but much to his disappointment the oasis was not on the map. "Reeh, remind me to order the royal cartographers to make new maps when we're back in the palace."

The horse neighed and Ali smiled patting his head and looking at the mountains behind the oasis.

"What's behind those mountains?" He asked.

"Sands... eternal sands."

"I think I might be crossing those mountains. If that's the only way west I must go. Could you please provide some information? Which the roads are and stuff?"

"We cannot." One of the men was saying. "We're but humble farmers. If you want that kind of information then ask a warrior. Or to our chief."

"I'd like to talk to your chief then." Ali said sincerely.

The men looked at each other and shook their heads sadly.

"That is going to be a little difficult, traveler. Our chief's family is living moments of great distress."

"How come?" Ali asked interested.

"I don't think the chief would receive you." Another of the men said, ignoring Ali's question.

"Well, just let me know where your chief is. I'll see if he wants to talk to me or not."

"You can find him in the village." One of the men said pointing to the small town near them.

"Perfect." Ali smiled. "Thank you, good people."

Ali and Reeh entered the small village that was in the oasis. People were looking at them curiously. Ali smiled and tried to be friendly to them for he didn't want to have troubles of any kind. He noticed the tense atmosphere in that place. Everyone seemed sad and thoughtful.

Finally Ali stopped Reeh in the small square in the center of the village. It was a nice place. He dismounted and went to a group of men who where there.

"Salaam. May Allah be with you." Ali said.

"And with you." One of them responded. "Who are you and what brings you to Habaan?"

"I'm a traveler." Ali explained unfolding his map. "And I'm following the route to the west. I've stopped in here to get some water and some information, if that'd be possible. The farmers who are working near the pool told me that I could get the info from the warriors or the chief and..."

"The chief cannot see you now." One of the men said.

"What happened to him?"

"His daughter in law to be is dying." The other man informed him.

"Oh..." Ali said folding his map as a sad expression appeared on his face. "I'm sorry to hear that, I---"

"She's been sick for a couple of weeks, but the healer gives no hopes to her anymore."

Ali looked around at the house the men were staring at while talking. It was the biggest house in town. It was a simple house, in the style of the other houses in Habaan but Ali knew immediately it was the chief's house.

"I'm going to see the chief." He said. "And to present my sympathies to him... and his son."

The men shrugged and Ali took Reeh's reins leading him to the house. He knocked at the door and a woman appeared in there. Ali bowed respectfully.

"Good day, good woman. May I see the chief of the Village of Habaan?"

"Who are you, foreigner? The chief cannot receive you right now."

"Just tell him that I've come in peace. I'm a diplomat from the Sultanate of Agrabah."

The woman looked at him from head to toe and groaned softly.

"Wait here."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Almost instantly a man appeared in the door before Ali. The prince smiled friendly and bowed respectfully.

"May Allah be with you, chief of Habaan."

"I was informed you are a diplomat from Agrabah."

"I am. I really don't want to cause you any troubles. I'm just passing by but I stopped to ask for some directions and I was informed about the great distress your family is going through so I thought it'd be rude to leave Habaan without presenting my sympathies to you and your family."

"And you are...?"

"Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa of Agrabah."

The man blinked a couple of times and almost stepped back.

"Prince Ali of Agrabah?"

"At your service." Ali responded formally.

"All Mighty Allah!" The man said. "Please come in, Prince."

"Oh, I really don't want to-"

"Jamaal," The man was telling to a young man. "Take care of Prince Ali's horse."

"Yes sir."

"But chief, I really don't want to cause you any kind of-"

"Not at all." The man said offering a seat to Ali. "Fatima, bring some water and some food for us."

"Yes, father."

Ali sat down and the man sat right in front of him smiling.

"It's a honor to have you in my home, Prince Ali. Words of your bravery had arrived to Habaan. The people of Lord Abbas talk a lot about you."

"Oh, thank you sir. Abbas and I are good friends."

"Indeed. We knew you fought a war, and your troops won that war for that matter."


"Well, I'm Abul Khayr, chief of the village of Habaan, at your service Prince Ali."

"Thank you, chief Khayr... I only wanted some information about the roads to cross the mountains. You see, I'm traveling to the west and it seems my map is not as useful as I thought it would be."

"I'll be more than happy to provide a new map for you. No one knows the west mountains as well as myself."

"Thank you, sir."

"But you must accept my hospitality for the night, Prince Ali."

"Oh, I wish I could chief Khayr. But the truth is I'm in a hurry and I must be on my way as soon as possible. But I hear what's happening to your daughter in law to be and... well, I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too." Khayr said lowering his eyes. "My son loves her tenderly. And all of a sudden she's dying. My son Amir is devastated."

"I can relate to that." Ali said sadly.

"My son is inconsolable. He refuses to abandon her. He's by her side day and night, he's been like that for the past weeks. I want him to sleep, to have a rest but he refuses and refuses. What am I supposed to do? His life is dying with her."

"Oh, I feel his pain." Ali said sincerely. "I-I really wish I could meet your son, sir."

"Well, I don't think he's in the mood but you are a Prince, so he cannot refuse to-"

"Oh I don't want to disturb him in any way. I just want to give him my support. If that's the only thing I can do for him."

Khayr nodded sadly and smiled weakly to Ali.

"Eat something, prince Ali. And then I'll take you Nadiha's house to meet my son."


* * * * *

Later that day Ali and Khayr were in the house of the parents of Nadiha, the fianc�e of the son of chief Khayr. A young man appeared in the room and Ali stood up to receive him. He was around Ali's age and he looked terrible, totally wore out and so sad. When he saw Ali he tried to smile.

"Amir," his father said. "I want you to know Prince Ali of Agrabah."

"Prince Ali of Agrabah?" Amir said surprised and bowed respectfully. "Nice to meet you, Prince."

"Call me Ali. And nice to meet you too, Amir." Ali said shaking the man's hand and patting his back friendly. "I'm so sorry about what's happening to Nadiha."

Amir collapsed on the pillows and sighed deeply, almost painfully.

"The healer saw her today." He said absently. "He told me... he told me I have to get used to the idea of..." his voice trailed off.

Ali gulped and felt his heart aching.

"Is she that bad?" Khayr was asking.

"Yes." Amir hid his face in his hands. "The healer said we'll be lucky if she..." He stopped. "He told me it's a matter of a couple of days..."

"Oh Allah." Ali muttered.

"She can barely keep her eyes open anymore." Amir said. "I-I really don't know what to do... she's dying right there in front of me... her life is escaping her and I cannot stop it. It's like sand between my fingers- I feel so..."

Ali could relate so well to Amir's words. His eyes went from one side to another and he looked at Amir.

"Isn't there anything you could do for her? Any kind of medicine? Whatever?"

"I don't think so." Amir barely said.

"It'd be the flower of fire for her."

"Flower of fire?" Ali asked to Khayr. "What's that?"

"It's an old saying." The chief said. "There's this legend about some flowers that grow inside a volcano near here. They are supposed to cure any illness in the world. Of course it's only a legend so when someone is this sick well, we use to say that only the flower of fire could save them."

Ali bit his lower lip in a gesture he had learned from Azul. His eyes were dancing which meant he was having an idea.

"Maybe those flowers do exist. Maybe they are not a legend, don't you think?"

Amir shook his head.

"I don't know of anyone who's gotten them before."

"It's nothing but a legend." Khayr said.

"You know, I've learned to trust legends." Ali said. "You wouldn't believe the reason of my travel. If someone has to defend myths and legends that'd be me... you should give it a try, Amir."

"Ali, I-I just can't go after a legend like that while she's dying. When she's got only two more days. I can't abandon her now."

"I know." Ali said sadly.

There was silence in the room for a couple of minutes. Suddenly Ali's face was illuminated with a smile.

"But I could do that for you."

"What?" Amir and Khayr said at the same time.

"I thought you said you were in a rush, Prince Ali."

"I am, chief Khayr, I really am... but I can feel Amir's pain so deeply." He stopped and shrugged. "I've lost my own fianc�e."


"I'm on this quest to find her. She has been... kidnapped." He said for short.

"That's awful, Prince Ali." Amir said.

"I know. And I know the pain of losing the one you love. Amir, I know what you're feeling and I can relate to it so well. If there's any chance to save Nadiha, then we have to take it... I'm after a dream... a dream was all I had from Azul, my fianc�e... and look at where I am now. We can give the flower of fire a try, what can we lose?"

"But it's only a legend, prince Ali. We cannot be sure that flower exists for real."

"Where's the volcano?" Ali said.

"To the west, it's a 2 hour ride."

"I'll check it out."

"Prince Ali, we... what is this for? Why are you doing this?"

"For love." Ali said sincerely. "Because I wish someone could help me to save Azul's life if she was in danger. Because I'd never forgive myself if I don't try this. Because I know Azul will be proud of me... because I have faith in the power of legends and dreams... because I feel your pain, Amir... because there's a woman dying in there who needs help... because this is what my father would do... because I'm here to find my courage... and because I'm a believer."

Amir and his father exchanged looks. The chief shook his head.

"I don't know what to say, Prince Ali. But I appreciate your concern. I only wish I could send my warriors with you but alas, we've been having some troubles in the deserts and they are patrolling the area day and night."

"Magical troubles?" Ali asked.

"Well... weird things have been happening."

"I know." Ali said thoughtfully. "It's Karak's power... and I wonder why I haven't had any kind of troubles in my journey. Not that kind of troubles anyway. Must be Azrak's power protecting me."

"What are you saying, Prince Ali?"

"Never mind. I'll go there now. So, tell me, this flower is supposed to grow inside the volcano?"

"Yeah, I don't know how a flower could survive inside such a place. It's so impossible."

"Believe me, I've seen a lot of impossible things in the last few days. Nothing surprises me anymore. Now hold on, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Ali turned to leave but Amir's voice stopped him.

"Prince Ali!"


"Thank you." The young man said sincerely holding Ali's hand. "I don't know why you are doing this but... thank you."

"You are welcome." Ali smiled and left the room.

* * * * *

Reeh was crossing a canyon in the mountains of the west of Habaan. Ali kept his eyes set on the silhouette of the volcano in front of them. They had been traveling for the past three hours and they were almost there. It was not easy at all for Reeh to climb those rocky mountains but he'd do anything for Ali.

"It's almost sunset." Ali said. "But we're almost there."

Reeh neighed and Ali smiled down at him.

"You must think I'm crazy, pal. I mean, look where I'm taking you. We were supposed to be on our way to the west now but... I don't know, when I saw Amir there, that sad expression on his face I couldn't help but feel so sorry for him. Then they mentioned the possibility of this mythical flower and I just..."

Ali stopped and a worried expression covered his face. Reeh snorted as if he was asking Ali to continue with what he was saying.

"... it's not only for those people. I guess it's for me and for Azul. I guess I need a proof, something that tells me that love conquers all. I want to see Amir and Nadiha together because I want to feel that my own quest is not useless and that someday soon Azul and I will be together. I don't know Reeh, inside my heart something tells me that if Amir and Nadiha are together, Azul and I will be... it's like a symbol to me... somehow..."

Reeh shook his head, as if nodding at Ali's words. The prince smiled and looked at the volcano.

"We'll be there in ten minutes." He grinned. "A flower of fire. What are the chances? And yet I believe. I guess I'm a little crazy by now but I do believe. After all I've seen lately I just have to believe. And something tells me that I'll see weirder things in the future."

Ali was silent for a couple of minutes, just staring at the volcano that was closer and closer. He shrugged.

"I know I'm going to find the flower. And it is going to cure Nadiha. I believe in the healing power of the flowers. Remember when I was a kid and my mom got sick? My dad cured her with that plant? Boy, I was scared that time! I'm glad dad has always been there for my mother. As much as she's always been there for him. Isn't that just wonderful, Reeh? Every time I look at my parents I pray to Allah for my future with Azul to be as blissful and happy as my parent's life is."

Reeh neighed loudly and shook his mane furiously.

"I know, I know." Ali laughed patting Reeh's neck. "Of course my married life is going to be blessed. Man, I'm going to make Azul happy. I'm going to make all her dreams come true... every little wish her heart makes, I'll make it true. I'm going to pamper her with all my heart and soul. I'm going to spoil her to the limit... and I'm going to make her fall in love with me day after day."

Ali smiled dreamily and for a moment his mind got lost in his thoughts. He sighed happily and frowned when Reeh's sudden stop made him jolt.


Ali looked up and realized they were right at the foothill of the volcano.

"We are here." Ali said looking up. "I guess it's up to me now. You can't go any further, Reeh."

Ali dismounted his horse still looking up. It was not a big volcano but he realized he had to climb to it and then enter the crater.

"I suppose the flower must be growing somewhere around the crater or something... I really don't feel like entering a volcano. But then again, if that's what I have to do..."

Ali took off his sword and hung it from Reeh's riding saddle. He took off his cape and placed it on a rock. He kissed his A+A pin and put it inside his satchel. Then he took Azrak's book out of the satchel and put it inside Reeh's saddles. There he saw Azul's portrait. He smiled and took it in his hands.

"Azul... how are you, my angel? You know, you won't believe this. I can only imagine your face when I tell you that I killed a lion and that I entered a volcano. I bet you're going to think I'm a weird boy. But then again, you already believe that. But that's okay, as long as you love me." He smiled and kissed the portrait.

Then he put the portrait back in the saddle and made sure he had his dagger with him. Then he nodded approvingly.

"Alright Reeh, you wait in here. I'm going to check on that flower. This won't take long, okay?"

Reeh snorted and rubbed his head against Ali. He smiled and hugged the horse's neck.

"Of course I'll take care. I'll be right back..."

And with that Ali started climbing the rocky volcano. Ali noticed the rocks and the ground were hot even though it was almost dark and there was not sun. Besides there was a column of smoke getting out of the crater of the volcano. He made a face.

"Oh Allah, the troubles I get into... oh well, I'm sure this experience is going to be interesting anyway... my poor Azul, look at the kind of man you'll have for a husband." He giggled.

When he finally reached the top of the volcano he laid on the ground for a couple of minutes trying to catch his breath. It was night already. The volcano was expelling smoke and Ali realized the atmosphere was real heavy up there with the heat and the smoke. He coughed a couple of times and brushed his bangs off his sweaty forehead.

"How is it possible that a flower could grow in this hell?"

He pulled the collar of his shirt and gasped for air as he was looking around trying to find something. The place was nothing but rocks. No plants at all and for a moment he thought the flower was indeed a myth. He started to walk carefully around the crater of the volcano, looking around and trying to get so close to the edge of it. He had no idea what was inside and he didn't want to know either.

He looked around for almost half an hour but he couldn't find anything. And the heat was intolerable then. He could barely breath and he was covered with sweat.

"I have to get out of here." He thought feeling his boots almost melting with the heat under his feet.

When he was about to start climbing down a sudden expel of smoke made him step back. But he was on the edge of the volcano so the ground broke under his weight and he slid down the side of the volcano.

That happened so fast that he barely had time to react. He tried to grab something, a rock, whatever to stop his fall, but he couldn't. He was sliding down the volcano. Suddenly he hit a big rock that finally stopped his fall. Ali groaned and tried to get to his feet.

"Oh my back." He said rubbing his lower back.

He looked up and realized he had fallen a long way. Then he looked down and noticed he was still very high.

"Oh Allah." He said looking down. "This could have been worse! I could have broken my neck! This was a close call."

Suddenly a hot wind hit his face. He turned to find the source of that wind and he discovered a cave in the side of the volcano, close to where he was.

"A cave!" He smiled. "I have to check it out."

He went to the entrance of the cave and the hot wind hit his face once again. He closed his eyes and put his arm in front of his face to protect himself from the hot wind.

"Maybe I could find something inside this cave." He said.

His face was all covered in sweat. He took his headband off and with it tied his hair in a ponytail.

"Alright, here goes nothing."

He entered the cave. It was real hot and the sounds of the heart of the volcano were really loud. Sounds of boiling lava and smoke emanations. The cave was illuminated by a red light, obviously from the lava and the fire. Finally Ali saw the end of the corridor he was following. He approached slowly and looked down. His eyes widened with surprise when he saw the sea of boiling lava under him.

"I bet the Cave of Wonders looked this way when dad was trying to escape from it." He whispered. "The center of the volcano... this is... amazing."

His gaze suddenly was caught by something right in front of him. His eyes widened even more and his mouth hung open. Right in front of him there was a plant... a plant with 3 beautiful red flowers.

"This cannot be." He said slowly. "The flowers of fire... how could this be possible?"

Despite the heat, the fire and the smoke inside that place, those flowers were there, living in the heart of that volcano. Ali smiled.

"I made it!"

He went closer to the flowers and stopped looking down. Between him and the flowers there was a cliff.

"Oh Allah... this is only logical. No prize is ever given without having to earn it first."

Ali shook his head and shrugged.

"Don't fail me now!" Ali said and without even thinking about it he ran with all his soul to the edge of the cliff and jumped all the way to the other side, where the flowers were.

He landed on his hands and knees on the other side breathing real fast. He opened his eyes wide and jumped to his feet.

"Uh... uh... hot... hot... this is real hot!"

He was practically in the heart of the volcano then. He didn't lose any time. He went to the flowers and smiled.

"Good!" He said taking two of the flowers. "I don't have time to admire you now, babies... let's get out of here... there are three of them, I'll take two and let the third one here..."

He put the two flowers inside his satchel and at that moment an emanation of smoke made him step back and cough. He felt he couldn't breath anymore.

"I have to get out of here... now!" He thought.

He stepped back and took his dagger in his hand. Took a deep breath and ran to the cliff, jumping all the way across it to the other side. He wasn't that lucky this time for he landed on the very edge of the ground. The rocks fell down under his weight but this time he was prepared. With a quick movement he practically nailed the dagger to the ground and he held on tight from it. His feet found support in the rocks of the wall of the volcano and he climbed to the floor real fast.

"GEEZ!!!!!! HOT!!!!! AH!!!!!" Ali said through clenched teeth jumping off of the ground and hopping.

He immediately took his dagger and ran with all he had to the entrance of the cave. As soon as he was outside he almost collapsed on the giant rock gasping for air. He was soaked in his own sweat and his heart was beating fast as never before. It took him a while to recover himself from his effort. But the air was hot and thick up there. He looked down and without even thinking about it and ignoring the fact that he was still breathless he started to climb down the volcano as fast as he could. The only thing he wanted was to get down there and step on solid ground.

As soon as he was on the ground he collapsed on his hands and knees gasping for air. The night was cool and he really needed that. He sat leaning against a rock and still gasping for air and he undid his ponytail and took his shirt off. He leaned his head back against the rock and closed his eyes, breathing heavily.

"That was not easy." He muttered. "It was to hot..."

He felt the mane of Reeh against his face and he opened his eyes. His faithful horse was there, right in front of him looking at him with his big and sparkly eyes. Ali smiled at him but he couldn't talk for he was still breathless. He only took water from Reeh's saddles and poured it on him. Then he drank avidly to the last drop. He leaned back against the rock and he stayed there motionless for a long while, until his breathing was normal again.

By then he was feeling cold already. He opened his eyes and smiled at Reeh. The horse was looking questioningly at him.

"I did it, Reeh." He said finally. "I found the flowers. Allah knows it was not easy... man, I jumped from one side to the other of the cave, the lava boiling under me." He said excitedly. "I almost fell into the boiling lava but I had to get the flowers and I did it! Oh, I cannot wait to tell Azul and my parents about this!"

Reeh snorted.

"Oh, I know, I know... they'd freak out. And with good reason. I don't know what happened in there, Reeh, but when I saw those flowers... I just wasn't thinking. I thought about everything and yet nothing at the same time... and when I least expected I was jumping across... oh that was so exciting and yet so scary, I just--- I don't know, I guess I was determined to get the flower... I promised myself I'd get out of there, that I'd live and I'd go the distance, to the end of this journey... and suddenly I was in there, the flower right there and..."

Ali stopped and went to pick up his satchel that was on the ground.

"I guess you have to be a real brave man or a real crazy man to get down to that hell to find a flower, don't you think? But then again, I guess it is worth it... enter the hell to find a flower I mean, don't you think, Reeh?"

Reeh cocked his head and Ali laughed softly as his hand was searching inside the satchel.

"I got two flowers. There was three of them but I only got two because I want the flowers to continue growing inside the... what the heck?"

Ali looked at his hand. Only one flower was in there. He frowned and looked inside his satchel.

"But I got two of them... I swear I got tw-"

He stopped short and his eyes widened with surprise. He gulped and blinked several times. His hand went to his satchel slowly and took out what was in there. It was a jewel. A rectangle-shaped red jewel with borders of gold. He looked at his palm where the jewel was. Reeh came to look at it too.

Gold Proven in Fire

"Where did this come from?" Ali said under his breath. "I got two flowers... and... this... this cannot be..."

Reeh made soft noises and Ali looked at his horse in surprise.

"Reeh, do you know what this is? This must be the red crystal... the first of the three crystals of the infinite... this is what we were looking for. This is why we were traveling the Red Road... we got it, Reeh! We really got it!"

By then Ali was really hysterical, screaming like crazy and almost jumping around.

"Oh Allah, I knew it was a good idea to help those people. Something inside me told me that was the right thing to do! Oh Reeh, look at this! And there are people who don't believe in legends! This is a proof... this is the proof that when you believe with all your heart... things become reality!"

Ali stopped short and looked up at the volcano.

"Azrak said I'd find the red crystal in fire... now I get it. The fire is its element, that's right. Reeh, I think we've succeed. I have the red crystal! I really found the red crystal in fire, I-"

He stopped again and looked at the flower he was still holding in his hand.

"Oh Allah, Amir needs the flower to cure Nadiha..." He put the crystal back in his satchel along with the flower and put his cape on. Then he mounted Reeh. "Let's go Reeh, we have no time to lose... back to Habaan!"

* * * * *

It was the middle of the night. Ali was sitting on the pillows in Nadiha's house. He wanted to keep his eyes open but he just couldn't. He kept dozing off. The chief Khayr was pacing nervously from one side of the room to the other.

"I cannot believe it, Prince Ali." He was saying. "You really found the flower... how could that be? It's just unbelievable, amazing."

"It was not a big deal." Ali muttered drowsily. "The flower just... was in there."

"This has to work." Khayr said. "My son is so in love with Nadiha. And she's the best woman I could wish for my son Amir."

"I know." Ali said opening his eyes and looking at the man. "This is going to work. Don't lose your faith."

"They are going to get married in a few months, you know?"

"Really?" Ali smiled. "My fianc�e and I want to get married in two months... uh, make it a month and a half now."

Khayr stopped pacing and looked at Ali. He came to sit beside the Prince and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry about what's happening with you and your fianc�e, Prince Ali. I wish there was a way to help you."

"Believe me Khayr, you already did."


"Oh, you wouldn't believe it." Ali said patting his satchel and feeling the red crystal inside.

"We'll be praying to Allah for you and your fianc�e."

"Thanks." Ali said sincerely.

They sighed. Khayr looked at the corridor in front of them and Ali looked up at the window taking a look at the night sky.

"It's almost 3:00 am." Ali said.

At the same time a woman appeared in the corridor. Khayr and Ali stood up. It was Nadiha's mother.

"How is she?" Khayr asked.

"She took the tea." The woman informed them. "And... and she's talking to Amir right now." The woman said breaking into tears.

Khayr rushed to hold her and Ali let out a relieved sigh from the bottom of his heart.

"Thanks Allah." Ali and Khayr muttered at the same time.

"You blessed boy!" The woman said hugging Ali. "Thank you."

"It was nothing, ma'am." Ali smiled. "No thanks are necessary."

"You have no idea what you just did, have you Prince Ali?" Khayr said. "You just saved the life of my daughter in law."

"No sir. Only Allah could save her life. I just-"

"But you were Allah's hand." Khayr interrupted him. "Thank you, Prince Ali... thank you. From this moment on the village of Habaan has a gratitude debt with Agrabah. Forever."

"Don't mention it." Ali smiled and turned to leave the house. Khayr's voice stopped him.

"You must accept my hospitality, Prince Ali."

"I guess I'll take your offer. At least for the rest of the night. I must continue my journey first thing in the morning."

"But you---"

"I'll be fine." Ali smiled. "I just need a rest."

"You can go to my house and stay in there." Khayr said. "But before you leave in the morning I want you to come and meet Nadiha."

"I will." Ali smiled. "Now if you excuse me, I only want to get some rest."

Ali left the house. The village was lonely and quiet at that time of the night. He sighed deeply and sat on the edge of a well that was nearby. The cold wind of the night messed his hair and flew his cape. He looked up at the stars.

"Azul." He whispered. "I made it, blue eyes. I have the first crystal I need."

He opened his satchel and took out the crystal. He held it in his hand for a long while, just looking at it curiously. It didn't look special or magical and yet he knew it was part of Azul's rescue.

Suddenly he felt something like a soft light in his face. He looked down and noticed a soft blue light coming out of his satchel. He frowned and opened it again. Azrak's book was shaking and glowing softly. Ali smiled and took out the book.

Once he had the book in his hands it opened and the pages started to glow brightly. The same soft breeze caressed Ali's face as the writing was appearing on the pages right in front of him. Ali was smiling in amazement. After a couple of minutes the light and the breeze disappeared and Ali had in his hands a normal book. He smiled and shook his head.

"Wow! It is still amazing." He said paging the book until he found the elegant title. "The Red Crystal." He read out loud. "And the Red Road of the Universe, the Road of Courage." Ali smiled and continued reading.

"The Red Crystal represents fire. The fire that always must burn in your heart. Now you have the capacity and the will to take big challenges and to succeed in them, showing no fear and even facing the greatest dangers.

Courage, bravery, that's the spark that fires the greatness hidden inside every human being in the world. Courage brings you disposition and generosity. Courage will make you take action in the right time, always following your heart. Thanks to courage you'll never wait for anyone to ask you to do things or to take actions. Courage is that inner force that motivates you to act without a second thought."

"I know," Ali said softly. "Like when I jumped across the cliff to get those flowers. I didn't even think about that. I just... did it. Was that courage? I thought I was a little crazy. I know I could have fallen down and died but... there was this force that impulsed me to do that and yet that conviction I had that I could do that. That I was not going to die, that I was going to live no matter what."

Ali sighed and continued reading the book.

"Courage will live in your heart along with that strong desire for living. But courage will make you ready to give your life when it's required."

Ali gulped nervously.

"My life... Azul... I would give my life for you. I know I would."

"Life is that big battle, the ultimate battle you must fight day after day for as long as you live on Earth. But you must learn to walk through life with peace in your heart, peace in your eyes, lifting proudly your head with determination, armed only with your courage but always being nice and gentle with people around you. You must always be happy and fair even when you travel through hard and dangerous ways. Only then will your life be wondrous. A fascinating mission on Earth."

"I'm sorry Azrak." Ali said. "But how am I supposed to act happy when Azul is in danger and I'm here in the middle of nowhere? I feel so lost at times. Sometimes I just think I cannot do this. Sometimes I feel so weak."

"Your courage, Lion of the Desert, will give you strength. Your courage will make you get to the heroism. For heroism is nothing but your courage turned into big love. Courage plus love equals heroism."

"Wow!" Ali said softly. "I like the sound of that. But I wonder how heroic I could be for you, Azul. You can be sure I'd do anything, and I mean anything for you my love. Now that I've found the red crystal I feel brave as never before."

"But courage was not given to you by the crystal, Lion of the Desert. Courage came to you through all the little things you had to face in order to get to the crystal. The crystal is only a symbol. The fire of courage is not in the crystal but in your heart. What you've learned in the Red Road of the Universe will help you to go across the other roads."

Ali sighed and looked up at the sky. He nodded thoughtfully.

"I guess you are right. I must admit I've been scared but I'm trying to do my best. I left home, I killed a lion, I went down to the heart of a volcano. That's not real courage. I think real courage lies in the fact that no matter how awful things are I'm here, trying, not giving up. I guess real courage is risking yourself for others. Real bravery is to be loyal to the ones you love. The crystal is only a symbol, that's right. Real courage, true bravery are in the heart, not in a crystal."

Ali smiled and held the red crystal in his hand tightly pressing it against his heart.

"Where should I go now, Azrak?" He asked. "What's my way?"

"Now that your heart is brave, now that you've got courage, now your heart is powerful. But power must be balanced with purity.

Travel the White Road of the Universe, the Path of Purity. You've got courage for your heart, now you need purity for your soul. Water is the element of purity for water washes and purifies.

Purity balances courage. Prove yourself in purity. Follow the way to the south, the White Road of the Universe."

Ali closed the book, for those were the last words in it. He sighed deeply and nodded. He put the book and the crystal back in the satchel and looked at the sky.

"I'm tired... so tired. I'm going to get some rest. And tomorrow I'll start the second road. The white road of the universe. The path of Purity. I'm heading south tomorrow first thing in the morning."

He started to walk in the direction of Kayr's house. He was to tired to think or to meditate things. He only knew he had the first crystal and that he'd take the route of the south the next day. Other than that his mind could only focus on his beloved Azul. He wished his blue eyed girl good night and he went to his bed trying not to think about anything.

* * * * *

It was a warm and wonderful morning in the deserts. The village of Habaan was touched by the light of the morning sun and life had returned to the town now that people knew the good news: Nadiha was going to live thanks to the bravery of Prince Ali of Agrabah.

Ali knocked softly the door of Nadiha's room and Amir's voice responded from the inside.

"Come in."

Ali entered the room slowly. The light of day was illuminating the room and Ali smiled when he saw Amir sitting on the edge of the bed caressing tenderly the hair of the young woman who was laying there.

"Good morning." Ali said.

The prince was ready to leave Habaan. He was wearing his full outfit, including his sword and he sure looked impressive. The young couple smiled at him and Amir stood up.

"Prince Ali, I never got to thank you last night."

"Oh, just forget it." Ali smiled waving his hand. "I'm just glad everything turned out the right way. For all of us."

"I am too." Amir smiled and looked at the girl in bed. "Prince Ali, may I introduce to you Nadiha, my fianc�e."

"My pleasure, ma'am." Ali said taking the girls hand and kissing it formally.

"Thank you, Prince Ali." The girl said in a weak voice. "Thanks for saving my life."

Ali just smiled and nodded but he said nothing. Amir sat besides Nadiha and took her hand looking up at Ali.

"Prince Ali, you can be sure we'll be praying for you and your fianc�e. Allah knows what you did for us and He, the All Mighty won't allow anything bad happen to your fianc�e."

"Thank you Amir." Ali said trying to avoid the tears that were blurring his vision. "I know everything will be fine. And I appreciate your prayers."

"I only wish there was something we could do to help." Nadiha said.

"You've helped enough." Ali smiled. "Now I have to go. I must be back on my way."

"I suppose my father gave those maps to you. The maps of the western roads."

"Oh yes, you father gave me a lot of maps and information. Although I'm heading south now."

"South? How come?"

"Long story." Ali smiled. "Anyway, I just hope we can meet again in the future."

"We'd love to meet Azul." Nadiha said softly.

"Oh, I'm sure she'd love to meet you too." Ali smiled tenderly.

"May Allah be your guide on your journey, Prince Ali." Amir said.

Ali nodded and put his hands on the shoulders of the couple.

"Thank you. As for you, take care of each other. May Allah bless your love."

The three of them smiled and Ali nodded he sent them a last smile and left the room closing the door behind him softly.

"And may Allah bless my journey." He whispered.

Outside the house the chief Khayr was waiting for him along with a lot of the villagers. Jamaal, the youngest son of Khayr was there holding Reeh's reins.

"I only wish you could stay with us a little longer, Prince Ali." Khayr said. "You only slept for a few hours."

"That's fine." Ali smiled. "I will be fine. And I want to thank you for your kindness and your hospitality and-"

"Don't mention it. You will be always welcome in Habaan, Prince Ali. Always."

Ali smiled and patted Khayr's back.

"I hope everything goes well with your desert warriors. But I can promise all those magical disturbances will end soon."

"I sure hope so."

"Trust me." Ali smiled and took the reins Jamaal was offering to him.

"My daughter Fatima packed food for you and I personally filled your canteens with water. You have enough food and water for days."

"Thank you." Ali said mounting Reeh. "I really appreciate it."

Ali looked at the horizon, to the south. He had a serious and determined look on his face. He put his hood on and looked at Khayr.

"Time to go, Khayr."

"Thank you, Prince Ali of Agrabah."

Ali smiled and Reeh started to get impatient to go.

"May Allah be with you!" Ali said spurring Reeh.

The beautiful horse neighed and ran like the wind to the south.

"And with you, young Prince." Khayr whispered.

As soon as Ali and Reeh left the village Ali leaned over and talked to Reeh's ear.

"We have no time to lose Reeh. Run as you've never ran before... only Allah knows the things we are going to find in the White Road but we are prepared, Reeh. We have bravery and we have the spirit."

Reeh ran even faster. Ali looked at the horizon.

"To the south." He whispered. "Here we go, Azul..."

Ali had no idea what was waiting for him in the Road of Purity, as Azrak called it. But he was determined to do his best. He'd take whatever that might come, for he knew that with every single step of the way he was closer to Azul.

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