Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




Aswad was pacing nervously from one side to the other in his throne room. He was lost in his thoughts and rubbing his chin as he used to. He looked at the door when his guard Majid entered the room and bowed before him respectfully.

"Did you want to see me, Lord Aswad."

"Yes, I wanted to see you. How is Azul?"

"Oh, she is fine." Majid said reassuringly. "We've been taking very good care of her, my Lord."

"I'm glad to hear that. I want you to be conscious of what that girl means to us, Majid. She is the only thing that's keeping Karak alive. We cannot afford to lose her under any circumstances, is that clear?"

"That has always been clear, my Lord. But why are you telling me this? Is there any kind of problem?"

"Oh I don't know." Aswad groaned. "Haven't you noticed she has been a little down lately? More than usual?"

"Maybe a little." Majid admitted. "She's not wandering around or visiting the library anymore. She just stays in her room day and night."

"I know and that worries me. She's not surrendering to me, Majid. But if she's acting like this, it really worries me. I know human nature and I know people can die of sorrow. I need her, but I need her alive."

"Maybe she just needs something she'd be interested in."

"I know. And I'm going to cast a spell soon. I've been working on it for days and it's almost ready. I think Azul has no idea of the power of her blood. Her blood is powerful as she has no idea. It's a shame she's not into magic… yet."

"Yet? Are you going to train her in magic, my Lord?"

"I don't know. That could be dangerous. I need to make sure she's with me, that she wouldn't betray me. I need to earn her heart and soul. But I'm going to have her witnessing me performing that spell, maybe that could convince her that magic is her future… that Karak is her future."

Majid nodded but said nothing. Aswad continued to pace from one side to the other of the room.

"But that's not what worries me the most, Majid… right now I have another thing that is keeping me alert."

"And what is it, my Lord?"


Aswad moved his hand and his water mirror glowed and showed the image of a young man in a cape mounting a beautiful golden horse. They were crossing the sands of the desert.

"And who is that?" Majid asked.

"He used to be the Prince of Agrabah, Azul's fiancé. The boy I never thought could do anything to help or to save Azul. A simple boy, Majid. Just any prince."

"Used to be?"

"The kid was so sad for Azul's disappearance that he decided it'd be real funny to leave daddy's kingdom and play the hero trying to rescue his little girlfriend from the forces of evil… I thought it'd be really interesting to watch his little adventure… and to see him die. How far could he get anyway?"

"I don't know."

"Well," Aswad said sitting on his throne and staring at the image of Ali. "The kid found a lion in the desert… the kid fought against this lion… and the kid killed the lion." Aswad said in a loud and annoyed voice. "Yes Majid, the boy used to be the Prince of Agrabah… until the moment he earned the title of Lion of the Desert."

"The Lion of the Desert?" Majid said in alarm. "The only one who can-"

"Save Azul and help destroy Karak." Aswad completed. "And I'm not happy about that, Majid. Just look at him. He's just a boy, nothing but a boy. I never thought he'd be able to fight the lion… and to get this far."

"The tests the Lion of the Desert has to pass are not easy, Lord Aswad. He killed the lion, that's right. But that was the easy part of the journey and you know that."

"I know. But I don't like this. He has Azrak's book now. And do you know what that means? He has Azrak's secrets, Azrak's protection is with him. We cannot afford letting him go any further."

"How far could he get?"

"He's got the Red Crystal by now."

"He did?" Majid said in alarm. "But I thought you said he was just a boy that wasn't able to---"

"I know. But that's what's keeping me in alarm, Majid. He looks like a boy but he has this force inside him. A magical force."

"Does he have magical powers?"

"I could say that. Not the kind of magical blood that Azul has but a magical force born from that devotion he has for Azul. And I know that love will guide him and give him strength and inspiration. And that's dangerous. You can fight magic with magic but you cannot fight love. Love is the most powerful of all magic."

"And what are we going to do to stop him?"

"He's now on the second road, the white road."

"But if he already succeeded in the Red Road, the second road would be easy."

"I wouldn't say that. The second road is more dangerous if you ask me. He'd be fighting the powers of the Queen Karima of Malahy. And he'd fail, for no man could be stronger than Karima's powers. I'm sure this is the furthest the Lion will get."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I'll see how Karima works. I'm sure this is going to be something worth seeing. I'm going to have fun. The white road is going to be the Lion's doom."

"I hope you are right, my Lord."

"I know I am. No man could resist the magic of Karima, trust me."

"Remember my Lord, we're not talking just of any man, but of the Lion of the Desert. The one who's been proved in fire."

"Not the kind of fire Karima has, that's for sure." Aswad laughed.

"So what are your orders?"

"Keep Azul safe. As I said before, I'll allow her to witness my spell in a couple of days. But there's an important thing, Majid. No matter what, she just cannot find out about the Lion of the Desert. We cannot give her hopes of any kind. Her heart is weakening now and this could give her new energy and I don't want that. I want to take advantage of her now that she's losing hope. So, no matter what, she cannot know about the Lion of the Desert, is that clear?"

"It's clear, my Lord."

"Good. You are dismissed."

Majid bowed respectfully and left the throne room. Aswad sat on his throne and stared at the image of the young Lion of the Desert.

"Go ahead." He said. "Run rampant across the sands, Lion of the Desert. Go to the south… go to the city of Madeenet El Malahy… there you'll meet Queen Karima. And we all will live happily ever after."

He laughed softly and yet evilly and leaned back in his throne, willing to witness the fall of the Lion of the Desert.

* * * * *

Ali was sitting by the campfire that night. He looked at Reeh who was pleasantly sleeping by the fire. It was a dark and cold night and Ali knew his friend was really tired. They'd been traveling non stop for almost two weeks and they were tired.

"It's so cold." Ali said throwing wood to the fire. "It's been a couple of days since we left the village of Habaan." He said consulting his map. "I thought by now we'd be in a city or village, even in a oasis, whatever. But it's been nothing but sand for the last couple of days." He followed his route on the map tracing it with his finger. "I think we should be close to the sea by now."

He folded his map and looked at Reeh. The horse was tired but he was forcing himself so much for Ali. He patted Reeh's head fondly and a preoccupied expression covered his face.

"I only wish I could do something for you, Reeh. Something for us. I wish we could travel faster. I know you're doing your best but still I wish we could go faster somehow. Every day we spend out here in the deserts is a day Azul is all alone in Karak."

Ali sighed and snuggled in his cape. It was a cold night. He put the folded map inside the saddle and his hand touched Azul's portrait. He took it in his hand and smiled tenderly. Slowly he laid on the ground using the saddle as a pillow and sighed deeply staring at Azul's image and caressing softly the small painting with his finger.

"My blue eyes… how I miss you. How I wish we could be together now. I'm trying to do my best Azul, I'm really trying to do my best. But sometimes this feels so pointless, so useless. Very often I wonder why I have to find those crystals and that amulet. I only want you. I wish I could just find Karak and rescue you. But then I think about the kind of things I'll have to face in Karak. I have no idea what the future holds for us. But I know there's only one future for you and me. It's our future together."

Ali kissed the portrait and held it against his chest, closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

In his dreams he had her by his side, like in the good old days when everything was so easy and life was happy. When they used to spend the day together, just goofing around and talking long walks across Agrabah, talking about hundreds of different topics, laughing and joking. Or all those times in the menagerie when they used to sit together, not talking at all, just enjoying the mutual company. Every now and then they'd hold hands and they'd spend hours just staring at the star covered sky and dreaming about their future.

"All those dreams are gone!" A dark voice sounded in Ali's head and he opened his eyes waking up in a jolt.


Reeh lifted his head and looked questioningly at Ali. The prince of Agrabah blinked at Reeh as if he had no idea who that horse was.

"Oh, I'm sorry I woke you up, Reeh." He said rubbing his head. "A voice startled me, but I guess it was a voice in my dreams. It was only a nightmare I think."

Ali took Azul's portrait and looked at it.

"You are not a dream to me, Azul." He said softly. "You are my reality, my life. I'm not after a dream, but after you, my blue eyed angel. I love you!" Ali kissed the image and turned to Reeh. "Go back to sleep Reeh. We can only rest for 2 or 3 hours more and then we have to continue our journey."

The horse made a soft noise and rested his head on the ground again, falling asleep almost instantly. Ali found a comfortable position and put the portrait on the sand, right in front of him. He smiled at her and closed his eyes.

"We have to hurry up." He thought. "Azul, be strong. I won't let you down. No matter what, I won't let you down."

* * * * *

The next day Ali and Reeh woke up before dawn and started their journey of the day. The endless sands of the deserts was all that was in front of Ali and Reeh. As much as the faithful horse ran it seemed they were always in the same place.

Having nothing to do but think was torture to Ali. He tried to keep his mind blank but he just couldn't and so many memories and so many thoughts filled his head day after day, second after second. All the guilt he felt in his heart was getting stronger as the time went by.

As much as he tried to avoid it he kept thinking about that night when Azul was kidnapped. How he didn't come back to her even if he knew she was pleading for his presence. Even if he had that fear, that impulse to go back to her house.

"But I didn't." He kept thinking. "This whole thing happened because of me. It's all my fault. I betrayed her faith in me and that's not it, but now I've been traveling for two weeks going nowhere. I'm supposed to be following the only path that will lead me to Karak but Allah, I feel so lost. At moments I don't know what I'm doing. Going after a dream, having a book as my only guide. And then I think of you Azul and the terrible things you must be going through and I hate myself because I cannot be there with you. Why? Is this the way things were supposed to be for us? Is this destiny playing with our lives? Or is this the way to prove our love?"

Ali sighed and scanned the horizon. The golden sands and the blue sky, that was all that was before him. He shook his head and spurred Reeh.

"Faster Reeh, we have to move faster!"

Ali tried to block his mind. He didn't want to think about anything. For a moment he only wanted to forget for the memories were to painful to him.

"I don't want to think… I don't want to know." He whispered. "Just take me to her… please, take me to her."

He sighed not knowing if that was a plea to Reeh, to Azrak or to Allah… or maybe a plea to his own heart.

* * * * *

Ali and Reeh were standing on the top of a canyon looking down in surprise. Under them the blue sea extended in all its beautiful glory but that was not what the prince and his horse were staring at.

Under them, by the sea and separated from the rest of the world for that canyon there was a wondrous city. From Ali's point of view the city could be seen in all its glory. It was a big city shinning under the sun of the midday. The main colors in that place were white and golden which made an excellent combination with the blue of the sea and the sky.

"Unbelievable." Ali said checking on his map. "This city is not in the map either. As I said before, Agrabah's cartographers need to update our maps."

Reeh neighed and snorted. He was happy to have a place to take a rest. Ali smiled thinking maybe in that city he could find new clues or directions for his quest.

"C'mon Reeh." He said softly. "Take us there."

Ali was amazed when he entered the city. It was even more magnificent than he thought it would be. As Reeh advanced through the main street of the city Ali was lost just admiring the sights around him. The streets full of people and life, the wondrous architecture of the city and the prosperity around him.

"Amazing!" He was muttering. "This city is amazing."

He stopped Reeh and looked down at a man who crossed his way.

"Salaam good man!" Ali greeted him.

"Salaam traveler." The man responded kindly. "May Allah be with you. How can I help you?"

"Could you please tell me the name of this city?"

"You really need a new map, don't you young one?" The man laughed friendly and Ali rubbed the back of his neck. "Why, you are in Madeenet El Malahy."

"A magical place indeed." Ali smiled. "You have a beautiful city although I'd never heard of it before."

"Perhaps you've come from afar, from those far away kingdoms of the deserts."

"Yeah, I've come from Agrabah."

"See?" The man smiled. "Never heard of Agrabah before."

"Well," Ali shrugged. "Could you please tell me where I could find an inn or some place I could stay for the night?"

"Sure I can." The man said pointing across the street. "Qaadir's Inn, the best of the city."

"Thank you." Ali smiled.

"You are welcome, traveler. Enjoy your stay."

Ali dismounted Reeh and reins in hand he went to the inn that was indeed a very nice place. When he approached the door of the inn a man appeared in there and stopped short when he saw Ali.

"Is this Qaadir's Inn?" Ali asked.

"It is. And I'm Qaadir. Who wants to know?"

"Um… I'm a traveler. My name is Ali and I need a room for the night. I was told your inn is the best in Malahy."

"Well, that's the truth." The man smiled friendly. "What a beautiful horse you have in there!"

"Thanks!" Ali said patting Reeh's head. "We've been traveling almost for a week across the deserts and we are really tired. I really can use a good, comfy room and my horse can use a nice stable for the night."

"And that's what you'll get…. Sahbe!" The man called and a boy appeared there. "Sahbe, this is Ali. He's our guest. Now take good care of this horse."

"I will." The boy said bowing respectfully and taking Reeh's reins.

Ali smiled and took the saddles off Reeh's back placing them on his own shoulders. Then he patted Reeh's head.

"Have a good rest Reeh."

Reeh went with Sahbe and Ali followed the inn keeper inside the house. It was a very spacious and clean place and Ali thought it was the best place to have a good rest for the night. He was really tired.

"This is your room." The man said leading him to a very comfortable room. "I hope that's what you want."

Ali put the saddles on a table and looked around smiling approvingly.

"Just perfect."

"Good." The man said going to the door. "I'll send Sahbe to tell you when dinner is ready. In the meanwhile you can have a rest."

"Yeah." Ali smiled.

The man left the room closing the door behind him and Ali threw himself on the bed. It felt so good after a week in the desert.

"I can only stay in here for the night though." He said. "And it's not for me, but for Reeh. He really needs to rest. But tomorrow first thing in the morning we'll continue our journey."

He sat on the bed and looked at the window. From there he could see the wonderful garden in the interior patio of the house. He could hear the birds chirping out there. He frowned as sadness invaded his heart.

"This is just like the room I had when I was visiting Azul's family in Alexandria."

Absently he started to take off his cape and his boots as he was remembering how wonderful that trip had been and how many memories he had from Alexandria.

He took off his shirt and went to the saddles. He took a clean set of clothes from there and also Azul's portrait. He sighed deeply and almost painfully and kissed the painting, placing it on the little table beside his bed.

"I better go to take a bath. I really need it."

When Sahbe went to tell Ali dinner was ready it was dark already. The prince was laying on the bed. The room was dark, save for the light of the corridors that entered from the window. Ali was wearing loose pants and a sleeveless shirt.

"Master Ali!" The young boy called softly. "Dinner is ready."

"Oh!" Ali said opening his eyes and straightening himself on bed. "Thank you, Sahbe."

Ali rubbed his eyes and pulled his hair behind his neck, tying it in a very loose ponytail. He put his sandals on and left the room. The night was cool. Not chilly but not warm and Ali thought it was the perfect climate and the perfect place to relax. It felt good to be able to wear such comfortable clothes.

Dinner was served for him in the dinning room and it was obvious he was the only guest in the inn for no one else was there. No one but Qaadir. Ali thought he was a very nice man. He sat with him talking friendly as Ali was having his dinner.

"You really have a wonderful place here, Qaadir." Ali was saying. "The whole place, I mean. The city, your inn, everything is just beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it, Ali."

"I never knew this city existed. It was not even on my map. But then again, a lot of places are missing on my map. But such a wondrous place should be a very touristic place, don't you think?"

"Well, people do visit us. But to tell you the truth we live very well like this. The canyon keeps us kinda hidden from the rest of the world and that's good. We live a very peaceful and relaxed life here in Malahy. The Queen is a very fair ruler and the place is perfect. Not to hot, not to cold and we have the sea."

"It's beautiful indeed." Ali smiled. "You know, I have to come back here some time in the future with Azul. I bet she'd love it."

"Your wife?"

"Fiancée." Ali smiled. "But we're getting married in a few weeks."

"How sweet! Well, you and your wife will be welcome in my inn anytime. So, may I ask where you are going?"

"I-" Ali said not very sure. "I have some business to take care of… before the wedding." He said vaguely.

"Oh, I understand. But you must be so impatient to go back to your city and to your fiancée, aren't you?"

"I am." Ali said thoughtfully.

"I know how it is. I used to be a traveling merchant when I was young. And I used to be always so impatient to go back to my wife and son."

"So Sahbe is your son."

"He is… his mother died a few years ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Qaadir."

"Thanks… but for how long will you be traveling?"

"I don't know. I really wish I could speed up things but my horse… he's the best horse in the deserts and he could run to death but I know he's tired. That's why I decided to stop here."

"Hmmm…" Qaadir said. "You know Ali, when I was a merchant I got this thing… this jewel. I got it from a man who was supposed to be a magician near Damascus."

"What kind of jewel?"

The man smiled and left the dinning room. In a couple of minutes he was back carrying a bundle. He put it on the table right in front of Ali and opened it. A wonderful jewel appeared in there.

The Jewel of Reeh El Sahaara

"Wow!" Ali said taking it in his hands. "This is an outstanding piece of jewelry. A real masterpiece. But what is it? It looks like some sort of giant necklace."

"You can call it a necklace… for horses."

"Really?" Ali smiled amused.

"It is called the Jewel of Reeh El Sahaara."

"No way!" Ali laughed. "That's my horse's name… wind of the desert. Reeh El Sahaara, Reeh for short."

"What a coincidence." The man laughed. "But with this jewel your horse could be the wind of the desert… for real."

"What do you mean?"

"The horse that wears that jewel can run like the wind. My horse could run from Damascus to Ispahan in just one night."

"But that's impossible."

"That's magic." The man winked.

"Well…" Ali said examining the jewel. "Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm an inn keeper now, Ali. I have no real use for that jewel anymore. But I think you could be interested in it."

"Does it really work?"

"I swear on Allah it does."

"Well…" Ali thought he could give it a try. And in any case the jewel was worth it only for its craftsmanship. "How does 100 gold coins sound to you?"

"Sold." The man smiled.

Ali went to his room and put the jewel on the table, returning to the dinning room with a little bag with the money. The man smiled friendly.

"I really hope that jewel can help you in your travel, Ali."

"I do too." Ali smiled.

"Your fiancée must be the beauty of our century."

"She is." Ali smiled dreamily. "She's got these wonderful blue eyes that can put me in a trance every time she looks at me with that sparkly look of hers… and that smile that has the power to melt me… and her soft voice, it's all so sweet and her beautiful dark hair cascading over her shoulders…"

Ali stopped when he noticed Qaadir was not paying attention to him anymore. The man was staring at Ali's chest with eyes open wide. Ali looked at his chest and noticed that he had been playing absently with the chain around his neck while talking about Azul… and his royal ring was visible.

"You are a prince." Qaadir said in surprise.

"Well…" Ali said a little nervously. "I guess I am… Prince Ali of Agrabah."

"Agrabah." The man repeated. "The Jewel of the Deserts… you are the Prince of Agrabah and you came here telling me Malahy is a wonderful city? Prince, Agrabah was one of the most beautiful places I visited when I was a merchant."

"Oh, thank you." Ali smiled.

"But why didn't you tell me you are a prince? I've been treating you as if you were just any person."

"But I'm just any person, Qaadir."

"Oh All Merciful Allah, I cannot take the money for the jewel. Consider it a gift… a wedding gift, Prince Ali."

"Oh no, I won't accept that. It's your money."

"But I cannot accept it because…"

"Alright." Ali smiled. "Then it's the tip for the dinner." He winked at the man.

Qaadir laughed.

"But Prince, you must visit our Queen."

"Oh Qaadir, I would if I had the time but really, I'm a hurry. When I visit Malahy again I'll pay a visit to her but now…"

"Please!" The man pleaded. "You don't understand it. There's this law that we must inform the palace about any guests we have here in the inn. If the Queen finds out I had a Prince staying in here and she wasn't informed she'd be mad. She's usually a very fair ruler but let's not make her mad. You know how women are. And she'd like to see you."

"Oh well…" Ali said thinking about it for a couple of seconds. "I guess I could go to the palace tomorrow first thing in the morning…"


"Alright." Ali said. "I'll go to present my respects to the Queen. In the name of diplomacy. I don't think I'll lose much time doing that."

"Thank you, Prince Ali."

"You are welcome, Qaadir. Now it's time for me to go to bed. I'm really tired."

"Have a good rest and a peaceful night."

* * * * *

Ali went to his room and laid on the bed. He was tired and really sleepy but for some reason he just couldn't fall asleep. He kept rolling in bed trying to find a comfortable position but he just couldn't.

Finally he just turned to see the portrait of his beloved Azul and stared at it for a long time. At first his face showed some kind of preoccupation but his expression was softened little by little until there was a tender and loving look in his eyes and a soft little smile in his lips.

"You are so cute." He whispered. "And I love you so much."

He folded his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling. His mind was lost in his thoughts. And all his thoughts were for her.

"It felt funny when Qaadir said 'you and your wife'. My wife, wow! I like the sound of that. I cannot wait for that day to come. The day I could finally say: 'This is Azul, my wife'. The word fiancée is losing meaning to me, Azul. I want you to be more than that. I want to be more than only your fiancé too. I want to be your husband. I want to watch over your sleep every night. And stay awake the whole night long just contemplating your smile while you're sleeping. To feel you right by my side. Your breath, your heartbeat. The sounds of your life, blue eyes."

Ali closed his eyes, a huge smile in his face. He stayed like that for a long while, just lost in his dreams for the future.

"It's going to be great." He muttered. "Those dreams are going to come true someday. Someday soon my angel… very soon."

"The dreams are gone."

Ali opened his eyes and straightened on the bed. It was that voice again. He looked around him but everything was peaceful. His heart was racing and his breathing was heavy.

"What was that?" He whispered. "That voice again."

He left his bed and went to the window. He looked at the corridor and the patio but no one was there.

"It is a voice in my head." Ali said out loud. "Why is this happening to me?"

He leaned on the frame of the window sighing deeply and shaking his head.

"It must have been a dream." He said. "I better go to try to get some sleep. A decent sleep. Tomorrow I have to get up early to go to the palace and visit the Queen."

He thought about it for a couple of seconds.

"The Queen of Malahy… hmm… I wonder how she is? I've heard she's a fair ruler. I guess I must present my respects in my father's name. It'd be rude to leave Malahy without letting her know I'm here. I'll stop by the palace only for a few minutes and then I'll follow my way to the south… now I better go to get some rest."

Ali took a flower from a vase in the window and went back to bed. He took Azul's portrait and kissed it tenderly and put the flower by its side.

"For you my love." He said formally. "Have a good rest and pleasant dreams, my sweet Azul."

He laid back in bed and looked at the portrait one more time.

"I love you, blue eyes. You're not a dream. You are my reality. I could lose my dreams, my titles, my identity… but I would never ever lose my love for you. Your love, my angel, your love is my only salvation."

He kissed his fingertips and pressed them against the painting. Then he smiled and sighed deeply and closed his eyes falling into a blissful sleep.

* * * * *

In the dark city of Karak the night covered the place making it look darker than it already was. Azul was sitting on her bed, staring at the window and the star covered sky. She was sighing deeply every now and then and the saddest expression covered her face. She was fiddling absently with her necklace and her mind was lost. But not even she could know for sure what she was thinking about.

It was all so lonely and so silent that Azul could hear her own heartbeat. Every now and then the sound of the wind interrupted the deathly peace of the Karakian night.

When the sound of foot steps sounded in the hall outside the room Azul didn't move. It was almost as if she didn't notice the sound. The door opened slowly and Azul's expression changed from sadness to determination.

"Azul." Aswad's voice sounded behind her as the man was approaching her. "How are you? You've been so down lately."

"I'm fine." She responded not looking at him.

Aswad smiled and cupped her face in his hand. Azul moved her head away slowly and looked up at the man.

"That's better." Aswad said. "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you. Now, I came to check on you because I was looking at your worried expression during dinner. I don't like to see you like that, you know? Contrary of what you could think I am very worried about you."

"You need my blood." She said menacingly.

"Well, yeah. But it's more than just that. Look, Azul, I know I've offered this before but I haven't gotten any answer from you yet and I really need to know how interested you are in joining us. I know you want to but there's something inside you that stops you from doing so… that something is hope."

Azul looked up at him and frowned. Aswad laughed softly.

"Oh yes, don't look at me like that, Azul. I know what's in your little head, believe me. You're hoping for your prince to come to rescue you, aren't you?"

She looked at the floor but said nothing.

"Azul, it's been weeks since you arrived in Karak. Don't you think your prince could be here by now? The prince who fought a war… the prince who has the Diamond in the Rough as his father. You know how Sultan Aladdin of Agrabah has a lot of experience with magic. Maybe you think your prince Ali is looking for you or fighting for you. The truth is, young Azul, that your precious Ali is not. It'd be so easy for him or for his father to find Karak… and I must admit I'm surprised for I expected him to come to perform a spectacular rescue. But he hasn't."

Azul gulped trying to hold back her tears. Aswad paced in front of her looking down at her and smiling evilly.

"That's a fact of life, young one. Princes are like that. You have a blind faith in someone who's betraying you… don't trust him, Azul. Only you can save yourself. This is your only way. Join us, that is the only thing you can do now."

"Ali…" She whispered even if she was trying to avoid it.

"You can keep calling for him all you want, Azul. He's not coming. As I said before, I was preparing myself to fight him once he was here but… he's not coming."

"I don't believe that." Azul said looking up at Aswad.

"You can believe what you want, Azul. I really don't care. But time will prove you wrong… in fact, time is proving you wrong already. It's been weeks and your prince… well, your prince is not here, is he?"

Azul shook her head. She wanted to reply to Aswad but she knew that could ruin everything. She had faith in Ali, no matter what Aswad was saying and no matter what things could seem. She knew Ali was looking for her. She knew Ali would come to rescue her. Aswad had spoken the truth when he had said that she had a blind faith in Ali. She wouldn't lose hope. And she would never doubt her Ali.

"I tell you what." Aswad was saying. "We have to keep your mind away from all those sad thoughts. Maybe you are not convinced in joining us because you need more proofs of power. You need to see what you could do if you were one of us, don't you?"

Azul looked at him and shrugged.

"Well," Aswad continued. "I'm going to perform a ritual… I'm going to cast a powerful spell I've been preparing for a while. And I want you to be there, Azul. I want you to be present. I'm sure you'll find it interesting and instructive and well, maybe this could convince you that your place is in here, in Karak."

"It sounds interesting." Azul muttered.

"I'm glad to know you are interested." Aswad smiled sincerely. "Azrak's blood is pushing you into magic, I know that. This is your destiny, Azul, don't fight it."

"When will you cast that spell?"

"In a couple of days I think. I'll let you know but I want you to be there. You are going to love this."

"I'm sure I will."

Aswad smiled at her and caressed her hair softly. Azul moved away from his touch. He laughed softly and leaned over.

"Keep your mind on the magic of Karak, young Azul… forget about everything else… forget about that prince of yours… that prince Ali… chances are he's now in the arms of another woman."

Azul lowered her eyes not wanting Aswad to see the tears forming in them. The dark man smiled an evil smile and left the room closing the door softly behind him.

When Azul was alone she let out a shaky sigh that came directly from her heart. She looked up at the window and a tear escaped the corner of her eye.

"Ali…" She whispered softly. "You are my faith… my only faith. I don't believe what Aswad says. I know you're coming. I don't know where you are or how you are but I know you won't abandon me my love…"

Suddenly the image of Ali came to her. But Ali was not alone in that image. He was with another woman. A beautiful woman. In that image Ali was, as Aswad had told Azul, in the arms of that woman.

"NO!" Azul cried shaking her head. "I don't believe this! No! It's Aswad trying to break me down but I won't let this bother me… no Ali, you would never do that. I believe in you… I trust you… I have all the faith in the world in you… and I love you my Prince. No matter what Aswad says, I trust you and I love you… Ali, my sweet Ali!"

Azul clasped her diamond in her hand and pressed it against her heart. She closed her eyes and as much as she was trying to avoid it, tears escaped her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

"Oh All Mighty Allah, take care of him. Don't let anything bad happen to him. Ali I love you, never forget that. No matter what you must believe in us… and trust our love… I love you!"

She let herself fall down on to the pillows in her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to think. She trusted Ali and she knew he wouldn't let her down. Slowly she fell asleep with the beloved image of her Ali in her head.

* * * * *

Early the next morning Ali prepared Reeh for the travel making sure everything was perfectly packed in the saddles, including the prodigious Jewel of Reeh. He wanted to test the jewel as soon as they were in the desert.

He dressed in his travel clothes and went to say his good byes to Qaadir, the inn keeper. After that he mounted Reeh and they headed to the palace of the city of Malahy that looked almost unreal under the morning light. It sure was a beautiful building and Ali was impressed not only by the palace but by the overall beauty of the city. He thought Agrabah really needed to start diplomatic relations with Malahy and its Queen.

When he stood before the huge doors of the palace by the sea he looked up and took his royal ring off the chain around his neck and put it on his finger. He approached the guards.

"Salaam!" He said formally. "I've come to present my respects to Queen Karima of Malahy."

"And who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"I'm Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa, Prince of the Sultanate of Agrabah."

The guards exchanged looks.

"Here's my royal ring." Ali said. "And I have my royal credentials as well… if you want to take a look at them…"

"That's okay." One of the guards said.

"I'll announce you to the Queen, Prince Ali." The other completed.

"Thank you." Ali said impressed by the kindness of the people of Malahy.

A few minutes later the same guard returned and bowed respectfully.

"Prince Ali, the Queen is waiting for you. Please, let me show you the way."

Ali dismounted Reeh and the other guard took the horse's reins.

"Don't worry Prince, I'll take care of your horse."

"Thank you."

When Ali entered the gardens of the palace he was amazed. They were beautiful, with a tropical beauty. He had never seen anything like that before. As for the palace, Ali thought it was the most monumental and impressive palace he had even seen. And not only that but the most absolutely beautiful palace ever. It looked as if it were made of nothing but gold and marble. It was such an elegant place.

And if the exteriors were amazing the interiors of the palace were simply breathtaking. Ali thought that palace had escaped directly from the tales his mother used to tell him when he was a little boy. He was following the guard but he was admiring the magnificence of the royal palace of Malahy.

They finally arrived at the doors of the throne room. The guard nodded to Ali and he stepped forward to the closed door. He stopped and fixed his clothes and his hair.

"If this is the palace of Queen Karima I can only imagine her." He thought fixing himself.

One of the sentinels opened the doors and announced him.

"The Prince Ali of Agrabah."

"Bring him in." A musical voice responded and echoed graciously in the huge place.

Ali entered the throne room that was at least twice as big as Agrabah's. He was feeling so little in that place. Slowly he walked to the throne to greet the Queen.

"Get closer, Prince Ali." She was saying. "It's a real pleasure to have you visiting us in Malahy."

"The pleasure is all…" Ali stopped staring at the Queen. "… mine."

Ali's eyes widened and his mouth hung open. He blinked a couple of times and then shook his head trying to break his trance.

Queen Karima of Malahy was much more than Ali expected her to be. She obviously was a few years older than Ali but she was the most gorgeous and beautiful woman Ali had ever seen in his life. An absolutely perfect beauty. Ali had never seen a blonde woman before and he definitely hadn't seen someone with the eyes of the color of Queen Karima. They were purple and enchanting.

The Queen smiled kindly at Ali and nodded graciously.

"Welcome to my palace, Prince Ali." She said. "I've heard great things about Agrabah before and I'd like to start diplomatic relationships between our kingdoms. I'm sure that's the motive of your visit, isn't it?"

"Uh…" Ali said blinking as if he were having troubles trying to understand the Queen's words. "Yeah… of course… I, um… of course."

"Then we'll be enjoying your company for a while, won't we?"

Ali shook his head and cleared his throat.

"As a matter of fact, Queen Karima, I'm traveling to the south. I decided to stop by and present my respects to you in Agrabah's name but to be sincere I'm in a rush right now. I have to say that Agrabah would be honored to establish diplomatic bonds with Malahy and I'm willing to pay you an official visit when it's the time… right now I must excuse myself since I have to continue my travel."

"That is a real shame." Karima said softly. "I'd love to have you as my guest… but of course I understand you must have important business to take care of. But I think you wouldn't reject having lunch with me today… as an act of diplomacy and good will."

"I-" Ali stammered. "I don't know if…"

"Please Prince Ali. I'd really appreciate that."

"Well…" Ali looked at the floor and made a little face. "Alright… but I'm afraid I'll be going after lunch, Queen Karima."

"Oh, wonderful." She said looking at her servant. "Please Calida, prepare lunch for two in the garden."

"As your wish, my Queen."

When the servant left the room Karima motioned Ali to have a seat in front of her on a divan.

"Please Prince Ali, be my guest. I've heard Agrabah is such a prosperous kingdom. I've heard great things of Sultan Aladdin, your father, I assume."

"Yes, he is my father." Ali smiled.

"I supposed so. I heard you fought a war…"

"I did." Ali said impressed. "You sure know a lot about us. To tell you the truth, Queen Karima, I'd never heard of Malahy before."

"Well, I guess we're not as involved with the other kingdoms of the deserts as Agrabah is. But we live a good life."

"I can say that."

"As for me, I like to be informed about everything that happens in the deserts… oh, and just one more thing, Prince Ali."


"Call me just Karima… and I hope you don't mind me calling you Ali."

"Not at all…" Ali said staring at her eyes, again under her spell. "Not at all… Karima."

"That's better." She smiled kindly. "So, Ali… tell me more about yourself. What's your journey? Do you have any girlfriend? Do you like Malahy?"

"Oh, Malahy is great." Ali said enthusiastically.

"What about my other two questions?"

"Uh… well… I do have a girlfriend." Ali said rubbing the back of his neck. "She's actually my fiancée."

"So you two are getting married soon."

"Yes." Ali smiled but said nothing else.

"How wonderful… I bet you are so in love with her."

"I am… deeply in love with her."

"She must be great."

"Great?" Ali smiled. "Oh no… she's much more than just great. She's my everything… she's so smart and so cultured. She's the most interesting and fascinating woman I've ever meet, so funny and so playful… she has this special way to get into my heart… to paralyze my heart… she's so cute and so tender… she… she's everything to me."

"I never heard you say she was beautiful." The Queen said almost teasingly. "Although I'm pretty sure she has to be."

"Oh…" Ali said sheepishly. "Of course she is beautiful. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever---"

Ali stopped when he looked at the queen's eyes. He opened his mouth again and didn't end his sentence. His eyes were lost in hers and all of a sudden he had an absent and blank expression on his face.

"That's fine, habibi." Karima said tenderly. "We'll have a lot of time to talk about her… why don't you tell me more about you?"

"Yes." Ali responded still lost in her eyes.

The queen giggled softly and went to sit beside Ali on the divan. Ali seemed to be under a spell. He just followed her with his gaze but he didn't even realize what she was doing until she was right beside him.

"We don't have much time." She said. "And I really want to get to know you, habibi."

"Um…" Ali said realizing what he was doing and moving aside a little. "I don't know if it's such a good idea me staying here for lunch… maybe I just should be…"

"Non sense." She smiled and put her hand over Ali's. He felt shivers running down his spine at that touch and he retired his hand immediately.

"Are you nervous?" She laughed softly.

"Me?" Ali cleared his throat. "Of course not.. why should I be?"

"I don't know… why should you?"

Ali gulped and tried to focus his mind on the official business.

"Well, um, Karima… I've seen wonderful things in your city. The people of Malahy are really kind and the place is impressive."

"We manage." The Queen said not taking her eyes off Ali.

"So… uh… it's not often to find a place ruled by a woman… I mean, no offense… it's just that… aw!" Ali groaned knowing he was acting really stupid in front of her.

Karima chuckled.

"Well, let's just say I haven't found a suitable prince… yet."

Ali blinked at her and moved away a little.

"Yeah." He laughed nervously. "I know how that is. Sometimes it's hard to find love…"

"But you did find it."

"I was so lucky… I am so lucky indeed. Azul, my fiancée is the most wonderful woman on Earth."

"Well, there are other wonderful women on Earth… what do you think about me, for instance?"

"I--- uh…"

Ali was grateful he didn't have to answer her question, for the servant entered the room announcing that lunch was served in the garden. But when Ali stood up the Queen held her hand out for him to help her. Ali smiled nervously and helped her up but the Queen kept his hand in hers for longer than required, smiling at him tenderly. Ali gulped but the Queen had already grabbed his arm.

"Let's go, habibi… you must be hungry."

The young prince was really nervous during lunch. They were all alone in the middle of a gorgeous tropical garden having a delicious lunch. And the Queen had Ali under a spell with her eyes and her smile.

It was not that Ali was falling for her, but he felt that she actually had magical powers to get his attention. He just couldn't take his eyes off hers and when she was talking he had to listen. It was as if she had him hypnotized somehow.

Also Ali noticed every time he started talking about Azul she managed to lead the conversation upon herself. Ali was totally losing track of time, just listening to that woman and looking at her. But as much as he tried to break the spell he just couldn't.

And worst of all, after lunch, when he was supposed to leave the palace and continue his journey he started to feel sleepy but really, really sleepy. As much as he was trying to avoid it, but he just couldn't keep his eyes open.

"What's wrong?" The Queen asked kindly. "You don't look good."

"I-I'm just feeling… sleepy… I don't know why…" Ali said yawning.

"Well, after all you've been traveling lately it's only natural." She smiled.

"I don't know." Ali muttered rubbing his face. "I--- I just can't keep my eyes open…"

The Queen moved closer to Ali and ran her fingers through his hair. Ali looked at her and tried to protest but he was feeling dizzy. He just leaned on the table, resting his head on his folded arms and he closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Karima smiled sweetly at him, still caressing his hair.

"I guess you'll be my guest after all, Prince Ali… habibi."

* * * * *

Ali moved on his bed and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked a couple of times and snuggled against his pillow groaning softly. He was so comfy and he felt so relaxed. He realized it was still dark and closed his eyes, determined to go back to sleep.

"This is good." He muttered and sighed.

But suddenly something made him straighten on the bed, his eyes wide open. He looked around. He was in a beautiful room. The most elegant and comfortable room he had ever seen.

"Where am I?" He said and then frowned. "Who… who am I?"

He stretched himself and left his bed going to the window. From there he could see the beautiful city of Malahy under him and the sea. He smiled at the wonderful view and he noticed his room was only illuminated by a lamp. He went to light up the rest of the lamps in the place and he could see the real magnificence of his room.

"This is amazing." He said. "What a wonderful place!"

He looked at a divan near his bed and discovered an elegant outfit on there. He looked at the clothes he was wearing and made a face.

"These clothes are old… and ugly… and so rough…"

He looked at himself in a mirror and frowned.

"I'm a mess… my clothes are a mess… my hair is a mess."

He pulled out the pin he had over his head to keep his cape on place and he looked at it. He cocked his head and examined it.

"It seems gold." He said. "And those two entwined A's… what does it mean?" He shook his head and threw the pin aside to the night table. "A worthless trinket."

Then he looked at his hand and discovered a ring on his finger. He made a face again and took it off, not even examining it, and threw it to the night table as well.

"I need to change clothes." He said.

When Queen Karima entered the room she found him staring at himself in the mirror and finish fixing his clothes. He looked really different with his royal outfit and his hair pulled back in a ponytail. Karima smiled and nodded.

"You look fine, habibi." She said softly.

He turned back to look at her and a blank expression appeared in his eyes. She laughed and went closer to him.

"You must join me for dinner. I know we have a lot of things to talk about… my handsome and powerful master."

"It will be my pleasure." Ali said with a emotionless voice offering his arm to Karima.

When they were having dinner Karima was talking to Ali since it was obvious he couldn't talk much. He couldn't even think much.

"You certainly look better in that outfit, habibi. A man of your category shouldn't be wearing the kind of clothes you had. Now you look gorgeous… so, did you like your room? Everything is fine?"

"Just perfect." Ali said in a formal and yet absent tone. "Thank you very much."

"I'm glad to hear that. I know you said you wouldn't be staying but oh well, after lunch you were so tired that I decided to force you to stay… to have a rest."

"I'm glad you did."

"And I want to tell you that you can stay in here with me for as long as you want. I'm happy to have you in here. So, for how long are you planning to stay?"

Ali looked at her. He was trying to think, to understand things but it was obvious he just couldn't. Finally he just shrugged.

"I really don't know."

"But you said you were in a rush… you said you were on a journey… can't you remember that?"

Ali's eyes moved from one side to the other trying to remember. He just shook his head and shrugged again.

"I don't know. I really can't remember that."

"That's fine." Karima said. "You don't have to. You can stay in here with me forever if you want. I'd be happy if you did that."

"Thank you." Ali replied absently.

"You know," Karima said getting closer to Ali. "I really like you. You are so cute and so princely."

He smiled nervously but said nothing. Karima giggled and looked at her servants.

"We need to entertain our guest. We need music… and dance."

As soon as the queen asked for it a dozen of dancers entered the room playing typical music and dancing typical dances. Karima nodded satisfied and smiled at Ali. He smiled back at her.

"You like this, habibi?"

"I do."

"Good… because I'm here to make your dreams come true. Enjoy this my beloved habibi."

While the music was playing and the girls were dancing, Karima got closer to Ali and reached for his hand. Ali allowed her to touch his hand but he didn't return the caress. He just looked down at her and smiled.

"You sure know how to treat your guests." Ali said.

"I have a rough idea of what they like."

"Your palace is amazing."

"Well… it could be your palace too… if you want."

Ali smiled at her.

"I--- I just can't remember much about myself… who am I?"

"Oh habibi, that's a question no one but you could answer… I can't tell you who you are but I know who you could be… you could be the ruler of the city of Malahy… you could be my king."

Ali looked at her and gulped nervously but she was smiling provocatively at him.

"How could you accept a man who doesn't know who he is?"

"Because I don't care about who you are or who you were… we are here having a good time… food, servants, fancy clothes, jewels, a beautiful palace, a prosperous kingdom, a good show… what else do we need? I only want someone to have fun with… wouldn't you want to be that someone?"

Ali meditated it for a while but he said nothing.

"I could take your silence as a yes." Karima said resting her head on Ali's shoulder.

"What about the others?"

"What others?"

"I don't know… my family?"

"Well, tell me about your family then."

"I---" Ali couldn't say anything for he had no idea who his family was.

"My dear boy." Karima said. "It's only you and me."

The queen lifted her head and nuzzled her nose against Ali's neck. That sent shivers down Ali's spine but for some reason he stood up in a jolt. Karima looked up at him and he gulped.

"I--- I'm just tired… I want to have a rest, I guess I better be going to my room."

"That is fine." The queen said standing beside him. "We have all the time in the world on our hands."

She came closer and kissed Ali's cheek. She pressed her lips against his face for a long while and then she looked into his eyes mischievously.

"Have a good rest, habibi."

Ali smiled nervously and nodded. He left the room and went to his bedroom. As much as he was trying he just couldn't think. His mind was blank and he couldn't remember who he was or what his life was before Malahy and the Queen Karima.

* * * * *

Ali was laying on the bed, staring absently at the ceiling. His mind was blank. He couldn't remember anything about who he was or why he was in that place. He couldn't remember who his family or friends were or where he was from. His whole life was erased from his mind.

"Karima is good to me." He finally said. "He's accepting me in her palace even though she knows nothing about me. I should be thankful to her."

He started to get sleepy. As much as he was trying to avoid it he started to doze off. He was trying so hard to keep his eyes open but he just couldn't and he finally fell asleep.

And in his dreams he saw her… he saw a girl, a blue eyed girl. And that girl, whoever she was, was smiling tenderly at him and he felt everything was right then. He tried to go to her but he couldn't for there was a deep cliff between them. He wanted to be with her but he couldn't. He went to the edge of the cliff and stretched his arm to reach for her. She was just staring lovingly at him and smiling tenderly. And his heart soared with joy when he saw her smile. And yet it was painful to him not to be able to reach her because of the deep cliff between them.

"Who are you?" Ali said and his own voice woke him up.

He looked around him and slowly sat up in bed. He rubbed his temples and shook his head. Then he sighed deeply and threw himself back on the bed, staring at the ceiling and frowning.

"It was a dream." He said. "It was only a dream… who is she?"

He stayed there for a long while just staring at the ceiling, a preoccupied and stressed expression on his face. After several minutes he spoke quietly.

"Whoever you are, you are the only memory I have… I can't remember anything. I don't even know who I am… but I saw you in my dreams and I got this warm fuzzy feeling inside… I don't know who you are but I know you could be the key to my past… the key to my future…"

Ali closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Who are you, blue eyed girl?"

And with that last thought he fell sound asleep.

* * * * *

The day of light illuminated mysteriously and almost scary the corridors of the dark palace of Karak. Azul was wandering around the halls of the palace. For some reason she found that no one was watching over her door that morning.

She went to that part of the palace she wasn't supposed to visit. The part where the temple was. She was impressed that no one was following her around. No guards were anywhere to be seen in the palace. It was obvious they were occupied in more important business than watching over a helpless girl.

When she arrived in the temple she touched the huge wooden door. It was solid and very strong. She examined the lock very carefully. The lock seemed to be made of an alloy of gold and silver, very strange but very nice looking. It was a very artistic door.

"The center of the power of Karak must be behind this door." She said softly. "That's why Aswad is so careful about this… but the door is huge and so heavy and solid. The only way to open this is with a key… but where could I find the key? If I could only open this door… perhaps I could do something… maybe spoil something inside the temple. I know I cannot perform the ritual without those stones and that amulet but maybe I could… do something."

She sighed desperately and sat on the floor, her back leaned against the wooden door behind her. She closed her eyes. She hadn't slept well for a long time and she was feeling really tired.

"Ali." She whispered. "You were in my dreams last night… I could see you there although I couldn't reach you. I wish I could… but there was this cliff between us… something that just wouldn't allow us to get closer to the other. And I wanted to be there, with you… but we were apart Ali… so apart. But at least I had the chance to see you… only the sight of you is enough for my aching heart. I love you Ali… you are my most precious memory."

She stood up and smiled as an idea came to her mind. It had been a few days ago when Aswad had taken her to his private studio to show her some magical devices that she didn't really care about. She thought Aswad was a real show off but she usually would hear what he had to say for she knew she had to collect as much information as she could. But when they were in his studio she saw a box on a shelf. She could remember that box got her attention because it was made of an interesting mixture of gold and silver and she thought the box was really pretty.

Azul examined the lock of the door again and a huge smile appeared on her lips. The lock was made of gold and silver as well.

"The box!" She said excitedly. "The box was made of gold and silver… just like the lock… maybe that's where Aswad keeps the key!" She thought about that for a second, her eyes dancing with joy. "Oh, I have to check it out!"

She went to Aswad's studio as fast as her uncomfortable dress allowed her to but when she was right outside the room she heard Aswad's voice inside it. She went closer trying to listen to Aswad.

"… and as I told you, Majid, the Lion of the Desert is falling in Karima's web." Aswad was saying and Azul could say he was in a very good mood. "Just as I knew he would. I mean, it's easy to be brave and courageous but do you really think you could resist Karima? She's the most beautiful and seductive woman in the world. And she sure knows her way with men."

"You are so sure the Lion of the Desert won't pass the test of purity, my Lord."

"I'm positive Majid. We'll see him fall…"

"The Lion of the Desert?" Azul thought. "Wha--?"

"I'm also sure about my success in my spell." Aswad was saying and Azul forgot about the Lion of the Desert to concentrate on Aswad. "I convinced Azul to be there… the power of Azrak's blood makes things better for me and my magic… this is a powerful spell. The cities all over the Seven Deserts will tremble under my feet after I've cast that spell on them…"

"The spell." Azul thought. "That's why he wants me to be there… but… what should I do? How…? The cities of the-oh Allah, Agrabah!"

"Now I have to go to prepare things for the spell." Aswad was saying. "I still need a thing or two, but everything will be ready in time. Tomorrow I'll cast the spell…"

Aswad abandoned the studio followed by Majid. They continued talking as they were walking down the hall. Azul hid behind the door and then she entered the studio looking for that box with her gaze. She located it almost immediately and took it and opened it without even thinking about it.

In the interior resting on red velvet there was a key. But Azul's smile soon transformed into a frown. For inside the box there was only half a key. Half a key made of gold and silver as well.

Half of a Hope

"Half key?" She said taking it in her hand. "But how…?" She stopped and sighed. "Aswad is clever. He must have the other half in a secure place… this way no one but the one who has the two halves can open the temple…"

She put the key back in the box and hid the small box in her clothes.

"Well, better this than nothing… I only need to hide this half and find the other half… but there's hope."

Azul fixed the many objects in the shelf so Aswad wouldn't notice the missing box and then she left the studio heading to her room.

"I have to think of something to stop Aswad from casting that spell tomorrow." She was thinking. "But what? How?"

She closed the door of her room behind her and sighed in relief.

"I don't know what to do or how I could stop Aswad, but I cannot give up… not now… I know you won't abandon me, Ali… so I won't abandon myself either."

She took her diamond and kissed it tenderly having the most absolute faith that somewhere out there in the desert Ali was on his way to Karak.

* * * * *

Early the next day a servant went to find Ali and led him to the dinning room where breakfast was served. There Ali met Queen Karima. She smiled at him.

"Good day my dear boy. I hope you had a good night."

"I did. Thank you." Ali said taking his place at the table.

"I hope you like breakfast."

Ali was already eating. He just smiled weakly at her and nodded.

"I do."

"Good. I'm trying to have the best food prepared for you, habibi."

"Thank you. The food is great."

Karima smiled and reached to grab Ali's hand across the table. Ali looked at her hand but said nothing, he just lifted his head and looked at the Queen's eyes questioningly.

"I know this is happening a little to fast," She was saying. "But you must understand you're the first desirable and suitable man that has ever visited my land." She stopped and stared at Ali's empty expression. "It's obvious you have no idea who you are or where are you from or how you got in Malahy in the first place but I know you've liked what you've seen."

"Yours is an impressive kingdom, Queen Karima."

"Oh, I know. A kingdom without a king, if you know what I mean."

Ali looked at her but he said nothing. The queen laughed.

"I must ask you to consider what I'm offering to you, habibi. You and me, ruling over Malahy forever. I'm offering to you much more than just a pleasurable life and power and wealth. I'm offering you even immortality, for you must know the city of Malahy is an enchanted city."

Once again Ali was silent. He felt so lost that he didn't even have the power to understand what the Queen was telling him. His mind was totally empty and for him everything was the same. It was as if his will power had totally abandoned him.

Queen Karima smiled flirtatiously and moved closer to Ali taking his hand in hers and caressing it softly.

Ali and Karima

"You know, you really are a handsome man. You could make any princess or queen in the world happy. And I must admit I have my eye on you. From the moment you stepped into my palace I knew we could… be together somehow."

Ali's eyes moved nervously but he couldn't move. He was under the spell of the queen. He looked at her face and tried to smile.

"I don't even know who I am."

"Perhaps it is better this way, habibi. We can start from the beginning."

Ali looked at the floor thoughtfully but the Queen had already slipped her arms around his neck and she was looking at his face sweetly.

"You look gorgeous wearing that outfit." She said walking her fingers up his chest.

"The clothes I was wearing were so…"

"Unprincely, I know." She completed while tracing the tip of her finger down the bridge of his nose and down over his lips. "You look way much better this way." She whispered.

"You are beautiful." Ali said as shivers ran down his spine under the queen's touch.

"I know." She said graciously.

Ali was almost trembling then, specially when the Queen cupped his face and started to kiss his chin. He closed his eyes. It felt really good. But suddenly a image appeared in his mind… the image of that blue eyed girl.

Ali stepped back almost shoving Karima away. The fear was clearly reflected in his face. Fear that soon became confusion. He was looking at Karima and breathing heavily.

"What is it, habibi?" She asked sweetly.

"I-I just don't know…"

"That's fine." She said coming closer to him. "I know you are confused and you need time. Believe me, you can have all the time you want. Time is not a problem to me. Think about what I'm offering to you…" She said kissing her fingertips and pressing them softly against Ali's lips. "And think about me."

The queen left the room and Ali followed her with his gaze. He sat back in front of his breakfast and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What is happening to me?" He said chopping his food into little pieces.

* * * * *

Later that day Karima found Ali in one of the balconies of the palace. He was staring absently at the sea, his mind lost in his thoughts.

"Where are you, habibi?" She said softly.

"Queen Karima." Ali smiled. "I-I don't know. I'm just trying to remember stuff but I just… can't."

"No memory at all? No family or friends?"

"Not at all."

What Ali didn't say was that he had only one memory, the memory of a blue eyed girl haunting his thoughts from the moment he saw her in his dreams. It was the only thing he had in his mind. But it was a personal treasure he didn't want to share with anyone else.

"Things can be confusing at times." Karima was saying. "Life is never easy and I think we have to make our own decisions, you know? And I really think you have a decision to be made… something that will affect your whole life and that will give your life a meaning. Right now, my dear boy, your life has no meaning."

"I know." He said. "And you want to give my life that meaning."

"I'm offering a lot. Just because I like you. Besides I don't think you could have this kind of opportunity ever again in life. So, have you thought about it?"

"I have. But I keep thinking, what if I have a family somewhere?"

"Well, then go to them. I'm won't stop you from doing so."

"I have no place to go." Ali said sadly.

"See? I am your only family now. I'm all you have."

Ali looked at her and thought he had something else. The memory of the blue eyed girl in his mind. But he didn't reply to Karima's statement.

"How long have I been in your kingdom?" He asked confused.

"For a long time. You came to my palace asking for help and I gave it to you. I took you as my guest and I've taken care of you ever since then. It's been a long, long time."

"Why I can't remember anything?"

"I don't know. Perhaps your past is so dark that you just wanted to erase it from your mind. For the look in your eyes I could say your life was hard before you came in here."

"Do you think I had a family? A wife?"

"A wife?" Karima chuckled. "No, I don't think so. Why?"

"I don't know… a simple question."

Karima slid her arm around Ali's waist and pulled him to her, her hand motioning to the view of the city of Malahy under them.

"This is my kingdom, habibi. This is Malahy. It's a rich, prosperous place. I have treasures you couldn't even imagine. I have this big palace. I have subjects and a very luxurious life. I have everything I want. I have everything your heart could desire my dear. And this all can be yours."

"Why?" Ali asked softly.

"Because I'm tired of being alone." She grinned at him. "Because I want you to be my man, my king… the ruler of Malahy. Because I want to provide the best life for you. A life of pleasure and happiness. A life of riches and fun. I want to fulfill your every desire, your very wish."

"Why me?"

"Because I really like you."

Karima hugged Ali and nuzzled her nose against his neck. Ali smiled and sighed happily as his arms closed around Karima. The Queen smiled happily realizing he liked that.

"Do you like me?" She asked softly.

"I do…" Ali replied absently.

The Queen grinned mischievously.


Karima pressed her lips against Ali's neck and he smiled. Slowly he turned his face to her with the obvious intention of looking for a kiss but as soon as he faced the Queen a image came to his head. It was like a vision. A vision of that blue eyed girl in his arms, kissing him. Ali froze and the magic of the moment was broken.

"No." He said trying to free himself from Karima's embrace. "You are confusing me."

"Why?" She smiled amused knowing what her touch was doing to Ali. "I thought you were liking it."

"I-I am tired. I need a rest… I need to think."

"You need to give yourself a chance, habibi. Go to your room and think about this. Think about the life I'm offering to you. Free yourself from your fears and your chains. I'm offering you completely freedom. No worries at all, just a good life."

Ali gulped and stepped back nodding weakly. He just turned his back to Karima and left the balcony.

The Queen smiled mischievously.

"You have nothing to grab onto, Ali. You are lost, totally and absolutely lost. I am the only thing you have. It's only matter of time. You will be mine."

* * * * *

Ali went to his room and threw himself on the bed. He was feeling weird. He had a funny feeling inside him. Almost like guilt or regret.

"What am I doing?" He said. "Why does this feel so wrong?"

He stared at the ceiling for a long while. He was stressed and confused and his face showed it clearly. He was trying to get some answers but he couldn't.

"I'm not even sure what the questions are… how am I supposed to find answers?

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"But there you are… whoever you are, blue eyed girl. Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you important to me?"

He opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't even know who I am. I don't even know my name. Queen Karima keeps calling me her 'dear boy' and 'habibi' but what is my real name? Who am I? Where did I come from? Karima says I've been living in here for a long time. How come I cannot remember anything not from my former life, not from my actual life? It seems as if I never existed until yesterday. But what's before that?"

He meditated things for a long time, his gaze lost in the ceiling. It was dark already but he didn't even bother to light the lamps. He was trying to get inside him.

"I must've had a family… my mother and my father. Maybe I had siblings… and pets. Then I lived in a city somewhere… and maybe I had a job. Maybe I was a merchant or a soldier… and maybe I had a wife or a girlfriend."

Ali groaned and rubbed his face desperately.

"Oh Good Allah, why can't I remember anything? This is giving me a headache… I wish I could remember something… anything."

He closed his eyes again trying to find the image of that blue eyed girl of his dreams. And she appeared there.

"Here you are." Ali smiled keeping his eyes closed. "I don't know who you are but I do know you give me this peace inside. I wish I could call your name but I don't know what your name is or where you are from. But you are all I have. Please, don't leave me. Stay in here with me. Let me hold on to you because you are the only thing that could keep me from floating in this sea of despair and frustration… you, whoever you are."

Then he opened his eyes and he looked worried again.

"But there's Karima. She's offering a lot. Power, wealth, a pleasant life. She's offering to me things I just could dream about. But I don't know what to do. I wish I knew. But I can't remember anything. I have no place to go and all I know is that I'm in here in Malahy and that Karima has taken care of me."

He remembered Karima's touch and frowned.

"She's beautiful and so gentle. And yet every time she comes close to me I feel uncomfortable… weird. She's so good to me and so nice but I just can't… I just… I don't know what to do with myself. But when I'm with her I just freeze. There's not much I can do but just stay in there under her will because she's got me under a spell. Every time I'm with her I just… oh, I don't know."

He turned in bed to look at the stars through the window.

"All I know is that every time she tries to come closer that blue eyed girl appears there…" Ali said getting sleepy. "Please don't leave me…"

That night, before falling asleep Ali promised himself he'd devote his days to trying to find some clues about his identity and about his past and that he'd try to resist Queen Karima's spell in the name of the blue eyed girl of his dreams.

*        *        *

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