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I'm a keen reader. My types of book are pretty general. The usual like romance, chick lit and true story are my ultimate choices. My favouite books are Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard and trilogy of 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James. Both of them have different genre.

I have other hobby to like baking and cooking. My mom used to bake cookies for Hari Raya and sell it. We were pretty famous and high demand since we start our business but we had to stop because it was too much that we cannot finished all the order before Hari Raya. So, from there I started baking for small event like birthday party or cookies for our close relatives only. I get a lot demand on my cheese cake especially and my mom's almond london are a must on Hari Raya. As for cooking, my most delicous dish I always made is spagetthi bolognese with meatball. I'm most confident with french cuisine. My lasagnese is also my favourite dish to make. For the Malay cuisine, my most confident dish is fried rice.