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We are Andrea, Flavio and Giovanni, three fanciers of spatial rock music of the years` 70/` 80.  In  1995 we have undertaken the plan of  form a musical group and, during the free time, we have begun to compose songs in the style of that period. The musical activity is subordinate to our work, that, when it gives us a few of truce,  we have the possibility to go on in the composition and in the mixing of our songs. For our choice we exclusively work in studio and we don't perform live concerts. 

We liked the idea that, to the equal of the Quasars, our music could transmit energy and messages to whom  listen to it and so we have decided to use this name for distinguish our group.

Quasars is a name that evokes spatial atmospheres, to which the our first album is inspired.

Giovanni - Andrea - Flavio

Of the first song (The Prophet) it was recorded a first release in the 1996 in the studio of a common friend, Cristian (for him the Quasars also wrote a  song with the title  "I Wanna See You Dance"), but it in succession was recorded again to the Microstudio, as like all the following songs.

Our final purpose is that of create one or more album than this kind, for can give the friends a copy to  remember this ours adventure. Our amateur activity is not therefore with the purpose for profit, but only for personal satisfaction.


 Andrea                                                                Flavio

Giovanni " Alabamas "


The lyrics of Flavio speak about spatial adventures, cybernetic beings and desolate planets, always bringing, but, a positive message. Identical thing does Andrea, composing music that create sideral and technological atmospheres , dense of electronic effects where  could not be missing the historian and mythical "vocoder," without neglect, but, any good rock guitar.Giovanni "Alabamas", in the recording studio, performs the parts of bass and electric guitar in our songs.

Flavio - Lead vocal

Andrea - Keyboards, drums, vocoder and chorus

Giovanni "Alabamas" - Bass and electric guitar


Will there be a continuation to this first album? And if one, it will  follow the tracks of this, that is to say a homage to the "spatial rock"?  Discover it reading the Quasars Discography

The Quasars are celestial stars still too distant and mysterious for can to have studied to bottom. May be we in the next years will know anything  more.

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