           The brown, fallen, branches crack under the girls feet as she walks through the misty wood.  With each step she runs her delicate fingers across the low hanging leaves.  Droplets of the night�s rain drip from the leaves off the tips of her fingers, only to fall on the sodden green earth below her feet.  Suddenly there is a break in the tree line and a house appears in the clearing up ahead.  Shadowed by the surrounding forest, the house appears empty.  The girl turns to head back into the forest when she hears the faint sound of laughter.  The sound fills the air, entering the girls head, ushering her onwards.  Curiously the girl looks to the house, the sound echoing in her head, beckoning to her.  She crosses the clearing and stand in front of the massive house, staring up, drinking in her surroundings.  The house, at least 100 years old, made of a dark brown wood, 3 stories high, and a set of stairs directly in front of her.  The window shutters open, the drapes on the window pulls tightly together.  She moves up the steps, stopping in front of the oak door, looking back towards the forest.  She takes a breath, and turns back to the door, raising her fist and bringing it down, the door opening as she strikes it.  She steps into the dimly lit foyer, closing the door firmly behind her.  �Hello?� she calls out, the word echoing in the darkness of the surrounding rooms.  She hears a noise, this time very faint and unlike the laugh she heard in the forest.  She walks through the foyer, the old floor boards creaking underneath her soft footsteps.  Again that sound, now louder, is now a noticeable moan.  At the end of the foyer she turns the corner and comes face to face with a door.  As she reaches out, the sound grows louder, then stops suddenly, causing her to snatch back her hand.  Still curious, she reaches out again, this time her hand touches the brass doorknob and her delicate fingers wind around it.  She pulls open the door to a deep black hole.  She runs her hands along the wall of the hole, searching for a light switch.  Finding it, she flicks it on, the bulb at the bottom of the rickety steps flickering and burning out.  Again came the moan, this time bouncing off the walls.  She puts her hands to her ears, trying to get rid of the sound.  She steps into the black entrance, pausing for just a moment.  She eases down the steps, keeping her place by running her right hand along the stone wall.  At the bottom of the steps she encounters a heavy metal door, which she places her hands on, feeling the coldness on her warm hands.  Vainly, she tries to open the door, tugging hard on the handle, desperate to see what is behind it.  Suddenly the door opens knocking the girl back, causing her to stumble and fall to her knees, breathing heavily.  �Who are you?� a voice boomed �I am sorry Sir,� she replies, �i..i�..i..i didn�t know.�  He grabs her by the arm, pulling her to him.  �Answer me girl.� He grounds out into her ear.  �I am sorry Sir, I will go now.� She says and tries to pull her arm free.  Without a word, he pulls her close again and shoves her through the doorway.  He continues to walk and shove her into the room.  On 3 of 4 walls there is a set of chains, cast iron and nailed into the wall.  The girl stops and looks around, noticing a girl chained to the far wall.  Instinctively, she makes a move in the direction of the chained girl, wanting to help.  �Hold!� comes the order, �do not touch her�..yet.�  The girl stands still her body stiff, her mind afraid.  She feels his presence behind her, assessing her.  She hears the click of a knife and feels the fabric of her sundress ripping away and the knife cuts through, nearly touching the soft, silky skin of her back.  A gust of air washes over her, causing her to shiver, her nipples puckering up.  The man walks in front of her and gently tweaks them.  Gradually, he pinches them harder and harder, causing her to moan, her body on the threshold of pleasure and pain.  He pushes her toward the chained girl.  Putting pressure on her shoulders, he pushes her down to her knees.  �Lick her pussy girl� he orders, desperately she shakes her head.  He kneels behind her, �Do it now girl� he whispers into her ear as he pushers her face into the chained girls pussy, grinding it in.  The girl on the floor tentatively sticks her tongue out, lightly licking the plump outer lip of the chained girl�s pussy.  As she runs  her tongue up and down the small slit, she slips her little pink tongue higher,  finding the girls clit and flicking her tongue across it.  The chained girl pulls on her restraints, moaning behind her gag.  The girl on the floor pushing the other girls legs apart, dragging her teeth across the girl�s clit.  Then suddenly she sucks on the clit, causing the girl to buck her back up and away from the wall.  The man leans down, and kisses the neck of the girl on the floor, flicking his tongue across her flesh as he brings His hands up to the chained girl�s pussy, holding open the pussy lips, gently pinching them.  The girl on the floor eating steadily as the other cums, crying with her pleasure.  The girl on the floor straightens, and the man grabs her by her hips, pushing her back down, spreading her legs wide and thrusting into her warm pussy.  The girl screaming with pleasure, opens her thighs wider, squeezing the mans cock with each thrust.  The man wildly pushing into her, cumming inside as she screams incoherently, cumming on the mans cock.  Replete, the man rests on top of the girl breathing heavily, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.
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