The forest sounds echo through the girls head as she runs, desperately trying to escape those who seek her.  She glances behind her as her tan, toned legs carry her further into the forest, their light golden color in deep contrast with the white of her garment.  Her long mane of chestnut curls whipping and wrapping about her body, each strand caught on the light breeze.  She trips, falling to the ground as her foot catches on an upturned root of a tall oak tree.  She whimpers as she hits the ground, her white clothes rising up, baring her firm ass to the bitter wind.  As she pushes herself up, her shackled wrists ache from their binding, the rope cutting into her soft skin.  A branch snaps from the darkness behind her and she hears the pounding of horse hooves against the dry ground.  She knew they were coming for her.  Desperately she ducks into a patch of thick bushes. Kneeling low, trying to hide, she draws in a breath as a thorn scratches against slim thigh, drawing blood.  A small trickle of the thick, crimson blood runs down her inner thigh, causing her to look down, her finger slipping through the light path, rubbing the blood from her skin as she carefully watches.  Her head lowers, for once she is thankful for her dark curls, helping to camouflage herself within the dark leaves.
They appear out of the darkness, great, powerful figures atop their mighty steeds.  The horses breathe heavily, their nostrils flaring as puffs of air float about the night sky.  The leader urges his horse to the front, the powerful animal controlled by a simple touch of his masters� knees against his flanks.  The man stops, raising a fist into the air, signaling for silence.  As if under his control, movement within the forest stops, she shivers, looking through the branches, afraid of his presence.  She shuts her eyes tightly, remembering the touch of her whip against her flesh.  Her mind drifts back in memory, her teeth tugging at her plump bottom lip as she recognizes the scene in her mind.  Seeing herself, silk clad, ankles bound together as she carries the tray.  Suddenly, the girl stumbles, dropping the tray, spilling the blackwine on her new white silks.  She could remember the heat of his gaze upon her slumped form, could remember the sting of the single tail whip upon her back, guided by his strong hand.  A horse�s hoof stomps against the ground and she blinks, feeling the vibration as she casts her eyes down upon her still stained silks and whimpers at the memory.  The man draws his horse over to the patch of bushes.  Her eyes snap open as she hears the clop of a horse shoe so close to her hiding space.  Soft, scared eyes widen and she bites her lower lip, hunkering down lower into the bushes.
Her eyes snap open as she hears the clop of a horse shoe so close to her hiding space.  Soft, scared eyes widen and she bites her lower lip, hunkering down lower into the bushes.  A noise sounds in the forest and the horse rears, the steeds� powerful flanks straining as the man grips the horse tightly with his strong thighs and barks out an order, calming the beast.  The man signals to the other as the horse lowers back to the ground.  Sighing softly, she watches the men move further along the path and she rises.  Slipping from the bush, she moves quietly to the pathway, her silk garments rustling quietly against her body, her firm full breasts rising and falling unevenly as she tries to remain calm.  She takes a step, her foot landing on a thin branch, snapping it, the wood splintering under her foot.  Frightened she turns around to face the men, finding the leader staring back at her.  Paling, she screams loudly, the sound echoing through the forest.  Whirling around she turns to flee as her white silk snags on a close branch.  Gently she tugs at it, her bound wrists making it difficult to grasp the material.  Once again she hears the sound of hooves against the ground.  She whimpers, tugging harder, her eyes wide.  Suddenly she falls, a loud rip echoes through the night as she tumbles to the ground.
Wide eyes snap to the torn silk in her hands, the ragged edge falling to just below her bare shaven heat.  Her eyes tear up, thinking of the punishment for her attempted escape and carelessness.  The leader, now caught up to her, snarls seeing the tattered silk and drops down beside her as she tries to scoot away.
He bends down, gripping her loosened, tangled hair in his fist, pulling her harshly, making her stand up.  He winds the silken strands around his fist, the curls creeping up his forearm as he pulls her closer to him.  His left hand snaps out, gripping her cheeks hard, pulling her face up, looking down at her tear stained face.  He growls again, slapping her face again and again, hearing her whimper and cry out.  He reaches down, taking the rough rope hanging from his belt, lying against muscular thigh.  He binds her wrists, slipping the rope binding under the leather shackles, making sure the rope digs deep into her skin.  He pushes her back towards a tree on the edge of the pathway, snapping an order to his men.  Turning back to her, he glares at her as he grips her damaged silks between his large fists, tearing them roughly from her firm young body.  She shrieks at the rush of cold night air that hits her body.  �You don�t need these.� He growls as he takes the end of the rope, stringing it along the width of the tree, securing her to the large trunk.
This story is a work in progress...stop back later for an update.
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