Graphic Design

Thank you for taking the time to vist my design page! Here, you will find my design work that was not done for clients.

Design Pieces

Although this is not everything I have done in the graphic design field, this is a small piece of my design capabilities.

  • InDesign Pieces
    I enjoy working with the many programs Adobe has created for us designers. Although Photoshop has to be my favorite, I like working in In Design as well.
  • Photoshop Pieces
    I love working in Photoshop bcause I feel as if the possibilities are endless.
  • Illustrator Pieces
    Illustrator is another favorite Adobe program of mine. I like how much free reign it gives you on editing images and text.

Combined Works

Here are some of the pieces I have created with all three programs.

Stylized Calendar Piece This stylized calendar piece does not have all twelve months added, however, it is only meant to display one style of design for the month of January.

Juxatapoz Magazine and Clean Eating (Redesigned)

These two magazines were redesigned from their original