R  e  c  e  n  t  e  s  t   .   U  p  d  a  t  e  s  e  s
spacing spacin


surfing around my own website for the heck of it, and besides the joy it brings, i thought that maybe it would be nice to have a page that tells people what has recently been updated, so that people who half know about the goings on of the website (whether any such beings that exist remains a mystery, but i am quite sure that the only visitors are still myself and those who i shamelessly peddle the URL to) will be able to maneuver their way through the winding forks and trails of this scatterplot website to find the rare but fresh material. As far as i can tell, this will be a very self-defeating task, as when i do not update the website, it only follows that this page will still be here proclaiming that the ratty would-be-yellowing-if-they-weren't-virtual-pages that nobody wants to look at anymore as loudly as the first day of fresh, exciting updates. And i only update when the wind blows that way, and whether i will do the same for this page or forget to link it to the website proper through an unfortunate lapse in concentration will be something we will discover as time goes by. will stop being morbid, and have fun with layout, sweet children of mine. alas, a lack of talent has stripped me of the chance to be really creative. by the way, for the purposes of this section, links here would have to be less than a month old to qualify, but we leave room for our Lady Laziness. Feel free to email me if you have anything, anything at all to say. This mail account is completely at your disposal, you are not going to clog up an important mailbox.




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