About Connie

Connie was a hard worker at Wal-mart. There was nothing she couldn't fix. She also loved working with crafts and collecting things. Her favorite collection was her indian stuff. She was also considered the coolest mom ever. When I talked about her to friends I never had anything bad to say. She started to teach me how to drive and trusted me to drive her car from the store back home at night. She also had a misscarage with Shannon my sister. We all love and miss her.  

As my heart lies in broken pieces upon the ground,
You don't even know the pieces exist.
As my tears fall like liquid diamonds upon my cheeks,
You don't even feel the pain I am going through.
You don't even know about
The broken pieces of the heart that still loves you
And that always will.
As my voice echoes through the silent atmosphere,
You don't even hear the resounding cry.
As the mist swirls silently around me, chilling the tears,
You don't even care that I suffer the agony of lost love.
You wouldn't even look back
To see the pale face of the girl who loved you
And who always will.

I'll be there-
*When no one is there for you*
*And you think no one cares*
*When the whole world walks out on you*
*And you think you're alone*
*I'll be there*
*When the one you care about the most*
*Could care less about you*
*When the one you gave your heart to*
*Throws it in your face*
*I'll be there*
*When the person you trusted*
*Betrays you*
*When the person you share all your memories with*
*Cant even remember your birthday*
*I'll be there*
*When all you need is a friend*
*To listen to you whine*
*When all you need is someone*
*To catch your tears*
*I'll be there*
* When your heart hurts so bad*
* You cant even breathe*
* When you just want to crawl up and die*
*I'll be there*
*When you start to cry*
*After hearing that sad song*
*When the tears just won't*
*Stop falling down*
*I'll be there*
*So you see I'll be there until the end*
*This is a promise I can make*
*If you ever need me*
*Just give me a call and...*
*I'll be there...*
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