Hi this is my bio.
Full Name: Daniel Keith Nayman.
Birth: September, 09 1986

   I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Rasied till I was around 13. But I went to school and had my home in the country and small ass town of Bowerston.

   My So-Called jackass of a biological father is an asshole. He spent 15 years in prison. I met him when I was 15. And for what he did to my mom I would have kicked his ass.

   After my grandmother, Mamal, passed away my moms side of the family fell apart. My one aunt, Linda Lukes. Told my mom to drop dead. That bitch I hate her for that. My mom then later had acute Lukimiea. Fighting it for a year she lost the battle. My mom was a and I know even if she is in a better place now she would give anything to come back and be with me.

   My dad that I have been with since I was born, is Kenny. He's to me my real and only dad. Sure we fight sometimes but hey what's wrong with a little disagreement. I actually love em and all that mushy stuff. Hes been there for me alot of times. And he does work his ass off to get me what I want so I give the props to you Dad...don't worry it's good to get props. lol. He's not all the way up-to date with the new hip cool thing. But he sure does know how to pick out girls lol.

   While speaking of girls. I have two that I love to death. My girl Jessica. And our baby Bethany, shes only a year old. We have been together for over 10 months and still counting.~
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