- Hostage

Team B takes Team A player as Hostage. Team A must eleminate ALL of Team B to save Hostage. Must lead Hostage back to Home base to win the game. One hit kill ANY place. If Team A is spoted within marked area of the opposing Teams Base the Hostage is shot. Game is over.

- Elemination

Team A and Team B try to Eleminate each other the first team to be completly Elemenated is found as Loser. Three hit kill. One hit kill for a faster game.


--Steal The Flag

Each Team sets a flag near their base. Three hit kill. Opposite team must steal and bring back the flag to their Home Base. If killed while holding the flag you must remain still. As a flag holder you may NOT shoot , move , talk , or signal other players an anyway.

- Recon Elemination

See Elemination rules except this is played only at night.

- Recon STF

See STF rules except this is played only at night.
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