This Diary is a sighting book, it will have date, time and description of what we or I have seen. This well be updated when I continue my searches and I find more footage.

Wensday 16, 2003, 1:00AM

Tonight me and my girlfirend Jessica decided to take a CamCorder out side and two flashlights to look for ghosts or something scary. In way we bit off more then we could chew. It wasn't noticed till the tape was viewed on TV. From the start we went into the woods and was trying to get lighting right. Which wouldn't work and a Owl flew out from the trees and I could swear the camcorder was still on record yet that part on the film is gone, but it did record us running from the owls noise. Also the tape found something new, a ghost. We walked down my driveway and i had both eyes open so I wasn't focused on viewing through the camcorder. Jessica began to hurt in her stumach so we decided to turn back and go into the house. We watched the tape and was surprised it very nicely cut the running away from the owl scene out. Note we previously watched it before the ghost recording and the owl scene was on it. The came the drive way. Jessica first noticed it. What seemed to be four flashlight spots was really two flashlights and a ghost. See there was no fog, nothing to reflect light. And when Jessicas flashlight went twords the ghost the ghost moved away from the view screen. The ghost is so detailed you can see it turn its head, its hair, bare skin, and where the armpit is. This scared us, Jessica more then I. So I told her to leave my bedroom, which was the place the tape was first viewed. I turned all the lights on, the only visible light was my stereos lightup screen, this was also turned off. When I entered the pitchblack room I could hear nothing but my breathing, and it began to get VERY cold. Freezing infact. But the fan was off the window closed and the house tempature was at 65 degrees. Now remember I heard nothing while i stood stationary in my room, I did not even shift my weight on my legs. When I was done I told Jessica to return to view the tape. The there it was, noise, more noise then I could handle, it sounded as if people were running on creeking wooded floors. My floor never creeks, and I didn't hear the noise untill I watched the tape. Also as the tap sat in the cancorder on STOP, I was talking to Jessica, then I heard a grinding clicking, the camcorder turned itself into REWIND and i looked into the view lense and it STOPPED on the part which the Ghost was first seen. This scared both of us. Jessica continued feeling the ghost touch her, push on her stomach, so much she pushed herself back in the chair. The ghost rubbed her hair and tried to take her over. When we went into the frontroom. Bethany our baby, 11 months old. Woke up and her usual self would be crying screaming and talking, but this time she didn't she didn't even hum or make any noise a baby would. Jessica started to get possesed I sat beside her and she said "I don't want you to sit there" I replied "What." Still Jessica staring off into a daze repeated it, I then nudged her and she blinked and looked at me and I asked "What?" She replied "I told you to sit next to me." and then I told her what I heard. Then she said she heard herself say that too, and I also asked why would she ask me to sit next to her when I was already sitting next to her. My dad also saw the tape and thinks it might be the guy who hung himself about 100 yards away from my house.
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