Updated - 18 July 2002
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As you can see, I've gotten picture crazy.  Its because of a digital Camera I got.  It is fun and now I can put them on my website...
Here's a another one of Mark.  This one is after we put up the drywall into thier new pantry.
(July, 2002)
Here's a another one of Mark.  But this one was taken shortly before the one on the left.  We put up the sheetrock, with me outside and Mark outside.  I put the screws in on the outside, then Mark cut himself out...
It was lots of fun.
(Note: See the blade of his saw on the left side of the picture.)
Here's a another one of Mark.  He's in his Dragon Boat race in Kent, WA.
Here's a another one of Mark.  This is at the Dragon Boat race in Kent, WA.
Don't you just love the tie-dye...
Yes, I am going to take pictures of someone other than Mark soon... But I spent a week helping to build a pantry and at a Dragon Boat race right after getting the Digital Camera, so give me a break....
(July, 2002)
(July, 2002)
(July, 2002)
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