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Friends are forever.
Alexandria is a kind, sweet, loving, and caring girl. I love her. She is a role model and mentor for pre-teens and teens. She counsels them and gives great words of wisdom. Many look up to her for guidance.

She also has great love, concern and understanding for soldiers, especially those in dangerous lands. As a military guy, I deeply appreciate this.

With a wonderful magnetic personality and a sweet smile, she talks in a cheerful and friendly way, making everyone feel at home with her kindness and warmth.

I adore her sweetness so much. She's so much sweeter than honey and sugar. I doubt she realizes just how sweet she is.

Alex is also one of the world�s prettiest girls. Many, myself included, think that she is the next supermodel. She is absolutely gorgeous. Words alone cannot describe her fantastic and unbelievable beauty. She may be the world's most beautiful girl. I am right now using her picture as my desktop background. I have a crush on her!

However, she does not let her great beauty get into her head. She is still the personable humble girl that she always has been.

I am so glad to have met her. She is a really good friend. Please visit
her video blogs. You�ll not regret it.