Dad was born in 1929 and moved to Malacca, Malaysia where he grew up. Mom was born in 1933 and grew up in Christmas Island, which is now Australian territory.

Dad moved back south and Mom moved back north where they both met in Singapore. And out came sister and I.

Sister was born in Singapore in 1957. She has a son of 16 named Benjamin. I love him!
With beautiful Singaporean actress/model Jamie Yeo. Aug 2005.
I'll be so happy if you could sign my guestbook.Thank you very much.
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Running and Marathons - Reward for running (and crawling) 26 miles (42 km) - a marathoner's finisher T-shirt! So far I've acquired 12 T-shirts - 3 from Hawaii and 9 from Singapore.
Chess - My chess story. I am living proof that great intelligence is not needed to play chess.
Weight Training and Calisthenics - can't resist indulging in some shameless ego trip. Painfully obvious that I am no Arnold Schwarzenegger but who cares?
Martial Arts - I hold the Brown One Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. I am also trained in close combat and Judo. I had stitches done without anesthetic after a Tae Kwon Do accident. Read the story.
Parachuting - Parachute jumps are thrilling. A few stories including my near collision with another jumper.
Military History - Especially interested in the Commandos, Rangers, Special Forces and paratroopers. Enjoy reading war stories, especially World War Two and the Vietnam War. Always my dream to die valiantly on the battlefield. What a wonderful way to go.
Christian Apologetics and Other Issues - Apologetics is the defence of the faith.
Hello, my name is Raymond Tan. I was born in July, 1964 in Singapore, where I am living now.

I lived in a country called the
United States of America (or USA for short; this country lies to the south of Canada) from 1988 till 1996. First lived in Hawaii where I graduated valedictorian at Hawaii Pacific University with two undergraduate degrees.  After graduation, I  worked as a teacher at Hawaii Business College.

Then I didn't know what came over me and I decided to go to
Stanford University in California for my master's degree. Terribly outbrained, I struggled but, thank God, was able to graduate in 1996.

Another great adventure was serving in the Singapore army as a commando for 2.5 years (1985 to 1987). The training was sometimes inhuman, but I somehow survived and remained in one piece (physically but maybe not mentally!).
Memoirs about two of my life's greatest ordeals:
Life at Stanford University
A mini-brain tries to survive in a land of geniuses.
Life at The Home of The Commandos Ever since I was a skinny little kid, I had always dreamed of becoming a Commando. I did not know that my dream was to turn into a nightmare...
Meet my whole family.
I have been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed, there is one reason and one reason only, and that is to help others.
Akiane Kramarik
Nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
-- Anne Frank
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising up every time we fail....
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are the rest of my favourite quotes.
My Cat Friends
My Human Friends
My favorite things like movies, songs, books, colors etc.
[email protected]

Raymond's YouTube Page
Tiffany Jo Allen Victoria Anisova Kat Wendy Lindquist Jennifer Searles Karolina Gabrielle Danielle Cindy Phillips Allison Bookless Stacey Kisting Katerina Kyptova Alexandria Maryalicia Lore Trina Gillis Angela Joy Jessika Hunter Frusciante Rebecca Tan Kristi Pugh
Photography - Amuse yourself by a beginner's pathetic attempts at photography. Please try not to laugh.
Rachel Julie Leone Angela Jack
My Valedictory Speech
At the Hawaii Pacific University's Commencement in 1991.
Friends are forever
People I admire are as as varied as they can be -  from Mother Teresa to a Navy Seal Commando. They have one thing in common, however. They are admired by me! They inspire me and teach me valuable lessons.
Picture Albums - My life in pictures.
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Border Design (left): I took a picture of this Orchid flower at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The Orchid is the national flower of Singapore.
Reading - My favourite hobby; I am a bookworm.
Cycling trip for church youth group. December 2005.
Swissotel Vertical Marathon. Nov 2006. I was the only barefoot runner.
My first birthday. July 1965.
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