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Christian Links
Love is kind
Christianity and Physical Fitness
Christians Be Concerned About Physical Fitness? -  A great article. I wholeheartedly agree with the author.
Are You a Pharisee of Phlab? - A response to Christians who pour scorn on fitness and dieting programmes as being vain and worldly.
Your Body and Exercise: Your Body is the Temple of God - Written by a Christian doctor. 
Kenneth Cooper: Dr. Aerobics -  An interview with Dr. Cooper, who is famous for his 1968 book "Aerobics". I read that book when I was a teen. Dr. Cooper is also a Christian.
Spiritual and Physical Fitness Life Group - A physical fitness group run by a nice Christian couple.

General Apologetics Websites
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry - helping to equip saints and refute error.
Apologetics Index - Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Religions, Doctrines, Etc
Christian Apologetics - To empower believers and engage skeptics.
Apologetics - Telling the truth at the speed of life.
Walter Martin's Religious Information Jacob the Thief
An Allegory about LegalismNetwork
- Ministry of the late Christian apologetics expert Dr. Walter Martin.
Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries - An Apologetics Ministry Centered on the Bible
GOSPEL OF JUDAS: AUTHENTIC FRAUD - Response to National Geographic's "Gospel of Judas".

Cults - An overview
Cults: Discovering Deception - "Do all cults practice magic, sacrifice animals, and worship Satan? Find out what characteristics distinguish a group as cultic."

From Legalism to Grace - A study based on Galatians
Tithing is Robbery - Tithing is based on legalism.
Jacob the Thief: An Allegory about Legalism - An article about legalism based on the study of Jacob.
The Journey from Legalism to Grace - His experience with the International Churches of Christ.
There Must be 50 Ways to be a Pharisee - Can high school students at an antiwar rally be modern day Pharisees?

Spiritual and Church Abuse
Spiritual Abuse - about spiritual abuse with a secondary focus on the United Pentacostal Church.
SOSA : SURVIVORS OF SPIRITUAL ABUSE - This page is dedicated to all those that have been abused by anyone in the name of a religion or spiritual belief.
Spiritual Abuse Recovery Resources - Resources and support for people recovering from spiritual abuse
Abusive Churches - How to recognize and deal with Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual Abuse - What is spiritual abuse. A concise definition.

Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved?
Can a born again Christian ever lose his salvation? - Can a Christian ever lose their salvation? Can someone who has truly been saved ever be lost?
Once Saved, Always Saved? - In FAQ format
ETERNAL SECURITY OF THE BELIEVER by H.A. IRONSIDE - One of the best articles I've come across about this topic. Answers the verses often cited by opponents of this doctrine.

The Health and Wealth Gospel

How the Health and Wealth Gospel Twists Scripture
Does God Promise Health and Wealth? - by MacArthur, Jr.

Abortion - General information about abortion from a Christian site.
Abortion Pictures
The Abortion Gallery
Show the American people what an abortion is!
Abortion Truth
- Contains pictures of abortions.
AbortionTV - Abortion videos, pictures, and mishaps.

Is Masturbation a Sin? - A short article.
Is Masturbation a Sin? - Longer, more complete answer.
Is Masturbation a Sin?
- Directed mainly to youths
Is Masturbation a Sin? - Good definition of lust.

Churches I've attended

Grace Assembly of God Church - Did not attend this church regularly, but eagerly watched this church's building grew when I was a little kid. I lived near this church.
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church - Attended this church when I was studying at Stanford University. Great church. I enjoyed the loving Fellowship and the encouraging sermons.
Calvary Chapel, Honolulu - Attended this wonderful church when I was living in Hawaii.
Faith Methodist Church - The first church I ever attended. I first went to this church in 1972. I am now a member of this church.
St John St Margaret Church - Another great church.
Great Christians - My list of great Christians who are inspiring to me.