I'll be so happy if you could sign my guestbook.Thank you very much.
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Mom was born in Singapore in 1933. She grew up on Christmas Island, which is now part of Australian territory. Christmas Island has the largest crab population per square unit in the world. Mom often tells me about the abundance of crabs on the island, especially when we watch TV documentaries about crabs on Christmas Island. After World War Two, she moved back to Singapore where she met Dad.

Mom is the most wonderful and self-sacrificing person. She works hard for the family day and night without complaining. She also has a great heart of compassion for the poor and needy. She loves to give away our old (and not so old) stuff like clothes and bags to the poor.

I was so happy when Mom attended my Stanford graduation in 1996. It was a proud day for both of us.
Mom in 2001.
Mom in 1949.
Mom at her office. May 25 1972.
Mom was an excellent typist. She could type at the speed of light! When I was a little kid, I often wondered how she could type so fast. So I determined that I would learn typing which I did at Mckinley High School in Hawaii in 1989.
Meet Sister
Meet Dad
Meet whole family
Meet nephew Benji