I'll be so happy if you could sign my guestbook.Thank you very much.
Love is kind
How I got stitched without anesthetics as a result of a martial arts fighting accident.
Unarmed Combat - "Kill Kill Kill!" we yelled  as we fought
Parachuting - An assortment of my little airborne stories
Water Miracle - "God, I am dehydrated. I need water badly. HELP."
A Mountain After Another - We had just finished scaling a gigantic mountain. Could anything worse be waiting for us?
My Tribute to a Fallen Lieutenant - He did something which made others bitter but made me appreciate and respect him even more.  I miss him. Farewell, Lieutenant Sir.
Quest for the Black Belt - As part of the exam, I had to fight a seasoned Black Belt fighter called "The Bull." Could I overcome him?
Army Memories - An assortment of my little army stories.
Back to Life at The Home of The Commandos
Five Days Without Sleep - and a 35 km march to round up a week of torture,  to earn our corporal stripes.
Commando's Prayer - Very meaningful prayer. Reveals the spirit of the commando.
Graphics by
Favorite Military Links - includes the Singapore Commandos and other Special Forces.
Barracks Haunting - The old commando barracks where we lived are reputed to be haunted. They were used as a POW prison during World War Two. Many prisoners died. Here are the stories as reported by the Singapore Paranormal Investigators. Click on "Haunted Changi" and scroll down to "Commando Barracks"
Military Links
General Commando Information
Commandos - A good concise description from Wikipedia encyclopedia
Special Operations.Com - Very comprehensive site. Describes Special Forces units from many parts of the world, including Singapore.
Special Forces Search Engine - Great place to start seaching for Special Forces information
Shadowspear Special Operations - Site dedicated to all special forces.
Myth vs Reality - A look at the misperceptions and realities of modern special operations.
"Kill Them All" - A phrase I've seen on several commando T-shirts. This article explains where this famous phrase was popularized.
Fight Masters: Special Forces - Segment of the National Geographic's documentary scientifically proving that special forces are indeed "special".
Practical Martial Arts For Special Forces
How to be a Commando - A riveting story of one young cadet's dream to become a real Commando. A 4-minute video.

Singapore Commandos
Life at the Home of the Commandos - Memoirs of a Singaporean Commando in the 1980s.
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? - Slideshow of pictures of a Singaporean commando's army days in the 80s.
Singapore Commandos - from the official Singapore Army website.
Factsheet - 1st Commando Battalion - Fact sheet from the Ministry of Defence.
1969 - Elites of the Singapore Armed Forces - Short history of the commandos and good description of their combat roles.
Four Hijackers Die in a Raid By Commandos in Singapore - Rescue of hostages by the Singapore Commandos.
Singapore Commandos - from specialoperations. com.
Singapore Armed Forces Commando Formation - Overview from Wikipedia.
Singapore Armed Forces Commando Formation - Overview from Shadowspear Special Operations website.
Special Operations Force - An ultraelite force.
Our Friends in the South - An article from Malaysia (our friends in the north) describes the rescue of a hijacked Singapore Airlines airliner by Singapore commandos.
Haunted Commando Barracks - Our old barracks, where we used to live, are reputed to be haunted. They were used as a POW prison during World War Two. Many prisoners died. Click on "Haunted Changi" and scroll down to "Commando Barracks"
Inside Reconnaissance Platoon, 3rd Singapore Infantry Regiment - This regiment is not a commando unit but they do recon, which is what we perform too.
Changi - A little bit of the history of Changi, which is where our commando camp is situated.
Training deaths: Yet again one too many - A rappelling accident.
1974 - The Laju Incident - Oil refinery attacked by terrorists.
Honour and Passion - Short clip from the TV program Honour and Passion, Channel 8, depicting Singapore Commandos.
Action Figures - Video. I was pleasantly surprised to find that such figures exist.
Not Many Jobs Take a Whole Army - Special Operations Forces and the revolution in military affairs. Paper by Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore.

Singapore's Other Elite Units
Singapore Guards - Elite Warriors of the SAF - The Guards are excellent soldiers. I have the utmost respect for them and their fighting prowess.
Guards - from operations.com
The Elite Guards Video Production - Shows what it takes to be an elite Guardsman. Very impressive.
Naval Diving Unit: Frogmen of the Navy Hooya! - Counterpart of the ultraelite US Navy SEALS. Divers are extremely tough soldiers. Hats off to them.
Naval Diving Unit - from operation.com
Naval Diving Unit - from wikipedia.
Singapore's Finest - A video tribute to the law enforcers and peacekeepers of Singapore. Includes elite units from the police, army and navy.

Commandos of Singapore's Friendly Neighbours
Malaysian Special Forces - Our friendly neighbour has many Special Forces units.
The Unofficial Navy Paskal: An Elite Special Force - A Malaysian force similar to the U.S. Navy SEALS.
KOPASSUS - Indonesian Army Special Force Command.
Philippine Army Special Units - Rangers and Special Forces.
Scout Rangers - Philippine's elite Rangers.
Malaysian commandos under fire for abusing trainees - Video. Here's a response from a commando veteran - 'Tough commando training vital'

Other Commando and Elite Units
Meet a Christian Commando - A BBC article about a Christian Royal Marine Commando officer who sees no conflict between being a commando and being a Christian.
Special Operations Center - About the US special forces and the Rangers. Even has a free special ops online game.
Green Berets and Rangers: What's the Difference?
A Day in the Life of a Green Beret - Explores some of the myths and reality of what a Green Beret really does
Fighting fit: Royal Marines' commando training - "Only two women have ever passed the Royal Marines' fearsome commando training. So how did Susie Rushton fare?"
Paparazzi, Beware! Hollywood Stars Have a Secret Weapon: Israeli Commandos - At last, REAL commandos in Hollywood.
Commando who fought off 70 Taliban in Afghanistan is honoured in secret - A real Rambo.
Army Commandos - Brief history of the early beginnings of the British commandos in WW2.
What The Commandos of WW I and WW II Knew About Winning a Real Fight - "32 Ways to Win Any Fight Instantly With Lost Hand-to-Hand Fighting Tactics They Don't Teach in the Strip-Mall Karate Dojo"
Jessica-Lynch.com - Jessica Lynch was the gorgeous lady POW rescued by U.S. commandos.
Special Forces Shielded Children with Their Bodies - SF soldiers save lives too. We don't just take lives.
Spetsnaz - Russia's commandos.
The Israelis Special Forces Home Page - The Israeli Special Forces is one of the very best in the world.
Israeli Special Forces History - Read about their illustrious history
Australian WWII commandos were betrayed: authors - Authors assert that Australian WWII commandos were betrayed by their allies during Operation Rimau.
Special Air Service (SAS) - The SAS is the British Special Forces, an excellent unit. This site contains extensive information about the exploits of this unit.
Daffy the Commando - No joke: Daffy Duck is a commando. See this video of his fight against Hitler.
Commando Duck - Donald Duck is a commando too. He fought against Japanese troops during WW2.
Brigade of Gurkhas - Official site of the Gurkhas, who are quite possibly the most fearsome soldiers in the world.
French Foreign Legion - About France's legendary elite unit
Ballad of the Green Berets - A famous song about the US Special Forces, composed and sung by Barry Sadler who was himself a former SF soldier. This is one of my favorite songs.
The Quiet Professionals - A Special Forces memorial page.
The Way of the Commandos - Iraqi commandos fighting against terrorism and insurgents.
Watercolor Backgrounds: Special Operations, Green Berets Soldiers (War, Snipers, or Fighting Soldiers background) - Great graphics for building Commando or other army web pages.
Psychological Study of Navy SEALs--LA Times - Studies show that commandos really do have brains different from that of others.
Operation Certain Death - Great hostage rescue mission by the SAS and paratroopers.
Navy SEAL Documentary Video - SEAL training leading up to Hell Week.
Guerrilla Warfare - About US units specializing in guerilla warfare.
�Elite� military units: Army Rangers - The famous US Army Rangers.
The Elite Army Rangers - Becoming a Ranger, training etc.
Special forces and the reality of military operations in Afghanistan - Good article about the proper use of special forces.
'Little girl Rambo' decries US propaganda - Jessica Lynch was the "little girl Rambo" rescued by US commandos in Iraq.
Military Cover-Up Dishonors Hero - Pat Till was a football star who served as a US Ranger in Afganistan. Killed by friendly fire.
US MILITARY BLUNDER PUT SAS HEROES' LIVES AT RISK - 2 SAS commandos nearly lost their lives as a result of faulty military intelligence.
All set for exclusive women commando force - Great move by the Indian army.
Special Operations Forces and Intelligence in Asymmetric Warfare - Role of special forces and intelligence in the fight against terrorism.
Operation Freshman - Commando operation to destroy the heavy water plant in Norway to thwart Germany's attempt to build the atomic bomb.
Word's Best Special Forces on Attack Mission - Very instructive. A perfect example of how a commando raid should be executed. Also displays the most advanced and sophisticated weapons. A short video.

Fallschirmjager, the German Paratroopers - History of the German paratroopers in WW2. The elite German paratroopers were among the best soldiers in the war.
Col. Holeman's Paratrooper Pages of Airborne Forces around the World - Good comprehensive listing, includes the Singapore Army Commandos
Delta Raiders - The Delta Company of the 101st Airborne Division is one of only two infantry companies in the Vietnam War to have two Medal of Honor recipients.
Paratrooper and World War Two - Good overview of airborne operations in World War Two; some successful, others were not so.
Arnhem - Operation Market-Garden - The failed airborn operation to end the war by 1944. Made famous by a book and movie entitled "A Bridge Too Far".
All Men are Brothers - A short film about paratroopers from marketgarden.com
�Elite� military units: Army Airborne (paratroopers) - Examines the elite status of paratroopers.
The Female Driving Force Behind Every Jump - Female parachute instructors in the Israeli Defense Force.

The Fall of Singapore - Concise and accurate account of the fall of Singapore to the Japanese Army in WW2.
Battlefield Singapore - History of the defence of Singapore against the Japanese Army in Word War Two.
Lim Bo Seng - Reflections on a war hero of Singapore during WW2, written by his son.
Elizabeth Choy - Singaporean heroine of World War Two. Suffered greatly at the hands of the Japanese, after Australian and British commandos of Force Z sank a few Japanese ships.
Gurkhas guard Singapore from terror - The Gurkhas have served Singapore loyally for decades.
Fort Siloso - The most famous gun battery of Singapore "Fortress" during WW2.
Kranji War Cemetary - War cemetary in Singapore.
The Changi Murals - Paintings by POWs in Singapore during WW2
The Untold Truths of National Service - Sad stories, especially the last one.
20-year-old full-time NSman dies while doing chin-ups in camp - Sad.
Memoirs of National Service in Singapore, 1969-1971 - by Terry Foenander.
military life: memoirs of a conscript in the lion city - By a soldier in an armour unit.
Girl Soldier - Video by a Singapore girl soldier.
Personal Stories - Stories of Singapore's military people.

Armed IDF Women Soldiers - A 3-minute photo slideshow I made as a tribute to the brave IDF girls.
Karakal (Wildcats) - Mixed IDF unit made up of women and men. 3-minute video clip.
Should there be a military draft? - Contrary to popular belief, drafted soldiers may be good soldiers.
A Good Soldier - Talks about simplicity, authority and humility, traits of a good soldier.
Forgotten Heroes - Poem about war veterans.
End official cover-up of abandoned POWs - Vietnam War prisoners of war
Web Sources for Military History by Richard Jensen - Good reference site with many great links.
Other Holocaust: Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731, Unit 100, Unit 516 - outlines various WWII atrocities of the Japanese army.
John Reed's Military Page - Great articles by a former Airborne Ranger.
Nanjing Massacre: 300,000 Chinese People Killed, 20,000 Women Raped ...
Pvt. Murphy's Law - Army cartoons
From Bombs to Something More Powerful - "After Jacob DeShazer attacked Japan with Jimmy Doolittle's raiders, God gave him a new mission"
Tora! Tora! Tora! - Mitsuo Fuchida Obituary - Fuchida was the leader of the Japanese surprise attack on Hawaii in 1941. Story about his life's journey from hatred to love and forgiveness
Stanford Prison Experiment - An experiment performed by, of all schools, my school. Experiment had to stop after only six days because guards were becoming sadistic and prisoners were becoming depressed.
Should a Christian go to War?
Onward Christian Soldiers? Christian Perspectives on War
The Civil War Page - About the American Civil War. 
A True American Hero: Carlos Hathcock - One of the greatest snipers of the Vietnam War
theHistoryNet.com - Many good articles about WW2, American Civil War, Vietnam War and others.
Strategypage. com - General war articles and forum.
Japanese War Crimes - Mainly from the Sino-Japanese war and WW2. Another site on same issure.
Sobibor - German death camp for Jews in WW2.
A Chechen Mary Poppins... Russia's Black Widows - About female suicide bombers.
What really happened at Beslan? - The Beslan massacre.
Individuals I Admire
Lim Bo Seng
- A devout Christian and a Singapore war hero. He was  tortured by the Japanese guards but refused to reveal the names of his comrades in Force 136. He died as a result.
Anne Frank - Author of the Diary of Anne Frank
Corrie Ten Boom - Author of The Hidiing Place. She hid Jews during World War II. Was sent to a concentration camp.
St Maximilian Kolbe - A Catholic priest who volunteered to take the place of a man condemned to die in a Nazi concentration camp in World War Two.
Douglas Bader - Legless fighter pilot in World War II
Cher Ami - Brave pigeon who saved the lives of 200 men during WW1.
Mitsuo Fuchida - The pilot who sent the famous message "Tora, Tora, Tora" during the surprise attack on Pearl Habor in Dec 7, 1941. Became a Christian and a missionary after the war.
Erwin Rommel - Possibly the greatest German General in World War Two. Highly respected even by his enemies.
Michael Wittman - One of the greatest tank aces of World War Two.
Joan of Arc - Peasant girl who became a great military and spiritual warrior.
Sophie Scholl - Brave member of student resistance movement against Nazism during WW2. Was captured and beheaded.
Princess Noor - Worked for the SOE in occupied France during WW2. Was captured and executed by the Germans.
Patrick Tillman - Give up 3.5 million NFL contract to join the US Army Rangers. Killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.
Iris Chang - Author of the book The Rape of Nanking. Created awareness of the atrocities of the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2. She died in 2004.
Michal Ya'akov - Female IDF Soldier who Nabs Terrorist.
Katrina Hodge - She wrestled two rifles from a rebel in Basra. And her favorite color is pink.

Great Commandos
Colonel James "Nick" Rowe - An Army Special Forces soldier who spent five years as a POW of the Vietcong. Author of "Five Years to Freedom"
LTC Clarence Tan Kim Peng - Pioneer of the Singaporean commando unit.
Yoni Netanyahu - Commando leader of the Entebbe rescue, killed during the operation.
Gungadaran - Singapore's first Army RSM.
SSG Franklin D. Miller - An Army Special Forces recipient of the Medal of Honor.
Richard Marcinko - Tough Navy Seal author of "The Rogue Warrior"
Lt. Col Ivan Lyon - Led two very dangerous commando operations deep into Japanese-controlled territory in Singapore Harbour to raid enemy shipping. Was killed in the second operation.
Colonel Ngo The Linh - A South Vietnamese Special Forces soldier and a fighter for freedom and democracy in Vietnam.
Sgt James Treber - U.S. Special Forces soldier who died while saving teammate in Afghanistan.
In Memory of SFC Manual T. Lopez - A tribute created by the son of the late Special Forces hero.
My Army Stories
Our Red Beret Passing-Out Parade, which officially made me a commando
Commando Interview - How a frail, skinny, colour-blind boy with a fractured arm got into a commando unit.
My Tribute to RSM Sam Choo - He was a much respected commando.
My Army Picture Album (a separate website I created for pictures)
My Army Picture Slideshow at youtube.
Heat Exhaustion deep in the hot and humid tropical jungle.