I'll be so happy if you could sign my guestbook.Thank you very much.
Commando Interview - How a frail, skinny, colour-blind boy with a fractured arm got into a commando unit.
Our Red Beret Presentation, which officially made me a commando
How I got stitched without anesthetics as a result of a martial arts fighting accident.
Unarmed Combat - "Kill Kill Kill!" we yelled  as we fought
Parachuting - An assortment of my airborne stories
Water Miracle - "God, I am dehydrated. I need water badly. HELP."
Heat Exhaustion deep in the hot and humid tropical jungle.
A Mountain After Another - We had just finished scaling a gigantic mountain. Could anything worse be waiting for us?
My Tribute to a Fallen Lieutenant - He did something which made others bitter but made me appreciate and respect him even more.  I miss him. Farewell, Lieutenant Sir.
Quest for the Black Belt - As part of the exam, I had to fight a seasoned Black Belt fighter called "The Bull." Could I overcome him?
Army Memories - An assortment of short stories.
Back to Life at The Home of The Commandos
Five Days Without Sleep - and a 35 km march to round up a week of torture,  to earn our corporal stripes.
Graphics by
Favorite Military Links - includes the Singapore Commandos and other Special Forces.
Barracks Haunting - The old commando barracks where we lived are reputed to be haunted. They were used as a POW prison during World War Two. Many prisoners died. Here are the stories as reported by the Singapore Paranormal Investigators. Click on "Haunted Changi" and scroll down to "Commando Barracks"
Commando's Prayer
Give me, my God, what you still have;
give me what no one asks for.
I do not ask for wealth, nor success,
nor even health.
People ask you so often, God, for all that, that you cannot have any left.

Give me, my God, what you still have.
Give me what people refuse to accept from you.
I want insecurity and disquietude;
I want turmoil and brawl.

And if you should give them to me,
my God, once and for all,
let me be sure to have them always,
for I will not always
have the courage to ask for them.

Corporal Zirnheld, Special Air Service 1942
My Army Stories:
My Tribute to RSM Sam Choo - He was a much respected commando.
My Army Picture Album (a separate website I created for pictures)