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Singapore Links
Country Guides

CIA World Factbook: Singapore - Facts about Singapore.- The info is from CIA, so it can't be wrong.

Singapore Life and Politics

Talking Cock - "Singapore's premier satirical humour website!"
Singaporeans for Democracy
Singapore Review Yahoo Group - Offers alternative views about Singapore life and politics.
http://www.thinkcentre.org - ThinkCentre.org is the internet portal of Think Centre, an independent, multi-partisan political non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Singapore.
The Singapore Internet Community - Forums, columns, humor and satire etc. about Singapore.
Singapore Rebel - A free little movie about an opposition politician in Singapore. The authorities are trying to censor and suppress this movie. But thank God for the Internet.
Home of the Singapore Democrats - Website of the Singapore Democratic Party
The unOfficial Yeo Cheow Tong Website - A page about one of Singapore's ministers.
Escape from Paradise - A book now banned in Singapore, because it exposes the corruption of a wife of a minister in Singapore. See also the banning of Escape from Paradise.
Singapore Minister's Salaries - Compares the inflated salaries of Singapore's ministers with some of the leaders of other nations.
Legitimized Corruption Understood - About the salaries of the highly paid ministers of Singapore..
OB markers for Singapore film-makers - News about Singapore government's censorship of the film industry in Singapore. 
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