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I call him Jack because he has only one eye. Hence, he is Jack the One-Eyed Cat. Most people think that Jack lost an eye in a fight with another cat. Jack used to be very fierce.

Jack has had a very tough life. A lady catlover told me that Jack was once caught by the authorities and was about to be euthanized. But, fortunately, he managed to escape. The rest of the cats caught with him were killed.

After that incident, Jack became very suspicious of all humans. He was also very fierce towards the other cats. Angela is particularly afraid of Jack. I once saw Jack chased terrified Angela up a tree.

But recently, Jack has mellowed. He now even allows me to pet and stroke him. He even approaches me when he sees me or when he hears me call out "Jack". I love Jack so.

Update (Sep 2007): Just found out a few hours that poor Jack is dead. A fellow cat lover saw Jack's lifeless body just after he was hit by a car. Rest In Peace, Jack. Thank you for the memories. I will always love you. See you at the bridge beyond the rainbow.
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