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People I Admire
Mother Teresa - Gave her life to help the poor and the needy
Rachel Joy Scott - A sweet compassionate girl who was killed during the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. Ambition was to be a missionary and actress. She became both in her untimely death.
Brother Andrew - Known as "God's Smuggler". Bravely smuggled Bibles into countries where the Bible was forbidden
Martin Luther King Jr. - American Civil Rights leader.
Dr. Walter Martin - Christian minister and a great defender of the faith.
John Newton - A slave trader who became a Christian. Wrote the famous hym "Amazing Grace" after his conversion.
C.S. Lewis - My favourite authour. One of the most articulate man ever.
Father Damien - A priest who gave devoted his life to serve the lepers in Hawaii. Himself died of leprosy
Martin Luther - Key figure in the Reformation; started Protestantism.
William Borden - Wealthy Yale graduate who gave up riches and himself for the poor and lost.
Sadhu Sundar Singh - A Sikh Christian who risked life and limb to spread the Gospel. Suffered lots of hardship and persecution for the faith. Disappeared in Tibet and was never seen again.
Missionaries, Preachers, Ministers etc.
Lim Bo Seng - A devout Christian and a Singapore war hero. He was  tortured by the Japanese guards but refused to reveal the names of his comrades in Force 136. He died as a result.
Elizabeth Choy - Singaporean heroine of World War Two. Suffered greatly at the hands of the Japanese, after Australian and British commandos of Force Z sank a few Japanese ships. Her obituary.
Anne Frank - Author of the Diary of Anne Frank
Corrie Ten Boom - Author of The Hidiing Place. She hid Jews during World War II. Was sent to a concentration camp.
Cher Ami - Brave pigeon soldier who saved the lives of 200 men.
St Maximilian Kolbe - A Catholic priest who volunteered to take the place of a man condemned to die in a Nazi concentration camp in World War Two.
Douglas Bader - Legless fighter pilot in World War II
Adolf Galland - One of the greatest fighter pilot aces in World War II. He very kindly entertained Bader when Bader was a POW. Galland invited him to visit his air base for tea, and even allowed Bader to sit in the cockpit of a Mess 109, a German fighter aircraft.
Mitsuo Fuchida - The pilot who sent the famous message "Tora, Tora, Tora" during the surprise attack on Pearl Habor in Dec 7, 1941. Became a Christian and a missionary after the war.
Erwin Rommel - Possibly the greatest German General in World War Two. Highly respected even by his enemies.
Michael Wittman - One of the greatest tank aces of World War Two.
Joan of Arc - Peasant girl who became a great military and spiritual warrior.
Admiral Jeremiah Denton - Was a POW in North Vietnam for 8 years. He was severely tortured repeatedly but was steadfast in his faith in God and his country. Wrote the book When Hell was in Session describing his POW days.
Ernest Gordon - A Scottish soldier who defended Singapore during World War Two. Captured and forced to build the infamous bridge over the River Kwai by the Japanese captors. Overcame hardships with his faith in God.
Lord Louis Mountbatten - In Singapore, he accepted the Japanese surrender of southeast Asia at the end of World War Two. Was assasinated by the IRA in 1979.
Violette Szabo - A courageous lady spy who worked in German occupied France during WW2. Was eventually shot by the Germans. Another web page about her.
Princess Noor or Noor Inayat Khan - An brave Indian princess involved in espionage in occupied France in WW2. Was executed by the Germans. Another web page about her.
Sophie Scholl - Active member of the White Rose, a student resistance movement against Nazism in Germany. Another page about White Rose is here.
Robert Henry Cain - Paratrooper who won the Victoria Cross at Operation Market-Garden.
Hans Von Luck - A German tank commander during World War Two. He learned his trade from Rommel.
Audie Murphy - Most highly decorated American soldier of WW2 and a famous movie star.
Hannibal - One of the greatest military geniuses of all time.
Thomas Bennett - Combat Medic Thomas W. Bennett became the second conscientious objector in history to earn the Medal of Honor.
Margaret Dryburgh (need to scroll down the page)- Presbyterian minister from Singapore interned by the Japanese in World War Two. Wrote the "Captives' Hymn"
Melvin Biddle - World War Two Medal of Honor recipient. A great paratrooper.
Edith Cavell - English nurse who helped Allied soldiers escape in WW1. Saved thousands of lives. Was executed by the Germans.
Count Claus von Stauffenberg - Tried to kill Hitler.
Daniel Daly - Double Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient

Colonel James "Nick" Rowe - An Army Special Forces soldier who spent five years as a POW of the Vietcong. Author of "Five Years to Freedom"
SSG Franklin D. Miller - An Army Special Forces recipient of the Medal of Honor. Another site (with more pictures) about him.
Richard Marcinko - Tough no-nonsense Navy Seal author of "The Rogue Warrior"
Jeff Struecker - A Chaplain Ranger full of military decorations.
Lt. Col Ivan Lyon - Led two very dangerous commando operations deep into Japanese-controlled territory in Singapore Harbour to raid enemy shipping. Was killed in the second operation.
Colonel Ngo The Linh - A South Vietnamese Special Forces soldier and a fighter for freedom and democracy in Vietnam.
In Memory of SFC Manual T. Lopez - A tribute created by the son of the late Special Forces hero.
Randall 'Randy' David Shughart - Earned the Medal of Honor for attempting to save a downed helicopter pilot. Lost his life in the attempt.
War and the Military
Charlston Heston - One of the greatest actors of all time. I grew up watching a few of his films.
Audrey Hepburn - My favorite classical actress. She was full of grace and elegance. Singer of one of my favorite songs "Moon River".
Judy Garland - Singer of my favorite song "Over the Rainbow". Sweet, lovely, gentle person.
Marlene Dietrich - Refused to serve Hitler. Instead she supported the Allied troops with entertainment and support.
Kathy Ireland - My favourite supermodel. Her great beauty is not confined to her externals but resides deep within her. She's a sweet Christian lady who lives according to Godly principles.
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - A gentle giant. Hawaiian singer who faced death with courage. He left us in 1997. Another webpage about Israel.
Tiffany Jo Allen - Sweet gorgeous singer who gives money from sale of her CDs to kids whose parents are in the Middle East for military duties.
Hunter Frusciante's Video Blog - Hunter is an extremely beautiful and sexy woman. Her video blogs are very interesting. She's also very intelligent, expressive and articulate. I enjoy her videos. And she's very cute too. I adore the way she giggles. I have a super crush on her.
Vincent Van Gogh - My favourite artist. A beautiful person.
Akiane Kramarik - A sweet young artist who believes her talent is from God. She wants to use her talent to inspire others. Here's her new official website.
Harry Chapin - Singer who fought against world hunger and who wrote and sang very meaningful songs.
William Hung - American Idol from UC Berkerley who sang She Bang during the audition. His famous immortal words were "I have already done my best. I have no regrets".
Kyu Sakamoto - Famous for recording the song "Sukiyaki". Helped the old, young and disabled. Died tragically in a JAL 123 plane crash.
Arts and Entertainment
Bruce Lee - One of the greatest martial arts experts. Truly the "King of Kung Fu".
Uncle Choo Seng Quee - Icon of Singapore soccer. Greatly respected coach. THAT DAY IN JUNE
Tan Howe Liang - Singapore's only Olympic medalist. I had the great pleasure and honour of meeting him personally at National Stadium gym, introduced by a fitness instructor who knew him personally.
Terry Fox - Lost a leg to cancer. He ran to raise funds for cancer research. Died halfway through the run.
Evander Holyfield - "The Humble Warrior" Here's why one of his fans admire him so much.
John Stockton - Not as well known but a greater basketball player than Michael Jordan.
David Robinson - A former basketball player with a strong faith in God, great athletic skills, and a big generous heart for poor children.
Thaddeus Cheong - Triathlete who died just after finishing a race.
Mikhal Tal - My favorite chess player. Known as the "magician from Riga", he thrilled the world with his attacking play and material sacrifices. World Champion in 1960 to 1961.
Bethany Hamilton - Surfer girl who lost an arm in a shark attack in Hawaii on Oct 31, 2003. Hopes to reach out to others with God's love through her story of faith and courage. Please click on her banner below.
Bob Love - Former NBA basketball star who overcame stuttering.
Wilma Rudolph - Overcame polio as a child, and became the first American woman to win 3 Olympic Gold medals.
Laura Wilkinson - She won the Olympic Gold Medal in Sydney 2000. Also a great Christian who gives all glory to her God.
Hugh Herr - A climber who lost both legs when he was lost in the freezing cold. He continues to climb after that. He is now an engineering professor at MIT working on prosthetic legs.
Steve Prefontaine - A passionate runner. Died in a traffic accident at 24.
Johnny Kelley - Boston Marathon legend. He completed his last marathon in 1992 at age 84.
Jim Howley - First person with AIDS to complete the IronMan race. Another article about him.
Sy Mah - Great runner who ran over 500 marathons.
Jim MacLaren - Yale graduate who was seriously injured in two road accidents
Tom Longboat - A great native Indian long distance runner who overcame racism and prejudice.
Sarah Reinertsen - "I'm an athlete. I'm a paraolympian. I'm a woman". Sarah is the first female above-knee amputee to become an Ironman.
Bob Wielan - Completed several marathons without legs. Lost his legs in the Vietnam War.
Ric Munoz - HIV marathon runner.
Pat Rummerfield - "propelled himself from tragedy to triathlon" His webpage.
Julie Moss - Great Ironman Triathlon athlete who collapsed a few times before finishing the Ironman. An article about her. Yet another article. And yet another. And another.
Sian Welch and Wendy Ingraham - Two athletes who crawled to the finish line of the Ironman.
Charlie Hackenheimer - Started running at age 72, although he had emphysema. Won many races.
Dick Beardsley - Famous for coming in second in the 1982 Boston Marathon, 2 secs after the winner. Overcame drug addication later.
Henry Wanyoike - Marathon world record holder (as of 2006) for the blind.
Barbara - Fitness competitor who lost both arms at age two.
Athletics, Martial Arts, Chess
Jane Lathrop Stanford - Co-founder of Stanford University. A devouted Christian, she gave the university a good Christian heritage. Another page about her at Wikipedia: Jane Stanford. Unfortunately, she was murdered in Hawaii.
Julie Taylor Shematz - Founder & Executive Director of Beauty from Ashes Ministries "dedicated to reaching individuals involved and/or associated with the adult entertainment and/or sex industry".
Princess Kaiulani - A very tender and sweet Christian Hawaiian Princess who fought to save her people and her land.
Aung San Suu Kyi -  Burmese Oxford-educated opposition leader.
Chiam See Tong - A sheep among wolves. Courageous and humble fighter for justice.
Abraham Lincoln - The US President that I admire most. Encountered many failures and rejections in his life, but pressed on till he became President.
Princess Diana - Beautiful lady in every way. Worked tirelessly to help the homeless, lepers, AIDS sufferers, land mine victim, cancer sufferers and many others.
Catherine Hamlin - A doctor who has given more than 50 years of her life to help the poor women of Ethiopia.
Emily Hobhouse - Fought against concentration camps set up by the British during the Boer War.
Lady Jane Grey - Remained a true Christian and a Protestant even to her death. Died with dignity. Other websites about this great lady :- Lady Jane Grey-Dudley, Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen
Iris Chang - Author of Rape of Nanking. Wrote many books that were emotionally very difficult to write. Died at age 36.
Irena Sandler - Saved 2500 Jews from the Nazis in WW2.
Annemarie Lucas
- A sweet animal police who loves animals and protects them in New York City.
Joelle Olgetree - Falsely accused brave teacher who fought to clear her name.
Madame Roland - Opposed the excesses of violence during the French Revolution. Was beheaded as a result.
Wei Jingsheng - A Chinese dissident who spent almost 20 years in prison.
Andrei Sakharov - A Soviet dissident and scientist.
Queen Liliuokalani - Last queen of Hawaii who was forced to abdicate her throne.
Herbert Hoover - US President who was a Stanford graduate.
Christy Turlington - Actively warns young girls about the dangers of smoking. Here is her very own anti-smoking website.
Shelley Lubben - Former porn star. Now fighting against the porn industry.
Lyndal Davis - Journalist who passionately spreads wildlife knowledge.
Susie Krabacher - "A former centerfold discovered fulfillment helping Haiti's neediest children. Now she's ready to expose the evils of pornography."
Thomas More - Stood firm for what he believed. "The King's good servant, but God's first".
Mother Antonio - Left Beverly Hills to work among criminals, the needy, the poor.
Politics, Social Causes
Katy Hubbell - A courageous little girl who was diagnosed with severe aplastic amemia.
Connie O'Connell - Brave little girl who fought Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) till the day she died.
Jordanne Menzies - She became quadriplegic upon catastrophic injury in a car accident. She said, "No matter how challenging life gets I have always kept a good attitude."
Helen Keller - Became blind and deaf through fever at 19 months of age. Overcame her disabilities with great determination.
Krystal Surles - A brave girl who helped nap a serial killer, after watching him murder her friend. Krystal herself was slashed in the throat but survived.
Jacqueline Subarido - Severely burnt and disfigured in a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver. Bravely endured more than 40 operations. For donations to help cover her living and medical expenses, please go to helpjacqui.com.
Chiefess Kapiolani -  In the Big Island of Hawaii in 1924, this courageous lady defied the much feared Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele by proclaiming the one true God Jesus Christ.
Jessica Jones - One of the world's most beautiful and cutest supermodels. I like and adore her so much.
Angela Brenna - Had an accident which left her paralyzed. She shows amazing courage and maintains her sense of humor. She signed my guest book! How sweet of her.
Amelia Earhart - Great female aviator who set many world records before disappearing in 1937.
Nick Vujicic - Born without arms and legs.
Anna Svidersky - A kind and sweet girl who can make anybody smile. She was stabbed to death.
Courage the Cowardly Dog - The most courageous cowardly dog.
Dad - One of the most humble and caring person in the world. Super intelligent too!
Mom - She is very self-sacrificing. I still don't understand why she loves me so much.
Visit Bethany Hamilton fan page:
Scientists and Thinkers
Albert Einstein - Genius among geniuses.
Stephen Hawking - M.S. couldn't prevent him from being the greatest physicist since Einstein.
Nicholas Copernicus - Suggested that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the Solar System.
Blaise Pascal - A great scientist, mathematician, and Christian thinker.
Alvin Plantinga - A brilliant philosopher.
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
-- Christopher Reeve