I'll be so happy if you could sign my guestbook.Thank you very much.
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"I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that their individual feelings were worth expressing. To me, that makes photography more exciting. "
-- Harry Callahan
"Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask "how," while others of a more curious nature will ask "why." Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information. "
-- Man Ray
"Sometimes I think all my pictures are just pictures of me.  My concern is... the human predicament; only what I consider the human predicament may simply be my own."
-- Richard Avedon
"To take a photograph is to participate in another person's mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt. "
-- Susan Sontag
"I've never made any picture, good or bad, without paying for it in emotional turmoil. "
-- W. Eugene Smith
Memorial Service for the victims of the Sep 11 attack. The service was held at the National Stadium of Singapore on Sep 23, 2001. This picture was "Picture of the Day" for October 9 2001 by an online photo club.
Memorial Service for the victims of the Sep 11 attack. I like this cute praying bear. Was touched by it. So I took this picture. The message reads: "May hope bring pease and love to all. Amen."
Night Market at Temple Street, Hong Kong July 21 2001. This picture was used by a British travel agency for their online travel brochure (with my permission).
Seafront, Hong Kong July 2001.
Lantern Festival, Singapore Sep 15 2001. See those two little girls? They are so cute!
Changi Sunset, April 12 2001.
My army camp (where I was trained as a soldier from 1985 to 1987) was (and still is) located very near where this picture was taken. I still have lots of painful memories associated with that place. Strangely though, I miss those days. Please see
my life in the army.

Very near from where this picture was taken was Changi Beach. In World War Two, several thousand Singaporeans were machined gunned to death by the Japanese captors here. Maybe that's why this place has such a sad look about it.
Also, I was standing on a little old concrete bridge when I took this picture. Later, I found out that the bridge had a little bit of history. According to an urban legend, whoever crosses the bridge with a bicycle is cursed by beheaded spirits to meet some calamity or to die. Fortunately, I was on foot that day.
Model for Church Magazine Cover
August 2004

The only picture here in which I am at the other end of the camera. This was the very first time that I appeared on the cover of a magazine. Faithlink is my church magazine.

I became a minor celebrity at church for a while. Many were asking who this guy was. It was quite a fun experience. 

In another modeling assignment, I had to be a bodypainted statue. Read about my experience
Nothing too nice about this picture artistically. But it reminds me of my old days in Hawaii very much. It is here on Magic Island that I used to relax, have some solitude and contemplation. I like the serenity here. It was great tonic for my mind and soul.
This picture of my ancestors were taken in 1927. So of course I did not take this picture. I like this vintage picture because, well, they are my ancestors. Also they were wearing the traditional Nonya (Straits Chinese) costume. I thank God for those who had gone before me. My Grandma (my mother's mother) is arrowed.
Mascots at a Terry Fox run in the early morning of Sep 30, 2001. This was the only race or fun run I took part in which I carried a camera during the run.
Took this picture at a lantern festival with a Disney theme in 2002. Here is the chariot of Cinderalla.