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Stanford and Other Schools Links
Sick at Stanford - Struck by severe bronchitis just before start of quarter. But big help was on its way...
Proud to be at Stanford - Yes, of course I felt great pride to be at Stanford. But it is probably not for the reasons you are thinking....
Is Honesty Really the Best Policy at Stanford? Because of an error in computing scores,  I was given a good grade for one of my exam papers. What should I do? And what did I actually do?
My Little Contribution - Something that made me feel a little proud of what I had done.
Memories at Stanford - A random collection of my memories and thoughts.
Schools that REJECTED Me - You'd think that just because Stanford accepted me, I had not faced many rejections from other schools. If so, you are dead wrong. Look at the long list of schools that rejected me.

Stanford University Official Website
Stanford University - From Answers.com, another online encyclopedia.
Leland Stanford, Sr. -  Brief biography one of the co-founders of Stanford University
Stanford Memorial Church - One of the most famous Stanford landmarks
Ivy League - Some people think that Stanford is an Ivy League school. But Stanford is not.
Top 500 World Universities - Stanford is Number Three, with Harvard taking the top spot, and Cambridge second, in this research done by Shanghai�s institute of higher education. I am so proud of Stanford!
The Stanford Daily - Stanford University's very own newspaper publication.
Photos of Stanford - High quality photos
Feeling Fall Fever - History of The Axe from Stanford Magazine.
Mother of a University - Brief history of Stanford co-founder Jane Stanford's contribution to the university.
Who Killed Jane Stanford? - Investigates the mysterious death of the university's co-founder  Jane Stanford in Hawaii
Stanford Alumni Association - They give us each an email account for free. How nice!
Famous Stanford Alumni - Unfortunately, I am not one of them. But that's OK.
Stanford Prison Experiment - An experiment performed by Stanford in 1971. Experiment had to stop after only six days because guards were becoming sadistic and prisoners were becoming depressed.
Stanford Chinese Christian Fellowship - How much I owe the people of this fellowship. When I had slipped disks and then bronchitis at Stanford, they helped me in so many ways. I was in this fellowship throughout the hectic time at Stanford.
Remembering Minna Sandmeyer - A sweet fun-loving Stanford student who committed suicided on Friday 13, July 2001.
Don Kardong - A contemporary of the great Steve Prefontaine. Don Kardong, a Stanford graduate, was a great long distance runner. He finished 4th in the Montreal 1976 Olympics.
Reese Witherspoon - A beautiful actress who attended Stanford. I have a big crush on her.
The brains behind "Legally Blonde" -  "Screenwriters drew scenes from life at Stanford Law".
Overhaul at Stanford - Heather Williams talks about the challenges she faced at Stanford as a vocal and committed Christian
My Biggest Challenge at Stanford University - A Stanford student fights apathy.
Stanford Rejects - A humorous page for Stanford rejects.

Schools that Rejected Me
- You'd think that just because Stanford accepted me, I had not faced many rejections from other schools. If so, you are dead wrong. Look at the long list of schools that rejected me. 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - I was rejected by this university for graduate school. So I went to Stanford.
Northwestern Univeristy - Also rejected by this university for graduate school. 
Purdue University - Again also rejected by this university for graduate school. 
University of Wisconsin, Madison - Was rejected by this university for transfer during undergraduate.
University of Central Florida - Was accepted for transfer to this school during undergraduate but I chose to remain in Hawaii.
Marquette University - Was rejected by this school for undergraduate studies.
University of Evansville - Was rejected by this school for undergraduate studies.
University of Texas, Austin - Was initially rejected by this university for transfer during undergraduate studies. But after appeal, they accepted me. But then I turned down the school to remain at Hawaii Pacific University.
University of Central Florida - Was rejected for undergraduate transfer.
Raffles Institution - The best secondary school in Singapore. 

Other Great Schools

CollegeConfidential - College admissions and selection help. 
Harvard University - Known as "the Stanford of the East".
Princeton University - I used to fantasize about going to this great school.
Yale University - Produced so many recent US Presidents. Very prestigeous school.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - One of the best engineering schools in the USA.
Hawaii Pacific University - One of the best universities in the state of Hawaii.
University of Cambridge - One of Britain and the world's top universities. 
Oxford University - Another great university from the U.K. They used this school for Harry Potter movies.
University of California, Berkeley - Stanford's neighbor and rival. The great American Idol singer William Hung attended this school.
University of Oklahoma, Norman - Accepted by this university but I chose to remain in Hawaii Pacific University. So sorry, UO, Norman.
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign - The only other school besides Stanford to accept me for graduate school. Sorry, UIUC, after much consideration, I chose Stanford because of the great weather.
California Institute of Technology - The only engineering school in the USA that can compare with M.I.T.
National University of Singapore - Singapore's world-class university. One of the best universities in the world.
Hawaii Business College - I worked as a teacher in this school in 1992.
San Jose State University - A great school in the Silicon Valley.
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point - This was the very first school recommended to me when I went to an agency to help me apply to universities in the USA.
Indiana University, Bloomington - Great school in the USA. Before I left for the USA, I envied a friend who attended this school, dreaming that I could go there too. 
University of Hawaii, Manoa - I used to visit this library for research and relaxation. A very nice quiet and serene place.
University of California, Los Angeles - Great school. 
Cornell University - A great Ivy League University. At Stanford, I frequently wore a bright red Cornell sweatshirt given to me in Hawaii by a Cornell friend. Upon seeing the sweatshirt, people often asked me if I was from Cornell. I answered, "No, I am not from Cornell. I am not that smart".
Wharton University of Pennsylvania - Great university. Their MBA program is very prestigous. 
Rice University - Thought of going to this school. But they required a long essay and I was too lazy to write one. So sorry.
Duke University - Seriously considered going to this university. But a friend of mine told me that the people in North Carolina are racists. She had lots of bad experiences there. So I decided not to apply. Later I heard that not everyone there is a racist, but it was too late. My friend's experiences could have been unique. 
Temasek Polytechnic - I worked as a teacher in this school from 1999 to 2000.
Singapore Polytechnic - I was a student here from 1981 till 1985. The course is supposed to be 3 years but I took 4 long years. That's because I failed an exam and had to repeat the entire year. I failed six of the seven courses I took.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic - Great engineering school in Singapore.
Off Days at Stanford - Was it all work and no play at Stanford? Definitely not! I enjoyed myself so much at Stanford.
My Stanford Stories
Slipped Disks during Exam - Suffered a slipped disks after a 10km run, just 2 weeks before my final exam. Here is my story...
See My Stanford Picture Album