Lair of the Condor
A site dedicated to the anime adaptation of Jin Yong's novels
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Based on the second installation of the wu xia trilogy (Condor Heroes) written by Chinese author Jin Yong, the Legend of Condor Hero traces the life of the young martial arts fighter, Yang Guo, his forbidden love for his kung fu teacher, Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl), and his adventures and mishaps in war-torn China.


Condor's Flight

Ep. 10  
Secret Ally
Lair of the Condor by Rayon and Lawless.
Copyright (c) 2004. All Rights Reserved.
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*This site is always under construction so check back here often.
BASED ON: Shen Diao Xia Lu (Return of the Condor Heroes)
AUTHOR: Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
GENRE: Action/adventure, martial arts, romance
ANIMATION BY: Jade Animation Group (TVB Group member)
STUDIO: Nippon Animation Co.
    Yang Guo shows Lu Wu Shuang the strange note but the girl is reluctant to accept the warning in it as truth. A commotion below coming from the inn's dining room warns them of trouble.

Yang Guo goes out to investigate, he finds out that It is Li Mo Chou (Serpent Deity) and her pupil, Hong Ling Bo. The two women are inspecting every girl's face in the room to see if one of them is Lu Wu Shuang.

     To avoid detection,
Yang Guo and Wu Shuang make their exit by jumping down the window. Wu Shuang makes a bad landing because of her injury and therefore alerts their pursuers.

Li and Hong trace the noise to the alley at the back of the inn. Li is surprised to find Yang Guo with Wu Shuang but does not stop to think about that as she moves in to attack him.

Li tries to hit Yang Guo with her red duster but the young man playfully catches it with his teeth, managing to steal it. He and Wu Shuang then use their soaring kung fu to travel through the roofs with Li and her pupil in hot pursuit.

Li manages to get her weapon back from Yang Guo but in doing so, she steps on a loose roof tile and nearly loses her balance. Yang Guo uses this opportunity to jump down from the roofs with Wu Shuang.

     At the entrance to the village, a strange white masked girl waits for them with a horse.  She hands the reins to
Yang Guo, saying, "You must go now. Your companion is not well. I will handle Li Mo Chou and her pupil."  

Yang Guo takes her advice and rides off into the night with Lu Wu Shuang. When he gets to safe distance, he looks back and sees the masked girl locked in fierce combat with the two women.

     The next morning,
Yang Guo and Wu Shuang encounter an army of Mongolian soldiers marching from the kingdom of Jin. (NOTE: Under Genghis Khan's command, the Mongols became stronger. They conquered most of China and are now en route to occupying South Song as well.)

     Wanting to avoid
Li Mo Chou, Yang Guo decides to sneak into the army camp of the Mongolians. He managed to surprise the commander, Yelu Jin and coerced him into helping him and Wu Shuang.                                             
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