Lair of the Condor
A site dedicated to the anime adaptation of Jin Yong's novels
About Us
Based on the second installation of the wu xia trilogy (Condor Heroes) written by Chinese author Jin Yong, the Legend of Condor Hero traces the life of the young martial arts fighter, Yang Guo, his forbidden love for his kung fu teacher, Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl), and his adventures and mishaps in war-torn China.


Condor's Flight

Ep. 14  
Heroes' Summon
Lair of the Condor by Rayon and Lawless.
Copyright (c) 2004. All Rights Reserved.
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*This site is always under construction so check back here often.
BASED ON: Shen Diao Xia Lu (Return of the Condor Heroes)
AUTHOR: Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
GENRE: Action/adventure, martial arts, romance
ANIMATION BY: Jade Animation Group (TVB Group member)
STUDIO: Nippon Animation Co.
    Yang Guo comes down from Hua Shan and enters Da Shen Guan village. He hears that Huang Rong, the leader of Beggar Sect Kung Fu has called for a Hero Conference to decide what South Song should do to stop the Mongolian invasion. All martial arts fighters of wulin have been summoned to this special meeting.

Yang Guo decides to go and see what the meeting is all about. Once inside the great hall where all the people are gathered, he picks out his surrogate uncle, Guo Jing and his wife, Huang Rong from the crowd. Yang Guo is happy to see them but before he could call out to them, the Taoists of All True Sect Kung Fu (Quan Zhen) walk past him.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong welcome them and exchanged pleasantries with Hao Da Tong, who has come in Master Qui's place. He is accompanied by Yin Zhi Ping and Zhao Zhi Jing.

     It is
Yin that sees Yang Guo first and quickly looks around for Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl) who is usually by his side. Zhao also sees the young man and calls his name loudly, thereby alerting the Guo couple to his pesence.

Yang Guo!" Guo Jing says. "I did not ask for you when I sent the message for fear of interrupting your lessons but I'm glad you were allowed to come." Guo Jing is pleased to see his young ward has grown to be a tall and sturdy young man.

     The evil and malicious
Zhao Zhi Jing then tells Guo Jing that Yang Guo has been expelled from All True Sect. At this, Guo Jing assumes the worst and asks Yang Guo what he did to incur such wrath from the normally philosophical Taoists.

     Instead of answering,
Yang Guo swears angrily that someday he would exact his revenge against the All True Sect disciples. As the commotion begins to draw more and more attention, Huang Rong quickly steps in between the men. She bids them to follow her into a room where they could discuss the issue in private.

     Once inside,
Zhao Zhi Jing explodes and begins hurling accusations at Yang Guo, saying that he had almost killed their brother disciple, Lu Qi Du, by using a weird technique. Yang Guo retaliates by saying that Hao Da Tong had killed Grandma Sun.                                           
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