Lair of the Condor
A site dedicated to the anime adaptation of Jin Yong's novels
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Based on the second installation of the wu xia trilogy (Condor Heroes) written by Chinese author Jin Yong, the Legend of Condor Hero traces the life of the young martial arts fighter, Yang Guo, his forbidden love for his kung fu teacher, Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl), and his adventures and mishaps in war-torn China.


Condor's Flight

Ep. 15  
The Head of Wulin
Lair of the Condor by Rayon and Lawless.
Copyright (c) 2004. All Rights Reserved.
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*This site is always under construction so check back here often.
BASED ON: Shen Diao Xia Lu (Return of the Condor Heroes)
AUTHOR: Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
GENRE: Action/adventure, martial arts, romance
ANIMATION BY: Jade Animation Group (TVB Group member)
STUDIO: Nippon Animation Co.
    Yang Guo recognizes Huo Du, the prince of Mongolia right away. Huo Du is saying that Hong Qi Gong, the former leader of Beggar Sect Kung Fu is not fit to be the Head of Wulin (Martial Arts World) since no one has seen him in ten years and none of them even know if he is still alive. He proposes that his master, Jinlun Fawang (Gold Wheel Abbot), the Living Buddha of Tibet and Mongolia's Defense Master should be appointed head.

     At this, the people of Da Shen Guan go into a fury, indignant at the barbarian prince's arrogance. To appease them a little,
Huo Du issues out a contest and whoever wins two matches out of three could choose the person to become Head of Wulin.

Guo Jing is afraid that the people might lose hope in their cause against the Mongolian invaders so he volunteers to fight. Huo Du says that his quarrel is with Beggar Sect and not with All True Sect Kung Fu (Quan  Zhen). Guo Jing insists that it was he who handed down the Dragon Conquering Palms technique to Hong Qi Gong but Huo Du knows that Beat the Dog Stick is the sect's special technique. Thus, Guo Jing is disqualified from the match.

     His wife,
Huang Rong takes his place instead even though she is considerably hindered by her pregnancy. She says that she would fight the last match against Jinlun Fawang.

     The first to fight is
Dian Can Yu Yin, a giant whose nickname is the "fisherman." He is a pupil of the South Emperor, Reverend Yi Deng. He fights against Da Er Ba, Huo Du's senior. Both men are huge and strong.

     As the fight progresses, Dian Can Yu Yin's weapon gets broken and
Huo Du hurriedly declares that the match has been won. The people claim that Huo Du is being shrewd, making up rules hastily in his favor. The Mongolian merely laughs and calls on the next challenger.

Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl) wanders into the hall unnoticed. She has heard that the heroes of Jiang Hu have been summoned into Da Shen Guan for a conference and she believes that she would find Yang Guo there. She does not pay attention to the scene in front of her as she continues to search for Yang Guo.                                            
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