Lair of the Condor
A site dedicated to the anime adaptation of Jin Yong's novels
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Based on the second installation of the wu xia trilogy (Condor Heroes) written by Chinese author Jin Yong, the Legend of Condor Hero traces the life of the young martial arts fighter, Yang Guo, his forbidden love for his kung fu teacher, Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl), and his adventures and mishaps in war-torn China.


Condor's Flight

Ep. 3  
The Dragon of Ancient Tomb
Lair of the Condor by Rayon and Lawless.
Copyright (c) 2004. All Rights Reserved.
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*This site is always under construction so check back here often.
BASED ON: Shen Diao Xia Lu (Return of the Condor Heroes)
AUTHOR: Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
GENRE: Action/adventure, martial arts, romance
ANIMATION BY: Jade Animation Group (TVB Group member)
STUDIO: Nippon Animation Co.
   Yang Guo jumps down the cliffs and rolls down the steep incline of Zhong Nan Mountain, getting bruised and scratched as he goes. The Taoists go after him. Zhao Zhi Jing catches up to Yang Guo and beats him mercilessly. Just when he is completely wrapped up in his abuse of Yang Guo, a strange sound suddenly rises from the trees. 

     At that instant, a great swarm of jade bees descends upon
Zhao Zhi Jing and his Taoist brothers. They are stung. Finally, they decide to leave the forest and return to the temple. Alone now and bleeding, Yang Guo grows unconscious. A kindly old maid named Grandma Sun finds him.

     The old maid takes pity on him and decides to bring him to her home in the Ancient Tomb. Once there, she treats Yang Guo's wounds and asks him why he was alone in the forest when she found him. Her kindness is the boy's undoing and he cries, pouring out all his heartaches and sufferings at the hands of the All True Sect
(Quan Zhen) Taoists. Grandma Sun seems to understand him and to empathize with him, which makes him cry even more.

     Suddenly, a cold, strict voice says, "The child does not stop crying. What is wrong with him?:

     Then the girl
Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl) appears. She studies Yang Guo impassively, making him blush and stop crying. Then, she approaces him and lays a palm on his back. Instantly, Yang Guo feels better. 

Long tells Grandma Sun that she must take the boy back to Chong Yang Palace for it is against the rules of their sect to house a stranger, least of all a man. The old maid asks her to let the boy stay for at least one night but Long is implacable. (NOTE: Xiao Long Nuu has been trained as a child to suppress all emotions. Because of this, she appears cold and incapable of strong feelings.)

Grandma Sun therefore accompanies Yang Guo back to Chong Yang Palace. As soon as the Taoists see him, they start maligning him once more about what happened to their comrade. Grandma Sun tries to defend him and in so doing, raises the ire of the All True Sect disciples but they do not accept her challenge to a fight. The old maid calls them all cowards and vehemently insults their sect. Finally, unable to withstand her name-callings, Hao Da Tong, one of the senior disciples, steps up to fight her.

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