Lair of the Condor
A site dedicated to the anime adaptation of Jin Yong's novels
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Based on the second installation of the wu xia trilogy (Condor Heroes) written by Chinese author Jin Yong, the Legend of Condor Hero traces the life of the young martial arts fighter, Yang Guo, his forbidden love for his kung fu teacher, Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl), and his adventures and mishaps in war-torn China.


Condor's Flight

Ep. 4  
Fullfilling The Promise
Lair of the Condor by Rayon and Lawless.
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*This site is always under construction so check back here often.
BASED ON: Shen Diao Xia Lu (Return of the Condor Heroes)
AUTHOR: Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
GENRE: Action/adventure, martial arts, romance
ANIMATION BY: Jade Animation Group (TVB Group member)
STUDIO: Nippon Animation Co.
   Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nuu (Dragon Girl) carry Grandma Sun's body into the Hall of Coffins inside the Ancient Tomb. They laid her to rest beside Long's grandmaster, the Ancient Tomb Sect (Gumu Bai) founder. Yang Guo asks Long to whom the other coffins belong and she answers that they are for her and her senior kung fu disciple sister, Li Mo Chou (Serpent Deity)(NOTE: Although Li Mo Chou has left the tomb, Xiao Long Nuu still believes that she would return eventually.) She then tells the boy that since she had not planned for him, there is no coffin for him yet.

     Shocked by her emotionless, matter-of-fact mention of his death,
Yang Guo blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind, saying that Long would probably die before him and when she does, he would leave the tomb. This prompts Long to reply simply in her usual detached manner, "I promised to take care of you for as long as I live. You will die before I do because I will kill you."

Yang Guo cries as Long closes Grandma Sun's coffin but the girl tells him that it is a waste of time crying for someone who is dead. After the burial, Yang Guo refuses to sleep alone so Long brings him to her room and lets him sleep in her bed. She then ties a rope to the wall and drapes herself across, using it like a hammock. Yang Guo watches her, silently impressed by her impeccable balance and control.

     After lying on the bed for some time,
Yang Guo feels an icy coldness creep up his spine and he bolts upright, complaining loudly to his impassive master. Long tells him that the bed is made of Ice Stone and that it is beneficial for it would help him strengthen his nei gong as he sleeps. At this Yang Guo does not make anymore complaints and forces himself to endure the Ice Stone Bed.

     The next morning starts a new day in Yang Guo's life.
Xiao Long Nuu begins his initiation into the kung fu of Ancient Tomb by showing him the rooms where the portraits of her grandmaster, Lin Chao Yin and the All True Sect (Quan Zhen) founder, Wong Chong Yang are kept. She instructs Yang Guo to bow before Lin's picture and to spit on Wong's.

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