Red Rose Hatters
of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
are very pleased to
print a poem
by Barbara Witzell
Queen RazZ
San Diego, California
These two chapters are separate but drawn together by the names they chose with the key word  "Razzmatazz."
They are just 2 of over 30,000 official chapters of the Red Hat Society.
Ruby Redhat
The Meaning of RazZmaTazZ

Look it up in the dictionary
Look it up under the R's
Is it a "liqueur made from raspberry"?
Is it the name of far off stars?

One entry says "ebullient"
One says "intended to dazzle"
Confusion causes argument
Enough to cause the brain to frazzle

Another book says a "flashy show"
"Intended to bewilder and confuse"
Ladies of the RazZmaTazZ chapter know
It's the "showiness" we bemuse.

In purple and red we show the "lively spirit"
Out in public with vigor and "vim"
With all the laughter, can't you hear it
Joyouse elation under the red hatted brim?

Line three claims "double talk"
With Red Hat dis-organization
About our age, we do not squawk
Not during a high tea celebration.

Do these highlighted words in print
Describe our RazZmaTazZ chapter?
Listen carefully, I'll give you a hint
Hear the elation, joy and purr.

Do we dazzle and are we flashy?
Is our spirit joyous and unrestrained?
Sometimes we are downright sassy
Being true Red Hatters from the Society famed.

by Barbara Witzell, Queen RazZ
RazZmaTazZ chapter, San Diego, CA

(used with permission of the author)
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