So. o-o You've found my home page. Good job.  The only problem is, there's nothing here yet. You see, I started this website a really long time ago, and I neglected to update or do anything with it for at least a few months. So until I get off my rear to make something out of this website, I have no idea why anyone would bother to visit it. Meh. :3 Actually, I lied. I'm going to build some of it up right now! :D HAHHHAAHAHAHAAHHAdfhsdlg. Yes. :3 I am insane. Evil. Steuppid. You name it. And now, I'm going to use my website to advertise for my favorite cartoon show. Perhaps the best cartoon show ever.

OHMYGOD. I totally love this TV show, and I've always loved it, and I don't think a day will ever come when I stop loving it. It pisses me off to no end that they took it off the air, and while Animaniacs was cancelled, they're not gone; Help us get the Animaniacs on DVD!! There's a massive petition going on to get the entire Animaniacs series on DVD so people can buy it. I would kill and be killed 258730729 times to be able to have it. So people, please help us out and sign this petition. You don't have to give any personal information away; just your name and whatever comments you have to say. COMEON!! There are currently 8041 signatures. Keep 'em coming!!  And while you're at it, visit the SAVE THE ANIMANIACS campaign!

Animaniacs DVD Petition
It's time for Animaniacs !!
And we're zany to the max !!!
So just sit back and relax,
You'll laugh 'til you collapse !
We're Animaniacs!
Come join the Warner Brothers
And the Warner Sister, Dot !
Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot!
They lock us in the tower,
whenever we get caught !
But we break loose and then vamoose,
And now you know the plot!
We're Animaniacs!
Dot is cute and Yakko yaks.
Wakko packs away the snacks ,
While Bill Clinton plays the sax.
We're Animaniacs!
Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe.
Goodfeathers flock together; Slappy whacks 'em with her purse.
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse.
The writers flipped; we have no script ,
Why bother to rehearse?
We're Animaniacs!
We have pay-or-play contracts!
We're zany to the max,
There's baloney in our slacks!
We're Animanie,
Totally insaney,
Here's the show's namey,
Those are the facts!
� : Home -- About -- Patches -- Portraits -- Links -- Rants -- Comission -- Dreams : �
Profile taken from Animaniacs Bible
He is the oldest of the Warner Brothers. He's the gang leader, the glib, fast-talker and sly wise-guy in the Groucho/Bugs Bunny mold. He's the thinker, the planner, the schemer, and the trio's recreation director. Each day, he has lots of unique ideas of things for the group to do. He's full of boyish enthusiasm, and he's the master of verbal warfare. Yakko is a cheerful character with a devilish twinkle in his eye. The world is his playland, and he takes great pleasure in finding a deserving target for the Warner brothers' patented style of mayhem and destruction. One of his standard rutines is yakking an adversary's ear off with never-ending questions and comments. He does this to annoy someone who deserves to be annoyed. As the older brotehr, Yakko is very protective of his younger siblings, whom he loves dearly.
Wakko is the middle child. He has the blissed-out facial expressions and mirthful demeanor of Harpo Marx. He is the cartoon equivalent of an atom bomb. He is the most destructive character in the histroy of cartoondom. Whatever he pushes or pulls results in a chain reaction of unintentional chaos. His siblings are well aware of Wakko's innate talent, and they employ him in this role to full effect. Wakko is Gogo plus Daffy plus Harpo. No puns, just nonstop literal translations. He has been smacked on the head with a mallet too many times. He finds most things amusing. He is the king of props. He carries a wacky sack out of which he can pull any object we can think of. He will nod "yes" and say "no." He walks backwards as easily as forwards and means everything he says except what he means. He loves you to pieces. He will change the enviroment at the drop of a suggestion. Where Yakko is verbally irreverent, Wakko is physically irreverent. He has one rule - no rules. If you were a bad guy and found Wakko's playful antics annoying, pray that you don't see the other side. Because when Wakko gets steamed, you get scalded. Wakko has a temper that rarely gets unleashed, but when it does, he becomes a tornado of destruction. All the Warner siblings are insane and loony, but Wakko is the looniest of the loony.
Dot, for all practical purposes IS a Warner Brother. The fact that she is a girl doesn't bother her one bit. She can do anything the boys can do and still look cute (and she knows it!). Even though her name sounds like an afterthought, Dot can hold her own in any situation. If anything, her femininty is a weapon shes uses to hold saps hostage. Dot has a higher tolerance for jerks than her brothers, and she tends to give them the benefit of the doubt: "Lets just calm down and talk this through." But when adversary says something like: "That's a good little girl," she goes off: "Someone gimme a mallet, quick!" She then pounds the schmoe with reckless abandon. Dot is everything that all animated female characters have never been. She is ascerbic, witty, violent and above all, cute. Dot is the youngest Warner sibling, and the brothers try to protect Dot from creeps, but when she gets mad, they have to protect the creep from being anhiliated by her in the same manner. After a particularly cruel piece of retaliation, Dot says, "As long as there was one person somewhere who laughed, then it was worth it."
You know you love them. <3333333333
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