You enter a cliff cave, next to Storm Racer's & Aviator's, wondering who lives here. As you walk in, an oddly colorer dragon steps up to you and looks down, teeth bare . "I am Fen'try, gaurdien of Lark the Morning Glory, daughter of Alwee'sha and Aviator." She growls. You just gape in reply. Fen'try sniffes you, then reguards you thoughtfuly, swishing her tail. "Well, I can see that you mean no harm. I will allow you to see Lark. BUT! If you make a single move to harm her, then both I and her parents will make sure you suffer a horrible death. Follow me human." Fen'try demands, not leaveing room for argument. You nod and follow the dragon into a large cavern with walls of blue stone. You then look down and see a nest of moss ligned with soft bird feathers. The nest is empty. "Hello. My name is Lark." A voice says in your head. You turn around and see a beautiful sky blue teenager with robin's egg blue eyes watching you carefuly. You smile. "Hello." You say to the teen. Then a small dragon-like creature flies down from somewhere above you and chirps loudly, but you can almost sense that it means no harm. "Oh, meet T'zari, my Wind Fairy Drak. Brierfox got all of us younger dragons one as a pet when we were hatchlings, so Varg and Tykel have one as well, only theirs are diffrent breeds. My Wind loves to fly just as much as I do!" Lark says with a chuckle as the four-winged Fairy Drak lands on her back and starts to groom, flicking her tail as she tilts her head at you, not sure what to make of you. Lark then starts to twitch her tail impacently, glanceing out of the cave's exit and at the sky, and her guardien steps foreward. "You have stayed too long human, it is time for you to go. For there is much for you to see and do, and Lark needs to fly almost as much as she does to sleep. Besides, I dislike haveing your kind near my charge for very long." The dragon guardien aserts, pushing you to the door. You nod and bid Fen'try, T'zari and Lark farewell.

Name: Lark
Gender: Female
Breed: Morning Glory
Age: Teen
Parents: Alwee'sha & Aviator
Clutch: #1
Lifemate: None
Colors: Blue and Aqua
Food: Greenery
Temperament: Calm/Analytical
Body Type: Air
Adopted on : 1/14/03
Adopted from: Dragon Rose Adoptions

Pet Stats:
Name: T'zari
Meaning: Glacier
Gender: Female
Breed: Wind
Species: Fairy Drak
Adopted from: Castle Descas


Lark's Journal

~ I have been haveing soo much fun out in Drac, and have made two friends, Glacier a Frost dragon and Tarik, and Autumn Gem. We have had one or two run-ins with a Fire named Triton, but Flutterbye and SR took care of him. Glacier had to go, so Tarik and I are exploreing on our own now.

~ A lot has been happening; Tarik saved me when I fell into a hole and broke my wing, he got me out then took me to a healer. Now both Tarik and I are teens, and I seem to have noticed what a handsome dragon he is.

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