You walk into a large, dimly lit tunnel. The walls are decorated with ornate gold and bronze dragon designs, being red for the most part. It sloops downward, and on your face you can feel the heat radiating from the very walls. As you walk down, the tunnel gets steeper, and steeper, not to mention warmer. You walk for hours it seems, and the enviorment has changed very little. Suddenly a small red dragon like creature zooms in front of you. It stops suddenly and eyes you up and down. Letting out a shrill chirp, it continues down the tunnel.

You pick up your pace, and then you see the red thing again, sitting on a small lever sticking out of the wall on the right of a dead end. You scowl. "Who and what are yo...." But before you can finish, the creature yanks up on the lever and a trap door opens right under you. The red animal has a smug look on its face as you start to fall. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" You scream as you plummet through the darkness. This is it, this is the one encounter that you will not survive, you are sure of it. *SPLASH* You crash land in a small pond, no, not a pond, HOT SPRINGS! You yelp once more and throw yourself at the bank, and out of the searing water. You crawl up on a cool rock, and look around. Torches and vats of fire cast a dim and eerie light in the cavern, and you thank your lucky stars for them.

After laying on the rock for a time, you get up and look around. The walls have the same design as the tunnel above, only the cavern is darker. You screech and suddenly something touches your shoulder. You wheel around only to see the little red creature, apparently still pleased with its prank. "Baitons are odd little creatures, don't you think human?" Asks a rich feminine voice. You look up as a large, reddish winged dog with black feathers lands in front of you.

"Uh, urm, yeah I guess..." You stammer, wondering what ELSE is down here, just waiting to surprise you. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, unless you have come to this place with intentions to do evil. I am Sun, a female griffion. The Baiton's name is Flicker. We are guardians/companions to Morgaine, the once abandoned Fire Opal." You watch Sun and Flicker carefuly. Flicker chirps and lands on your shoulder, expecting to be stroked. You do so as Sun sniffs you up and down, she then sighs. Would you like to hear the story of how Brierfox decided to adopt Morgaine?" ((Click here to hear the story if you wish.)) You shrug. "I want to see this Morgaine of yours." You say, rather foolishly. Sun smirks. "Very well, but remember, Morgaine is a Fire Opal and is so half Night and one fourth Fire, and abandonment has not improved her personality." The griffion says as she then turns and lets out a bark. A HUGE red blur comes from nowere, chargeing at you with a thunderous roar. Ivory teeth snap, and miss your head by mere inches. You shreak is fear as the red dragon lands infront of you, red eyes gleaming. "INTURDER! How dare you enter my relm of darkness and fire? I am Morgaine, daughter of Moonorb and Brimestone, bondmate of Brierfox. She roars loudly. Flicker lands on the dragoness's back, and hisses at you. You back away fearfuly. "I...I.." You stutter. Morgaine snorts at you. "Such a worm of a creature is below my notice. Sun? Get it out of my sight and cave. It reeks." She says in disdaine, as she turns and dissappers into the darkness. "Oh, Sun how do I get out of here?" You ask fearfuly. The griffion smirks "Take the stairs." You blink. "Stairs, there are stairs? Then I fell..." You stop talking and run for the stairs, another visit not likely.

Name: Morgaine
Gender: Female
Breed: Fire Opal
Parents: MoonOrb & Brimstone
Clutch: #1
Stage: Adult
Colors: Black and Red
Food: Meat
Temperament: Cruel/Overprotective
Lifemate: Cookie Crispio
Body Type: Fire
Adopted on: March 3rd, 2002
REadopted on: January 11th, 2003

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Sun, was colored by be with premission from Ed5, Griffions are from here : The Griffion Adoption Agency

The Heading is from: Flameing Text

Flicker was adoped from: The KelticRose Isle Adoption Agency

Background From: Quite Siren

The background music on this page was composed by Bjorn Lynne

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