You enter a mystrious marble tunnel with an odd writing on the walls. The more you travel the tunnel, the more you think that somthing is very unusual about this place. You keep going, peering at the walls with curiosity. Then you turn to find a large and sleek dog watching you from behind. It has eerie blue eyes that shine with intelligence as it watches you. You look at the bluish/grey coat, with brown markings and white on its underside, trying to figure out who owned the strange dog. A canine look of amusment appers on its face. "My coat color is called blue merle. Rare among my species. I am Fell, guardien, of Tykel the Jewel Storm dragon. Oh and welcome to the ruins of Dracolinon." Fell says in a smug tone as you gape at the apperently talking dog. "I was wondering if I could see Tykel?" You ask Fell carefuly, knowing that the dog must know were the dragon you have been looking for is in these puzzeling ruins. He laughs. "Of course you wish to see Tykel, but not everyone is worthy you know. One does not martch right into the lair of a dragon and expect to leave without a very big scare at least. Fell sniffs you. "Well, you smell all right to me. I will show you Tykel but you must not know her exact location. So you must agree to wear this blind fold." You nod in agreement and quickly place the cloth over your eyes, not knowing what you are getting yourself into. With a hand on Fell's back, you are led to a large marble cavern. You remove the blind fold and see a soft nest of purple cushions, that contrasts greatly to the dark marble walls of the cavern. You walk in and look around. Suddenly, a strong voice echos in you head, speaking in an Old English accent. "Who art thou to enter'th my relm?" Then, large rainbow, silver and purple teenager walks up to you. You gasp at her beauty. "Thee shall leave now'th, I hath foul villiens to hunt'th down and rid'th the world' of. Besides, thou upsets my Rain Fairy Drak." You nod as you see a small grey, four winged Drak hovering above the teen, watching you intently. You pause, then walk your way back up the passage, trying to find your own way.
Fell watches the visitor go and sighs, his fur gos back into place. "Odd creatures, humans. Don't you think Tykel? You can take care of them yourself now." The blue eyed dog says with a smile as the teen heads out of the cavern, followed by her pet Drak, Saa'vel.

Name: Tykel
Gender: Female
Breed: Jewel Storm #1
Age: Teen
Parents: Twilight Star & Typhoon
Clutch: #1
Colors: Purple, Silver, and Rainbow
Food: Poultry and White Meat
Temperament: Chivalrist and Preoccupied
Body Type: Silver Filament
Adopted on: 12/14/02

Pet Stats:
Name: Saa'vel
Meaning: First Blood
Gender: Female
Breed: Rain
Species: Fairy Drak
Adopted from: Castle Descas

Fell's picture is from: Volucris Mountain Range

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