- Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before I adopted a cruel dragon. All of my dragons are adults now, so I went to the nursery to see if any certian egg caught my eye, and sure enough one drew me in like a magnet. It was brown with a blue swirl, I had not seen anything like it before. This little dragon egg was parented by a Fire and a Night, the two meanest breeds in Drac. I think I'll call him, Varg.


- Varg's egg came today



- Varg has hatched, and he is definitly a trouble maker! He went out into Drac and made friends with some other cruel hatchlings, and promptly begain to tourture all 'lower beings'.

~I've made some friends, Vigor is a leggless Fire dragon, and he looks like an over-grown worm but his personality is okay, Angelis, a Steam is dumb as a doornail, but he has his moments, sometimes. Pyrel, another Steam is just plain crazy. She follows me everywhere and gets upset whenever I talk to other females. I wonder what her problem is.


- Varg has grown into a teen, and if anything has gotten worse. I still love him though, even if he is cruel. He is a wonderful dragon.

Name: Varg
Gender: Male
Breed: Vortex
Stage: Teen
Parents: Wind Blown Cloud & Mirama
Clutch: #1
Colors: Black, Blue, and Brown
Food: Meat
Temprament: Cruel and Overprotective
Body Type: Fire

~I met this pretty Autumn dragon named Aurora and hung out with her. She is not the brightest bulb in the box but I just don't care for some reason...

~WHAT ON EARTH was I thinking. I almost fell in love with a half-Day! I wonder what is wrong with me. Aurora has been abandoned because her bondmate turned out to be a traitor, haveing helped the darkness steal Drac's goddess. Not even a half-Day deserves that. Oh well, I know Brierfox would never do somthing like that.

~It has been very intresting the past few days. I met up with my old friend Pyrel,and wow, she has grown into this beautiful teen! I found out that some Rain dragon, Drizzle, had ditched her and she was very upset. We where hanging out when all of a sudden Drizzle showed

These are the awards that I won in the Drac Tournament!

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