I remember back when I was first getting acquainted with the internet. I was 17 years old and had just gotten out of high school. Oh, sure, I had heard of the internet, but I was very reluctant go get "online" and "surf the web"...but as time went on, I found that there was no easy way that I was going to get by if I didn't know a little bit about it. At first, getting an e-mail address was difficult to me. I laugh now when I look back and remember how nervous I was...After a while, I began to do just about everything online from communicating to shopping to just having a little fun. However, there was still one thing that kept on intimidating me...

All of my friends had web pages. It even seemed that some friends I now have were introduced to me by other friends who had met them by visiting their web pages! Don't worry; if you're confused by that one, you're not alone. Even I don't get it half the time. One day, someone said to me, "Sara, you should get with the program and get your own web page." To which I replied, "Web page?! You've got to be joking! What would I do with a web page? I don't have anything to put on a web page and besides, it seems just way too difficult." But still, I kept thinking, "Why not? What's the harm?" So, finally, I just sat down one day and began playing around with it and here I am!

I've got to say, I don't know why I waited so long in the first place. This is fun! And it's very easy. The program was right there and, if that were not enough, there was even a tutorial showing me what basic steps to take. The directions were very simple and straight forward.  First, I chose a background (red, obviously...it's my favorite color!), then I put up a title, and then I got to type in my name!  I know, I know, I'm very excited over such a small thing, but then again, it is the little things that make life worth living, yes?  The next step was uploading a picture. Well, I didn't even have to stop and think about what picture I was going to upload. My favorite mythological animal is the phoenix. I love phoenixes because they symbolize something very special: the immortal soul. I often associate myself with the phoenix. She is a constant reminder that although my body may die and end up as dust, my immortal soul will live forever. So, of course I'd put her picture on my web page! The next part was linking my e-mail address to a little bit of text that says,
"E-mail Me!". I always wondered how people with web pages managed to "link" things. It was fascinating and very gratifying! Then, I came to the most difficult part: writing a paragraph about myself. Most people would know exactly what to say about themselves at any given time, but I just don't think I'm that fortunate. I just rattled off something about this being my first attempt at a web page, but that I had to hurry and finish because I had to pick my husband up from school that night. It wasn't much...but at least it was something to write! Then, I added links to other sites. Well, I knew what the first one was going to be! I'm a big fan of collectable Barbie dolls. It's been one of my hobbies for about 10 years now. So I put a link to the Barbie Collectibles website. I love to go there and look around and see what's new. The next link I put was to my husband's favorite website, Spider-Man Hype because I just couldn't think of anything else at the moment and my mother was screaming, "It's 8:00!!! You have to go get Matt!!!" (I was at her house doing this; Matt and I don't have the internet at our house. Why, you ask? It's just an extra luxury we can't have right now, like cable TV and desert.)  Then, I added a counter. You know, it's that little thingy at the bottom of my main page that tells how many times it's been visited. I think that's pretty neat...Then, at last, I got to save the finished product (of course, I'm no fool, so I'd been saving it as I was going along. I mean, that's English Comp 101. Always save your work as you go along. Never know when there might be a power out or the internet may go down or some other technical catastrophe.)

When I looked at the finished product, I thought it looked better than decent.  Satisfied,  I turned off the computer.  As my father and I left to go get my Muffin (that's my little pet name for my husband...), I began thinking of other things I could put on my web page. I've been known to write poetry and now I have a means to put it online. Also, I've been working on a few essays and short stories that I know my family might want to see, although I don't think the rest of the world really cares to see or not to see them. Still, that doesn't matter. As long as my family likes what I write, I'm happy. Then, I thought, "Maybe I should write the story of how I did my web page? That way, I won't have to explain to everyone in my family about what I did over and over and over and over...again!" Yes, in my family, it's quite easy to get cottonmouth from saying the same things to every member, but in my opinion, it's worth it. I may go hoarse from talking a while lot to each member, but at least I know they love me.

And now, I'd like to take the opportunity to tell my husband how much I love him. Hi, Matt! I love you!!! Are you having a good day at work? (Not only does he go to school, he works, too! I am such a lucky woman to be married to such a dedicated young man!) Now, I'd like to say hi to my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my brother, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Hi everybody! I love you all! And, now, I'd better be going for the time being. Take care!

Oh, and another thing...I'll be back later!!! (Aren't you glad I warned you?)
My First Attempt at a Webpage
�SaraSue Crawford
February 26, 2002
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