Here is my collection of original poems and a few short stories written by my brother and me.  (The last poem listed, "Amanda Marie", we written by my equally talented younger brother, Jerry.)  These are the embodiment of our imaginations, emotions, and experiences.  They did not come cheaply to us, and as such, they are ours.  (You'll notice that each poem and the short stories has a copyright.)  However, I am very proud of my work -- I love to share it and show it off, which is why I have this website.    So if you see something you like and would like a copy, just e-mail me and we'll see if we can't work something out, okay?  If you like my brother's work, I'll have to contact him about it.  But do not, I repeat, DO NOT, just take any of our work.
Literature Page
To Matthew
The Phoenix and The Ashes
If Love
Love Lost
Ode to Green Beans
American Riddle
En Route to Florida
Mediation on Truth
Crash and Burn
To Him
The Bluebird
The Piece That Won't Fit
Amanda Marie
Short Stories:
Incident in a Small Caf�
My First Attempt at a Webpage
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