To Matthew
Many nights I've laid awake,
  Staring at the wall,
    Crying tears no one cared to hear,
      Speaking words no one cared to see.
Exhausted with grief and solitude,
  I slept holding a phantom
    In my embrace.
I never knew who he was,
  Where he was,
    Or even if he was.
One cloudy day,
  At my darkest moment,
    When I was so lost
      I knew I'd never again be found,
        You suddenly appeared.
With only a few words,
  You brought out the sun,
    Turning my endless night
      To glorious day.
You picked up each tiny piece
  Of my shattered heart
    And put it back together somehow.
Though my dreams had all be ruined,
  Used, mutilated and thrown away,
    You managed to hand them back to me,
      Strangely intact.
With one touch of your hand,
  You turned a slave girl into a princess!
To say "I love you"
  Even a thousand and one times over,
    Could never be enough...
You brought the magic back
  Into my life,
    Gave me hope,
      Gave me your love...
        Gave me a future,
          Where I once had none.
�SaraSue Crawford
February 8, 2001
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