Love Lost
Now that all is said and done,
I find that I'm asked on and on,
"How do you feel?  What will you do?
Now that the �love of your life� has proved untrue?"

I just smile and wave my hand,
And say, "Oh, it really isn't so bad!"
But if they�d look close, they'd know I lie.
My hopes, dreams, heart lay dead--I can't even cry.

So I see you want to know; how do I really feel?
Well, for the longest time, I thought this was real.
I gave her all of myself.  Every last bit.
And in return, I got lies, heartache and some other s***.

There are 3.3 billion people on this Earth, or so I'm told.
And of them all, I chose someone special to have and to hold.
I trusted her the most with my heart of crystal glass,
But she only ignored it and ran off to class.

When I then told her of my thoughts, fears, and needs,
She callously said I was made of controlling, selfishness, and greed.
Still, I kept frail hope alive, love growing ever stronger.
Then, she stabbed me, and told me her love was no longer.

She took my beautiful, fragile heart in her cold hand,
And crushed it into fine grains of white sand.
Then, I found myself sobbing on the floor,
Begging to know why she loved me no more?

Nothing she heard, my cries fell on deaf ears,
And then what she said made me wish it was I who could not hear.
"Tears will get you no where.  I don't want to be your lover.
Take it like a grownup.  It's all over."

Then, like a fool, I listened to her say,
How I did her wrong every single day.
Now I know, 'twas not I who did wrong.
But her for betraying one who loved her so long.

Will I love again?  I know not.
I hate my heart, I hope it rots.
Without a heart, I never would cry.
Without love, my face would still be dry.

But I cannot bid my heart turn to ice,
Any more than I could get her to think twice.
My heart, though damaged, is still here.
It has to move on, without any fear.

Can I love again?  Only time knows for sure.
What I do know, is that never again will it be for her.
Next time I love, it will be for me only.
At least this way, never again will I be lonely.
�SaraSue Crawford
October 31, 2000
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