American Riddle
Here is a riddle for you to solve:
Which of these three is an American child?

I saw a boy,
Strong and proud,
With skin of ebony
And eyes of brown.

There was also a boy,
Beautiful and true,
With skin the hue of snow
And eyes of palest blue.

Lastly I saw a sweet little girl,
Innocent, yet wise,
Skin the color of tawny gold
And almond-shaped amber eyes.

Here, it is very clear to see
That the answer is actually all three!

For a true American
Is not committed to a gender or race;
But, rather, a love and devotion
For this wonderful place!

We are all different;
We are all alike...
You finish the rest--
With whatever words you like.
�SaraSue Crawford
February 22, 1998
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