Crash and Burn
We sat and talked for what seemed like hours...
       We said many true things.
Yet one stands out from all the others.
You fear the moment my fire fades;
       the moment I stop loving you--
              More than your own death.
How flattered I feel!
       That my loss would affect you so.
How loved I feel!
       That you will never cease to love me.
But, how betrayed I also feel!
       That you do not trust me.
I have given up everything to you;
       My body,
              My heart,
                     My soul,
                            My talents,
                                   My time,
                                          My thoughts...
Precious things, all.
I cast them at your feet eagerly and willingly.
       I don't regret it.
              Nor will I ever.
But there is one request I ask of you:
       Don't leave me to believe in us all alone.
I'm strong, but such a task requires two hearts.
Don't hold back...
       You should know better than I
              that nothing can be achieved
                     by staying wrapped up all safe and sound.
So put your hand in mine--
       Clasp it tight!
Close your eyes,
       Put your faith in the Lord,
              And jump with me
                     Into the Chasm of the Unknown.
If we succeed,
       We succeed together.
If we crash and burn,
       We crash and burn together.
Don't be scared.
       I won't be as long as you're with me...
For there is one eternal truth that I do know:
       Two true hearts that work as one
              Have never crashed and burned.
�SaraSue Crawford
October 16, 2000
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