The Piece that Won't Fit
After searching for so long,
I now know who I am.
It's not enough, though:
Where do I fit in?

I've looked the whole world through
For someplace to belong,
But no matter where or who I turn to,
I always find I've chosen wrong.

Like a piece from a puzzle
That just won't fit,
I'm always left out--or
smashed into bits.

I've heard that everyone
Has some place they should go,
But not me, it seems;
I always end up out in the snow.

At first, I'm welcomed in
And I think I'm with those accepting,
And when I think it's safe to be me,
I find it's never what I've been expecting.

Is it my fault?
I wonder out loud,
Or is it everyone else's,
That I'm not good in a crowd?

If I'm doing something wrong,
Why won't people say?
I want to fit, I want to get well,
But I don't know the way.

I speak sweetly and then I scream,
I want so much to be heard!,
Instead of shut out,
Like an unwanted bird.

But it seems my cries
Have always fell on deaf ears,
Or maybe I'm mute?
I muse through my tears.

Whatever the reason,
I must be destined to be outcast,
I don't like it at all,
But this is my answer at last.
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�SaraSue Crawford
March 18, 2004
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