Darsha (Hindi)  "To have visions"

Datiah (Hebrew)  "The law of Jehovah"

Davina (Hebrew)  "Beloved"

Dawn (Middle English) "Daybreak"

Dayaa (Hindi)  "Compassion"

D�-X�a (Chinese)  "Long summer"

D� (Chinese)  "Virtue"

Deborah (Hebrew) "A bee"

Decima (Latin)  "Tenth"

Deianira (Greek)  "She who kills forcefully"

Deirbhile (Irish Gaelic)  "Poet's daugher"

Deirdre (Irish Gaelic) "Young girl"

Delicia (Latin)  "Delight"

Delmara (Spanish)  "From the sea"

Delphine (Greek)  "Dolphin"

Delta (Greek) "Fourth"

Delwyn (Welsh)  "Pretty and blessed"

Delyth (Welsh)  "Pretty"

Demetria (Greek)  "Belonging to Demeter"

Demi (French) "Half"

Denise (Greek) "Belonging to Dionysus, the god of wine"

De�iridh (Scottish Gaelic)  "Pilgrim"

Deolinda (Portuguese)  "Beautiful God"

De�naid (Scottish Gaelic)  "God is gracious"  [var.  Jane]

Derora (Hebrew)  "Freedom"

Deryn (Welsh)  "Bird"

D�sir�e (French) "The desired one"

Desma (Greek)  "Vow" or "Pledge"

Dessa (Greek)  "Wanderer"

Desta (Ethiopian)  "Happy"
Darsha - Desta
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