Reed Oliver
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Halloween Party,
Friday, October 26th!

I'm also known as a movie reviewer for Hybrid Magazine. I usually have at least two reviews in the latest listings, so check them out!

Update 10/1/01:
Almost three weeks since the 11th (if you don't know what I mean, you must be accessing this from Jupiter). Have we met the enemy and he is us? Since the initial shock and frantically contacting everyone I know and love in NYC, including my relatives, all of whom are shaken but intact, I've received a lot of email and forwarded a little, my favourite bits being Noam Chomsky's commentary, Tamim Ansary's letter, and Tim Jackins' message. Saturday, I attended a peace and anti-racism rally at the Texas state capitol. It was good to do something visible and positive, and it was really good to see all of the people I knew there. There wasn't nearly as much crying as I thought appropriate in response to the speakers' comments, but public crying still isn't easy, not even for peaceniks. Check out Austin Against War for more info about Austin local activities.

I've still been applying for jobs at UT. So far, it's 22 applications (4 mailed today!), three interviews, 8 or 9 rejection letters, and one rejection email. The only time I really count is to update the site, but man alive, I've mailed them a tree already! I passed the Information Analyst test and interviewed for that position, too. No idea how I did - that Keith is inscrutable. Staffing Solutions I've also signed up for UTemps, the UT temp service, and Staffing Solutions, who have graciously employed me the last few weeks at the People's Community Clinic. PCC is a great place, and they do noble work, providing medical care on a sliding scale to folks without insurance. But, as everyone knows, non-profits do not pay well, so the 200+ resumes applying for this position are more than enough incentive to move on at the end of this week. Hopefully, I'll have someplace to move on to.

Ben Charles Cooey-Nichols got married! Ben's Wedding I had the honor of reading one of Shakespeare's sonnets for the ceremony, and of course it's not a real Ben event unless someone makes a t-shirt, so I made these fine Ben's Wedding t-shirts for the wedding party. It was really great to see the old gang from Sid and play an excellent round of disc golf on a course that Ben staked out just for us on Trinity University campus. A good time, but entirely too short.

The Right Girl has been on hold briefly while we reel from recent events, but we'll be back in the saddle as soon as I figure out where my horse has wandered off to.

The love-life update:
I started seeing Laurie, whom I met through Julie Hill, who I know from Anderson High School, just over two weeks ago. Things are going great. 'Nuff said.

Check out the March, July, and August updates!

Gritty Reed Thanks for coming! I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please check in again sooner for your next sporadic update.


Reed Oliver

BROQ Productions
610B Genard
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 374-9916

email Reed
The Right Girl
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