Baseball in the internet: - the official homepage of major league baseball. Links to all teams and tons of information. Plus live audio and scoreboards. - the official homepage of Cubs baseball, with reports, downloads, history. The No.1 site on the net.
The Sporting News - one of the oldest and best kept sports magazine is now online. Sign in and chat with other Cubs fans. Get the newsletter and team report and always be up to date with baseball.
Chicago Tribune - Chicago's own newspaper offers lots of information and interviews with Cubs players
Minor League Baseball celebrates its first 100 years.
Baseball Almanac - one of the most comprehensive baseball sites on the net.
The Cooperstown Baseball Hall Of Fame - need I say more? - The ultimate homepage on statistics and achievements in baseball over the last 100 years.
Topps - the best and oldest company to produce high quality baseball cards.
Baseball History - a site with many articles and stories on the history of baseball; all hall of famers and many facts and rumors from the old days

Cubs fan links:
unfortunately there are few really great fan sites; some have photos, others specialize in newsletters. Most just have chats and a fan forum. Bleacher Hidaway - Probably one of the best fan based web sites. You have to sign in to enter all areas though.
Cubs Central - home of the die-hard fans. Join if you like. Not much fan stuff though.
The Cubs Reporter - fan based articles on the Cubs by a newly married site reporter - congratulations.
Cubs Newsletter - order a Cubs newsletter to find out everything new and interesting.
Cubbie Bunker - Nicely made website with music and up-to-date articles. Nothing else, except for chat etc. - one of the best Cubs sites with an extraordinary amount of links and articles. (Do you guys have a new address or where did it go?)

other sites you may want to see:
The Dortmund Blue Devils baseball team - deutschsprachige Seite zu Dortmunds Baseballteam Nr. 1 - Go Devils!
H2G2 - the earth edition of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy the guide for real: find anything about life, the universe and everything. Here! - a great place to buy or sell your sports and concert tickets






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